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Geometry must be a shapely Polygon or MultiPolygon #11

denadai2 opened this issue Nov 30, 2016 · 12 comments

Geometry must be a shapely Polygon or MultiPolygon #11

denadai2 opened this issue Nov 30, 2016 · 12 comments


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denadai2 commented Nov 30, 2016

I'm sorry, I always show you errrors :(

import osmnx as ox
G = ox.graph_from_place('Povo, Italy', simplify=False)
ox.plot_graph(G, node_color='b', node_zorder=3)

which result is:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-23-55f613d01d8f> in <module>()
      1 import osmnx as ox
----> 2 G = ox.graph_from_place('Povo, Italy', simplify=False)
      3 ox.plot_graph(G, node_color='b', node_zorder=3)

/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/site-packages/osmnx/ in graph_from_place(query, network_type, simplify, retain_all, truncate_by_edge, name, which_result, buffer_dist, timeout, memory, max_query_area_size, clean_periphery)
   1815     # create graph using this polygon(s) geometry
   1816     G = graph_from_polygon(polygon, network_type=network_type, simplify=simplify, retain_all=retain_all, 
-> 1817                            truncate_by_edge=truncate_by_edge, name=name, timeout=timeout, memory=memory, max_query_area_size=max_query_area_size, clean_periphery=clean_periphery)
   1819     log('graph_from_place() returning graph with {:,} nodes and {:,} edges'.format(len(G.nodes()), len(G.edges())))

/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/site-packages/osmnx/ in graph_from_polygon(polygon, network_type, simplify, retain_all, truncate_by_edge, name, timeout, memory, max_query_area_size, clean_periphery)
   1730         raise ValueError('Shape does not have a valid geometry')
   1731     if not isinstance(polygon, (Polygon, MultiPolygon)):
-> 1732         raise ValueError('Geometry must be a shapely Polygon or MultiPolygon')
   1734     if clean_periphery and simplify:

ValueError: Geometry must be a shapely Polygon or MultiPolygon
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gboeing commented Nov 30, 2016

This is working correctly. If you get the geometry for Povo, Italy:

ox.gdf_from_place('Povo, Italy')

OpenStreetMap returns a point:

POINT (11.154962 46.0654207)

If you have logging turned on, it issues a warning: "OSM returned a Point as the geometry."

You can see this directly from the API -- looks like OSM doesn't have a polygon for this place, only a centroid point. The geocoder warns you that it got a point back, and when graph_from_polygon receives the point geometry, it throws the exception you saw: the geometry has to be a Polygon or MultiPolygon to run graph_from_polygon.

See also: #16

@gboeing gboeing closed this as completed Dec 5, 2016
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robbibt commented Dec 5, 2016

A related query: I can get a point gdf for a city without a polygon (like "Povo, Italy" in the example above), but this doesn't seem to work as an input to "graph_from_point" for either "distance_type
= 'network'" or "distance_type = 'bbox'". What is a better way to achieve this?

import osmnx as ox
gdf = ox.gdf_from_place('Povo, Italy')
G = ox.graph_from_point(gdf, distance = 3000)

TypeError: __new__() takes at most 4 arguments (5 given)

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gboeing commented Dec 7, 2016

Your code snippet is almost there. If you check out the docstring for graph_from_point, you'll see the first argument is center_point. The docstring defines it as center_point : tuple, the (lat, lon) central point around which to construct the graph

So, you just need to extract the point as a (lat, lon) tuple from the GeoDataFrame, like this:

import osmnx as ox
gdf = ox.gdf_from_place('Povo, Italy')
point_geometry = gdf['geometry'].iloc[0]
center_point = (point_geometry.y, point_geometry.x)
G = ox.graph_from_point(center_point, distance=3000)

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gboeing commented Dec 7, 2016

FWIW, you can also get the network within n meters of the center_point along the network (rather than by constructing a bounding box around your center_point), like this:

G = ox.graph_from_point(center_point, distance=1000, distance_type='network', network_type='drive')

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yujinh commented Oct 24, 2017

import osmnx as ox
gdf = ox.gdf_from_place('Povo, Italy')
point_geometry = gdf['geometry'].iloc[0]
center_point = (point_geometry.y, point_geometry.x)
G = ox.graph_from_point(center_point, distance=3000)

this is giving me an error of LinearRing

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kuanb commented Oct 24, 2017

I'd check your operations and rerun it again, it's working for me:

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gboeing commented Oct 24, 2017

@yujinh this is likewise all working fine in my test environments. Can you provide your full package list and environment info (ie, what OS, what python version, etc)?

