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Frequently Asked Questions FAQ | Fundamentals course

Haneen E.Shahwan edited this page Sep 1, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Fundamentals-course wiki!

Gaza Sky Geeks’ Code Academy

Fundamentals Course

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Gaza Sky Geeks?

Gaza's Leading Tech Hub that offers programs that help youth get income through coding, freelancing, & acceleration. GSG was launched with the recognition that consistent access to high-speed fiber internet could allow Gaza’s highly educated youth to side-step many of the current restrictions on the movement of people and goods that hamper the Gazan economy.

For more information:

What is the GSG Code Academy?

The GSG Code Academy is Palestine’s first immersive, tech education, and career accelerating Program with a flagship campus in Gaza City and a second campus in the West Bank city of Hebron. This program started back in 2017 and has been running successfully ever since then.

What are the Code Academy offerings?

GSG Code Academy has designed a new offering: The Fundamentals Course which is now officially a new addition to the Code Academy’s offerings. (see details below)

Career Accelerator Course 💫

The Code Academy’s first immersive, 6-month career accelerating web development Bootcamp with a flagship campus in Gaza City and a second campus in the West Bank city of Hebron. This program is for anyone truly serious about putting in the time, effort, and determination to become a junior web developer ready to work in a tech company. A university degree or prior technical experience is not required.

For more information:

Fundamentals Course 💫

This program is designed to quickly and efficiently expose a wider range of participants to career opportunities using coding fundamentals. This is in response to demands from many community members as well as the longer-term needs of the Palestinian labor market to have basic proficiency in digital technical skills.

The program is a 10-week, part-time (15 hours per week) course that provides a comprehensive introduction to web development fundamentals and the professional skills needed to succeed in the twenty-first-century global economy. The course will be delivered by GSG staff and Coding Career Accelerator alumni.

What is the Fundamentals Course?

It’s a 10-week course with an in-class commitment of up to 11 hours per week. Each week will consist of four sessions: three 3-hour technical training sessions on web development fundamentals and one 2-hour professional skills session. Participants will complete an average of four hours of preparation and personal study per week outside of the classroom. (see table below)

Commitment Weekly Course
Web Development Fundamentals 9 hours 90 hours
Professional Skills 2 hours 10 hours
At-Home Coursework 4 hours 40 hours
Total 15 hours 140 hours

Who is the Fundamentals course for? 🏃

Anyone who wants to build a fundamental skill set in web development and meets the basic eligibility criteria

Is this a Full-time program?

No. This is a part-time program, with an overall of 140 training hours split over 10 weeks.

What does it take to succeed in the Fundamentals Course?

Commitment is key.

  1. Committing to the program: Once you are selected, you will be expected to attend the in-person/remote 3-hour long session 3-4 times a week. The sessions are interactive and require participation. In case you miss any of the sessions, or you drop without providing any justification, you will not be considered for future rounds of either the Fundamentals Course or the Career Accelerator 6-months course.

  2. Committing to your learning: A huge amount of off-session coursework will be required if you are willing to improve quickly. So, in addition to attending the sessions three to four times a week, you will also be expected to commit to submitting the assignments, tasks and homework you’ll be assigned to do by the instructors/mentors.

What kinds of skills do I learn in the Fundamentals Course?

  • Learn the basics of HTML5
  • Learn Semantic HTML and Accessibility
  • Learn the basics of CSS3
  • Learn the basics of JavaScript
  • Functions, Arrays, Objects, Data types, control statements, Scope.
  • Command-Line, Bash.
  • Git, Github, and Markdown.
  • Critical professional and life skills such as self-awareness, presentation skills, problem-solving and critical thinking. Work in pairs and in teams and build projects


After I finish the course, what will I be able to do?

Following graduation, the students can expect to have: Proficiency in the fundamentals of web development An understanding of the techniques and tools needed to work effectively as part of a software development team A portfolio of individual and team projects A robust Github profile, LinkedIn profile, and vetted CV Knowledge of resources and a methodology to further self-learn

When and where the Fundamentals Course will happen?

The Fundamentals Course will begin on 20th September 2020. It will take place Online 3-4 days a week.

Who is Eligible? What are the prerequisites?

Individuals who meet these criteria:

  • Have a strong love for problem-solving and being persistent in the face of challenge.
  • Are able to dedicate and put in a fair amount of self-learning hours, have a laptop, and are able to work at home as well.
  • Have obtained 155pts on covering those topics:
  • 95pts | Responsive Web Design Certification (Basic HTML and HTML5, Basic CSS, Responsive Web Design Principles, and CSS Flexbox).
  • 60pts | JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures (Basic JavaScript).
  • Have basic English reading, writing & listening ability.

Can I apply if I am studying at University?


The Coding Fundamentals program is deliberately designed to help ambitious Palestinians get a taste of what coding is like. Consequently, those with other responsibilities (both professional and personal) can join as the course will be offered part-time.

How do I start working on the prerequisites?

  • Signup for a account
  • Signup for a account
  • Take the online General English test
  • Start working on acquiring 155pts covering:
  • Responsive Web Design Certification
  • JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures (Basic JavaScript)

What are the Education requirements required for admissions?

While no prior coding education and experience are necessary, in order to qualify for the course participants will need to complete a number of basic tasks on This has proven a useful prerequisite for our other offerings as a way to measure commitment, motivation, and a basic aptitude to learn to code. Participants will also have to understand and speak English at least at an Elementary English level (A2).

Good luck 🔥