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#16 started download functions, not working yet
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sckott committed Jan 14, 2016
1 parent b29d8ad commit 61d47cf
Showing 1 changed file with 166 additions and 0 deletions.
166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions pygbif/occurrences/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
from ..gbifutils import *
import os
from requests import auth

def occ_download(*arg,
type = "and", user = ENV("GBIF_USER"), pwd = ENV("GBIF_PWD"),
email, **kwargs):
Spin up a download request for GBIF occurrence data.
:param ...: One or more of query arguments to kick of a download job. See Details.
:param type: (charcter) One of equals (=), and (&), or (|), lessThan (<), lessThanOrEquals (<=),
greaterThan (>), greaterThanOrEquals (>=), in, within, not (!), like
:param user: (character) User name within GBIF's website. Required. Set in your env
vars with the option `GBIF_USER`
:param pwd: (character) User password within GBIF's website. Required. Set in your env
vars with the option `GBIF_PWD`
:param email: (character) Email address to recieve download notice done email. Required.
Set in your env vars with the option `GBIF_EMAIL`
:param **kwargs: Further named arguments passed on to ``
Argument passed have to be passed as character (e.g., 'country = US'), with a space
between key ('country'), operator ('='), and value ('US'). See the `type` parameter for
possible options for the operator. This character string is parsed internally.
Acceptable arguments to `...` are:
- taxonKey = 'TAXON_KEY'
- scientificName = 'SCIENTIFIC_NAME'
- country = 'COUNTRY'
- publishingCountry = 'PUBLISHING_COUNTRY'
- hasCoordinate = 'HAS_COORDINATE'
- hasGeospatialIssue = 'HAS_GEOSPATIAL_ISSUE'
- typeStatus = 'TYPE_STATUS'
- recordNumber = 'RECORD_NUMBER'
- lastInterpreted = 'LAST_INTERPRETED'
- continent = 'CONTINENT'
- geometry = 'GEOMETRY'
- basisOfRecord = 'BASIS_OF_RECORD'
- datasetKey = 'DATASET_KEY'
- eventDate = 'EVENT_DATE'
- catalogNumber = 'CATALOG_NUMBER'
- year = 'YEAR'
- month = 'MONTH'
- decimalLatitude = 'DECIMAL_LATITUDE'
- decimalLongitude = 'DECIMAL_LONGITUDE'
- elevation = 'ELEVATION'
- depth = 'DEPTH'
- institutionCode = 'INSTITUTION_CODE'
- collectionCode = 'COLLECTION_CODE'
- issue = 'ISSUE'
- mediatype = 'MEDIA_TYPE'
- recordedBy = 'RECORDED_BY'
See the API docs for
more info, and the predicates docs
:return: A dictionary, of results
occ_download(args = ["basisOfRecord = LITERATURE", 'decimalLatitude > 50'])
occ_download(args = ['decimalLatitude > 50'])
occ_download("basisOfRecord = LITERATURE")
occ_download('taxonKey = 3119195')
occ_download('decimalLatitude > 50')
occ_download('elevation >= 9000')
occ_download('decimalLatitude >= 65')
occ_download("country = US")
occ_download("institutionCode = TLMF")
occ_download("catalogNumber = Bird.27847588")
res = occ_download('taxonKey = 7264332', 'hasCoordinate = TRUE')
# pass output to occ_download_meta for more information
occ_download_meta(occ_download('decimalLatitude > 75'))
# Multiple queries
gg = occ_download('decimalLatitude >= 65', 'decimalLatitude <= -65', type="or")
gg = occ_download('depth = 80', 'taxonKey = 2343454', type="or")
url = gbif_baseurl + 'occurrence/download/request'

user = os.environ["GBIF_USER"]
pwd = os.environ["GBIF_PWD"]
email = os.environ["GBIF_EMAIL"]

keyval = [ parse_args(z) for z in args ]

if len(keyval) > 1:
req = {'creator': user,
'notification_address': email,
'predicate': {'type': type, 'predicates': keyval}}
if type == "within" or "within" in [ s['type'] for s in keyval ]:
req = {'creator': user,
'notification_address': email,
'predicate': {
'type': keyval[0]['type'],
'value': keyval[0]['value']
req['predicate'][keyval[0]['key'].lower()] = req['predicate'].pop('value')
req = {'creator': user,
'notification_address': email,
'predicate': {
'type': keyval[0]['type'],
'key': keyval[0]['key'],
'value': keyval[0]['value']}}

out = rg_POST(url, req, user, pwd, **kwargs)
return [out, user, email]

def rg_POST(url, req, user, pwd, **kwargs):
heads = {'accept': 'application/json',
'content-type': 'application/json',
'user-agent': 'python-requests/' + requests.__version__ + ',pygbif/' + pygbif.__version__
r =, data = json.dumps(req), headers = heads, auth = auth.HTTPBasicAuth(user, pwd))
if r.status_code > 203:
raise 'error: ' + r.content
if r.headers()['Content-Type'] == 'application/json':
raise 'not of type json'

return r.json()

# def rg_POST(url, req, user, pwd, callopts):
# tmp =, config = c(
# content_type_json(),
# accept_json(),
# authenticate(user = user, password = pwd),
# callopts), body = jsonlite::toJSON(req),
# make_rgbif_ua())
# if (tmp$status_code > 203) stop(content(tmp, as = "text"), call. = FALSE)
# stopifnot(tmp$header$`content-type` == 'application/json')
# content(tmp, as = "text")

# print.occ_download = function(x, ...) {
# stopifnot(is(x, 'occ_download'))
# cat("<<gbif download>>", "\n", sep = "")
# cat(" Username: ", attr(x, "user"), "\n", sep = "")
# cat(" E-mail: ", attr(x, "email"), "\n", sep = "")
# cat(" Download key: ", x, "\n", sep = "")
# }

def parse_args(x):
tmp = re.split('\s', x)
type = operator_lkup.get(tmp[1])
key = key_lkup.get(tmp[0])
return {'type': type, 'key': key, 'value': tmp[2]}

operator_lkup = {'=': 'equals', '&': 'and', '|': 'or',
'<': 'lessThan', '<=': 'lessThanOrEquals', '>': 'greaterThan',
'>=': 'greaterThanOrEquals', '!': 'not',
'in': 'in', 'within': 'within', 'like': 'like'}

key_lkup = {'taxonKey': 'TAXON_KEY', 'scientificName': 'SCIENTIFIC_NAME', 'country': 'COUNTRY',
'publishingCountry': 'PUBLISHING_COUNTRY', 'hasCoordinate': 'HAS_COORDINATE',
'hasGeospatialIssue': 'HAS_GEOSPATIAL_ISSUE', 'typeStatus': 'TYPE_STATUS',
'recordNumber': 'RECORD_NUMBER', 'lastInterpreted': 'LAST_INTERPRETED', 'continent': 'CONTINENT',
'geometry': 'GEOMETRY', 'basisOfRecord': 'BASIS_OF_RECORD', 'datasetKey': 'DATASET_KEY',
'eventDate': 'EVENT_DATE', 'catalogNumber': 'CATALOG_NUMBER', 'year': 'YEAR', 'month': 'MONTH',
'decimalLatitude': 'DECIMAL_LATITUDE', 'decimalLongitude': 'DECIMAL_LONGITUDE', 'elevation': 'ELEVATION',
'depth': 'DEPTH', 'institutionCode': 'INSTITUTION_CODE', 'collectionCode': 'COLLECTION_CODE',
'issue': 'ISSUE', 'mediatype': 'MEDIA_TYPE', 'recordedBy': 'RECORDED_BY'}

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