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yujinh commented Oct 25, 2017

macOS Sierra version 10.12.6
python 3.6

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YATPKU commented Nov 19, 2018

I had an error with shapely polygon or multipolygon, but it worked when I changed from place to address. In a next step, it failed when I put the address, so I changed to the place and it worked. However, coming to the next step, it showed another error:

#Calculate basic street network measures (topological and metric)

get the network for Piedmont, calculate its basic stats, then show the average circuity

stats = ox.basic_stats(ox.graph_from_address('11.568271,104.9224426'))

get the street network for a place, and its area in square meters

place = 'Phnom Penh, Cambodia'
gdf = ox.gdf_from_place(place)
area = ox.project_gdf(gdf).unary_union.area
G = ox.graph_from_place(place, which_result=2, network_type='drive_service')

calculate basic and extended network stats, merge them together, and display

stats = ox.basic_stats(G, area=area)
extended_stats = ox.extended_stats(G, ecc=True, bc=True, cc=True)
for key, value in extended_stats.items():
stats[key] = value

ZeroDivisionError Traceback (most recent call last)
1 # calculate basic and extended network stats, merge them together, and display
----> 2 stats = ox.basic_stats(G, area=area)
3 extended_stats = ox.extended_stats(G, ecc=True, bc=True, cc=True)
4 for key, value in extended_stats.items():
5 stats[key] = value

c:\anaconda3\envs\osmnx\lib\site-packages\osmnx\ in basic_stats(G, area, clean_intersects, tolerance, circuity_dist)
155 # calculate node density as nodes per sq km
--> 156 node_density_km = n / area_km
158 # calculate intersection density as nodes with >1 street emanating from

ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero

I am a beginner of python and osmnx. Any advice, please? I really appreciate!

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Liyubov commented Sep 4, 2019

Hi, @gboeing

thank you for osmnx package! It is really good to use it.

I had similar issue arising from "non-polygons" objects, e.g. "Povo, Italy".
So, I tried to overcome this error by giving coordinates for Polygon:

Create Polygon from coordinates

coords = [(24.950899, 60.169158), (24.953492, 60.169158), (24.953510, 60.170104), (24.950958, 60.169990)] #working example

But then I cannot search for amenities in the Polygon for some reason.
Is it because of the same reason that this is no Polygon on openstreetmaps for this region in these coordinates?

e.g. I try

hosp= ox.pois.osm_poi_download(polygon=poly, amenities=['hospitals'])

Thank you!

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gboeing commented Sep 4, 2019

@Liyubov if you provide a minimal, complete, reproducible example I will take a look.

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Liyubov commented Sep 5, 2019

Yes, tnx, sure, here it is @gboeing
The problem is that when I create polygon and search for amenities in the area bounded by coordinates I cannot get the right dataframe of amenities with properties.

Hope this is clear. Thank you!

`import networkx as nx
import osmnx as ox
import requests
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import as cm
import matplotlib.colors as colors
ox.config(use_cache=True, log_console=True)
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon

Create a Polygon

coords = [(24.950899, 60.169158), (24.953492, 60.169158), (24.953510, 60.170104), (24.950958, 60.169990)]
poly = Polygon(coords)

hospitals = ox.pois.osm_poi_download(polygon=poly, amenities=['hospital'])

How many hospitals do we have in this district?

print('number of hospitals',len(hospitals))


gboeing pushed a commit that referenced this issue Aug 10, 2020
merging latest changes from gboeing
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