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File metadata and controls

1908 lines (1321 loc) · 48.6 KB


Query is a Rust server for your remote SQLite databases with a CLI and API to manage them.

Table Of Contents

Quick Start

To create a new project, run the following command:

pnpm dlx @qery/query create 


npx @qery/query create

Run A Query Server on

We recommend use Query with Fly ( It will help you to deploy your server in a few minutes and replicate your databases across the world.

You can use Query as an isolated service or you can use it as a service with a proxy to your App. We will see both options.

Query As An Isolated Service

Query allows you to set a service with authentication to access remote SQLite databases and possibility to use Query CLI, Query API and Query Studio.

How to use it

Your Dockerfile must include the Query Server. The Dockerfile could be a multistage one, where the last stage should be an x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu compatible image. We recommend using a debian:<suite>-slim image.

Please refer to the LiteFS documentation for more information, as it is a crucial system component.


FROM debian:12-slim

COPY litefs.yml /etc/litefs.yml
COPY --from=flyio/litefs:0.5 /usr/local/bin/litefs /usr/local/bin/litefs

RUN apt-get update -qq && \
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
    ca-certificates \
    sqlite3 \
    fuse3 \

# Download and installs Query Server
RUN curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

# It will execute the Query Server and your App
RUN chmod +x

# Queries databases path


CMD ["litefs", "mount"]




  - cmd: "./"

Query Server With Proxy

Query allows you to set a proxy to an App in the same VM. It provides you access to the databases directly from your application while enjoying the benefits of using Query, such as Query CLI, Query API and Query Studio.

How to use it

In your Dockerfile, you must include the Query Server and your Application together. The Dockerfile could be a multistage one, where the last stage should be an x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu compatible image. We recommend using a debian:<suite>-slim image.

For this example, we will use Bun as our App. You can use any other language or framework.

Please refer to the LiteFS documentation for more information, as it is a crucial system component.


FROM debian:12-slim AS runtime

COPY litefs.yml /etc/litefs.yml
COPY --from=flyio/litefs:0.5 /usr/local/bin/litefs /usr/local/bin/litefs

RUN apt-get update -qq && \
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
    ca-certificates \
    sqlite3 \
    fuse3 \

# Download and installs Query Server
RUN curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

# It will execute the Query Server and your App
RUN chmod +x

# Queries databases path
# Enable Query Server Proxy
# Your App port



CMD ["litefs", "mount"]

For multi-process applications, you can use the "Just use Bash", as we do in this example, to start the Query Server and your App. Fly proposes different ways to manage multiple processes, so please use the one you feel more comfortable with.


set -m
/root/.cargo/bin/query-server &
fg %1

Please, change __START_YOUR_APP__ with the command to start your App.


  - cmd: "./"

Please, visit the example/proxy folder to see a working example. You will have to rename the fly.toml.dist to fly.toml to be able to deploy it and follow the steps from Run a Query Server to finalize the process.

Query Server App

Removing the /_/function prefix using an environment variable is possible. This can be useful when using the Query Server to serve Pages and APIs. You can set this configuration using the following environment variable:


You can now access pages using /rest_of_the_path instead of /_/function/pages/rest_of_the_path. Similarly, APIs will be /api/rest_of_the_path instead of /_/function/api/rest_of_the_path. As usual, every function will be served using the /_/function prefix.

It is important to note that the QUERY_SERVER_APP environment variable is optional. The/_/function path will be used for every case if you don't provide it.

More information about the Function feature.

Fly configuration

If it is the first time using Fly, you can follow the Hands-on with guide to install the CLI, sign up and sign in.

Once you have the Fly CLI installed, you have to rename the fly.toml.dist to fly.toml, and update it with your app name and the primary region running the following command:

fly launch

It is time to set the environment variables for your app. You can do it running the following commands:

Token secret:

fly secrets set QUERY_SERVER_TOKEN_SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 32)

Note: If you don't have openssl installed, you can also use 1Password to generate a random secret, just replace $(openssl rand -hex 32) with the generated secret.

Admin email:


Admin password:


We use LiteFS, a Fly addon that provides a simple way to replicate your SQLite databases in the cloud. To use LiteFS you need to configure consul. You can do it running the following commands:

fly consul attach

For the backups of your databases you have to create a LiteFS Cloud cluster in the LiteFS section of the dashboard. Take note of your auth token (you’ll need it later). LiteFS Cloud is optional, but highly recommended if your data is important to you!


