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Worker Service Clean Architecture

This is a WorkerService template project which has the flavour of clean architecture with message broker. This project template has most of the required tools to get started with long running services.

PS: More improvements to come in the future ;)

What's included:

Table of Content

Quick Start

After setting up your local DEV environment, you can clone this repository and run the solution.


You'll need the following tools:

Development Environment Setup

First clone this repository locally.

  • Install all of the the prerequisite tools mentioned above.

Run the RabbitMQ container

Run below command to start your RabbitMQ container, which will acts as the message broker of the solution.

docker run -d --hostname rabbit-server --name rabbit -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=admin -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=1qaz2wsx@W rabbitmq:3-management

Build and run from source

With Visual studio: Open up the solutions using Visual studio.

  • Restore solution nuget packages.
  • Rebuild solution once.
  • Run the solution.


Licensed under the MIT license.