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Scrolling the Angular way.

The only dependency is Angular.


First, you have to include the module in your app:

var app = angular.module('YourModule', ['scroll']);
scroll-root and scroll-item directives
scroll-root attribute tells that element is scrollable;
    the scrollTo method is added to the scope.
scroll-item="someId" attribute tells that scrollable element
    can be scrolled to it's position by calling scrollTo('someId').
<div class="scrollable" scroll-root>
    <div scroll-item="first_block">
        <button ng-click="scrollTo('second_block')">To the next block!</button>
    <div scroll-item="second_block">
        <button ng-click="scrollTo('one_more_block')">To the next block!</button>
    <div scroll-item="one_more_block">
        <button ng-click="scrollTo('first_block')">Back to start</button>
scroll service
    root: someElement,                // Element to be scrolled
    target: someInnerElement,         // Element inside the scrollable element
    duration: 700,                    // Animation duration in ms (default is 600)
    callback: function () {/* ... */} // The callback is called
                                      //     after the animation has been ended

// OR

    .then(function () {/* ... */});

// Duration and callback arguments are optional
//     so you can omit them:

Browser support

angular-scroll uses requestAnimationFrame, so if you want it working in old browsers you should use a polyfill. I'd recommend that one.