Then you can deploy your app running:

fly deploy

Your app is currently running on a single machine. To ensure high availability, especially for production apps, Fly strongly recommend running at least 2 instances. You can scale up the number of machines using the fly machine clone command in the CLI. Please, have in mind that you can add that machine to an other region.

fly m clone


fly m clone --select --region A_REGION

Example: fly m clone --select --region lhr (London)

To get a list of rigions you can run the following command:

fly platform regions



Query CLI offers an API that enables users to create a new local project based on predefined templates.


pnpm dlx @qery/query create


npx @qery/query create


Use The NPM Package

You can install the CLI using npm or pnpm. Run the following command:

npm install @qery/query


pnpm install @qery/query

Use The Installer Scripts

macOS and Linux (not NixOS, Alpine, or Asahi):

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Windows PowerShell:

irm | iex

Download The Binary

Install esbuild

Query uses under the hood esbuild to bundle the functions. So, you have to install esbuild:

npm install esbuild


pnpm install esbuild


The configuration file is located in the /.query folder. It is a TOML file named Query.toml. The file format is as follows:

url = "http://localhost:3000"

functions_folder = "src"
migrations_folder = "migrations"

"loader:.html" = "text"
"loader:.svg" = "text"


  • server - The settings of the server to deploy
    • url - The URL of the server to deploy. It will be requested during the settings process
  • structure - The structure of the project
    • migrations_folder - The folder where the migrations are stored. (Default: src/migrations)
    • functions_folder - The folder where the functions are stored. (Default: src/functions)
    • templates_folder - The folder where the templates are stored. (Default: templates)
  • esbuild - The esbuild CLI params configuration for the functions. You can find more information in the esbuild documentation.


Following we will see the commands you can use with the CLI.


Lets start by adding the settings of your server.

query settings

It will ask you the following questions:

  • Server URL:

You can use a local one for development, or if you want to use Fly for your development deploys or access your remote databases, you can run the following command to get your Fly URL:

fly status

You will have to use the Hostname plus as a prefix the protocol https://.


Where is the Hostname.


You need to log in to get the token to connect to your Query Server. The token will be saved in the .query/.token file.

  • Email:

You have to use the same email you used to create the admin user.

  • Password:

You have to use the same password you used to create the admin user.


The shell command opens a SQLite shell to manage the remote database locally.


query shell <DB_NAME>

It has the following commands:

  • .quit - Exit the shell.
  • .tables [?PATTERN?] - List names of tables matching a LIKE pattern.
  • .schema [?TABLE?] - Show the CREATE statements. If TABLE specified, only show tables matching LIKE pattern TABLE.

It saves the command history in the .query/.history file.


The user command allows to manage the users of your Query Server, if you are admin. If you are not admin, you can only change your user password.


query user <SUBCOMMAND>

It has the following subcommands:

  • create - Create a new user.
  • delete - Delete a user.
  • list - List all the users.
  • update - Update a user.
  • password - Update your user password.
  • help - Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s).
Create User

It will create a new user.


query user create

It will ask you for the following information:

  • What is her email?
  • What is her password?
  • Is she an admin user? (Y/n)
  • Is she an active user? (Y/n)
Delete User

It will delete a user.


query user delete

It will ask you for the following information:

  • What is her email?
List Users

It will show you a list of all the users.


query user list
Update User

It will update a user.


query user update

It will ask you for the following information:

  • What is her email?
  • What is her new email? (Optional)
  • What is her new password? (Optional)
  • Is she an admin user? (y/n) (Optional)
  • Is she an active user? (y/n) (Optional)

User Token

The user token command allows to manage the user tokens of your Query Server, if you are admin.


query user-token <SUBCOMMAND>

It has the following subcommands:

  • create - Create a new user token.
  • delete - Delete a user token.
  • list - List all the user tokens.
  • help - Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s).

Create User Token

It will create a new user token.


query user-token create

It will ask you for the following information:

  • What is her email?
  • Should have write permissions? (Y/n)
  • What is the expiration date in milliseconds? (Optional)

Delete User Token

It will delete a user token.


query user-token delete

It will ask you for the following information:

  • What is her email?

