Our dataset split along with PIGPeN images are unfortunately not yet publicly available as they are several GBs and require a external hosting solution. The dataset will be made publicly available soon.
Please install dependencies in requirements.txt
We use wandb
for logging and so you will need to set that up separately to make use of wandb.
We also use h5py
to store intermediate representations from frozen models (DETR and LLM) and depending on your OS you might need to install separate dependencies to ensure that h5py
can run.
We use Hydra conf
files to declare a run.
To reproduce the original Piglet model (Zellers et al., 2021):
python code/main.py --config-name piglet
To train our base
python code/main.py --config-name base
To train our base+symbolic
model (smaller Piglet model):
python code/main.py --config-name base_symbolic
To train our base+symbolic+images
python code/main.py --config-name base_symbolic_images
To train our base+image
python code/main.py --config-name base_images
To train our base+image-text-labels
python code/main.py --config-name base_images_text_labels
If you wish to modify or vary other parameters such as seed
you can do the following:
python code/main.py --config-name base_images ++model.hidden_size=64 ++model.num_layers=3 ++pretrain.batch_size=256 ++seed=10
Evaluation and analysis is handled through the wandb