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The structure of an RD

Carlos Brandt edited this page Feb 7, 2016 · 1 revision

The structure of an RD

A Resource Descriptor(RD) is composed by four main blocks:

  • resource metadata
  • table
  • data
  • service

Inside the RD, they layout roughly like below:

<resource schema="theSchema">

    <!-- Define the high-level information describing the resource -->
    <meta name="someField">...</meta>
    <meta name="otherField">...</meta>
    <meta name="...">...</meta>

    <!-- Define the structure of the internal table -->
    <table id="whatTable">

    <!-- Define how data get ingested and mapped to table -->
    <data id="whichData>

    <!-- Define the interfaces to access the exposed table/data -->
    <service id="someService">

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