List User Tokens

It will show you a list of all the user tokens.


query user-token list

Update User Token

It will generate a new user token maintaining the current email.


query user-token update

It will ask you for the following information:

  • What is her email?
  • Should have write permissions? (y/n) (Optional)
  • What is the expiration date in milliseconds? (Optional)


The token command allows to manage the tokens not related to a user of your Query Server, if you are admin.


query token <SUBCOMMAND>

It has the following subcommands:

  • create - Create a new token.
  • delete - Delete a token.
  • list - List all the tokens.
  • update - Update a token.
  • help - Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s).

Create Token

It will create a new token.


query token create

It will ask you for the following information:

  • What is the name of the token?
  • Should have write permissions? (Y/n)
  • What is the expiration date in milliseconds? (Optional)

Delete Token

It will delete a token.


query token delete

It will ask you for the following information:

  • What is the name of the token?

List Tokens

It will show you a list of all the tokens.


query token list

Update Token

It will generate a new token maintaining the current name.


query token update

It will ask you for the following information:

  • What is the name of the token?
  • What is the new name of the token? (Optional)
  • Should have write permissions? (y/n) (Optional)
  • What is the expiration date in milliseconds? (Optional)


The migration command allows to manage the migrations of your Query Server, if you are admin.

Migration file:

  • The migration file should be in the format of <version><name><type>.sql
  • The version should be in the format of YYYYMMDD
  • The name should be in the format of <name>_<description>
  • The type should be up or down


query migration <DB_NAME> <PATH>


A branch is a copy of a database. The branch command allows to manage the branches of your Query Server, if you are admin.


query branch <COMMAND>

It has the following commands:

  • create - Create a new branch.
  • delete - Delete a branch.
  • list - List all the branches.
  • help - Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s).

Create Branch

It will create a new branch.


query branch create

It will ask you for the following information:

  • Which database would you like to use for creating a branch?
  • What is the branch name?

The branches has this format: "<db_name>.<branch_name>.branch.sql". For example, if the database name is example.sql and the branch name is dev, the branch will be Notice that the extension is removed from the database name to be used as a prefix.

Delete Branch

It will delete a branch.


query branch delete

It will ask you for the following information:

  • Which branch database would you like to delete?

List Branches

It will show you a list of all the branches.


query branch list


Query's generator is a tool that helps you create a set of files using a simple command that represents a table's structure. It lets you quickly and easily create the needed files without writing everything from scratch.


query generator blog.sql post title:string content:text



Column Types

The following table illustrates the mapping between Column Types, TypeScript, and SQLite data types:

ColumnType TypeScript SQLite
blob Blob BLOB
boolean boolean BOOLEAN
number number INTEGER
integer number INTEGER
float number REAL
real number REAL
timestamp string INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now'))
string string TEXT
text string TEXT
uuid string TEXT UNIQUE CHECK ({column_name} != '') DEFAULT (uuid())
foreign number FOREIGN KEY ({column_name}) REFERENCES {parent_table} (id/uuid)


The foreign type is a special type that creates a foreign key in the column. The format to use it is column_name:foreign, where the column_name, should have the format <parent_table>_id or <parent_table>_uuid.

How it works

The generator does two things:

  • Generate the database migrations files to update your database
  • Generate a set of files based on templates
Database migrations

The migration generated will use the command to create the table and the columns. The migration will be stored in the /migrations folder inside a folder with the database name (Ex. blog.sql). It will generate two files with the format of <version>_<name>_<type>.sql. The version will have the format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, the name should be in the format of <name>_<description>, and the types will be up and down.

You can find more information about migrations in the Migration section.


The templates used to generate files are stored in the /templates folder or a custom folder specified in the Query's config file.

templates_folder = other-template-folder

Query uses a basic template system that we will describe in detail below.

There are some dynamic variables based on the command params that you can use to generate the file content:

  • {{ database }}: The database where the migration will be executed
  • {{ table }}1: The name of the table
  • {{ columnsLength }}: The number of the columns
  • {{ columns }}: The list of columns specified
    • {{ columnIndex }}: The index value in the loop
    • {{ columnFirst }}: The first column in the loop
    • {{ columnLast }}: The last column in the loop
    • {{ columnName }}2 1: The name of the column
    • {{ columnTypeMatchTS }}: The match of the type of the column with the TypeScript type
    • {{ columnsListOfUniqueTSTypes }}: A list of the matches between column type and TypeScript type in lowercase
    • {{ columnType }}2 1: The type of the column

1 The table, the columnName, and the columnType have name variants you can use in your templates.

2 To get the columnName and columnType, it is required to iterate over the columns.

As we have commented, you can use some name variants in your templates for the table, columnName, and columnType. The name variants are based on the command that you will use to generate the files.


  • camelCase (Ex. testName)
  • hyphenCase (Ex. test-name)
  • snakeCase (Ex. test_name)
  • dotCase (Ex.
  • pathCase (Ex. test/name)
  • constantCase (Ex. TEST_NAME)
  • pascalCase (Ex. TestName)
  • capitalCase (Ex. Test Name)
  • lowerCase (Ex. test name)
  • sentenceCase (Ex. Test name)
  • upperCase (Ex. TEST NAME)
  • upperCaseFirst (Ex. Test name)
  • lowerCaseFirst (Ex. test name)


{{ tableCamelCase }}
{{ tableHyphenCase }}
{{ tableSnakeCase }}
{{ tableDotCase }}
{{ tablePathCase }}
{{ tableConstantCase }}
{{ tablePascalCase }}
{{ tableCapitalCase }}
{{ tableLowerCase }}
{{ tableSentenceCase }}
{{ tableUpperCase }}
{{ tableUpperCaseFirst }}
{{ tableLowerCaseFirst }}
{{ columnNameCamelCase }}
{{ columnNameHyphenCase }}
{{ columnNameSnakeCase }}
{{ columnNameDotCase }}
{{ columnNamePathCase }}
{{ columnNameConstantCase }}
{{ columnNamePascalCase }}
{{ columnNameCapitalCase }}
{{ columnNameLowerCase }}
{{ columnNameSentenceCase }}
{{ columnNameUpperCase }}
{{ columnNameUpperCaseFirst }}
{{ columnNameLowerCaseFirst }}
{{ columnTypeCamelCase }}
{{ columnTypeHyphenCase }}
{{ columnTypeSnakeCase }}
{{ columnTypeDotCase }}
{{ columnTypePathCase }}
{{ columnTypeConstantCase }}
{{ columnTypePascalCase }}
{{ columnTypeCapitalCase }}
{{ columnTypeLowerCase }}
{{ columnTypeSentenceCase }}
{{ columnTypeUpperCase }}
{{ columnTypeUpperCaseFirst }}
{{ columnTypeLowerCaseFirst }}

The template system provides two operations to use in your templates:


{% if table == "post" %}
  <p>This is a Post.</p>
{% else %}
  <p>This isn't a Post.</p>
{% endif %}


{% for column in columns %}
  <p>{% column.columnName %}</p>
{% endfor %}

With the previous information, you can create a set of files based on the table's schema. These files should be placed in the templates folder, with the folder structure used to generate files in their respective locations. The templates folder structure should match that of the functions_folder, which is typically configured as /src, although you will need to configure it yourself. You can find more information about the configuration process in the Configuration section.

Example from the query-app project:


├── api
│   ├── admin
│   │   ├── login
│   │   │   └── __table__.index.ts
│   │   └── __table__
│   │       ├── delete.index.ts
│   │       ├── get.index.ts
│   │       ├── post.index.ts
│   │       ├── put.index.ts
│   │       └── uuid
│   │           └── get.[slug].ts
│   └── __table__
│       ├── delete.index.ts
│       ├── get.index.ts
│       ├── post.index.ts
│       ├── put.index.ts
│       └── uuid
│           └── get.[slug].ts
└── ...


├── pages
│   ├── admin
│   │   ├── components
│   │   │   └── ...
│   │   ├── get.index.ts
│   │   ├── login
│   │   │   └── ...
│   │   ├── __table__
│   │   │   ├── get.index.tsx
│   │   │   ├── island
│   │   │   │   └── __table__.island.ts
│   │   │   ├── __table__.form.view.tsx
│   │   │   └── __table__.view.tsx
│   │   └── utils
│   │       └── ..
│   ├── components
│   │   └── ..
│   ├── get.index.tsx
│   ├── layouts
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── __table__
│   │   ├── excerpt.tsx
│   │   ├── get.index.tsx
│   │   └── [slug]
│   │       ├── get.index.tsx
│   │       └── __table__.tsx
│   └── styles.css
└── ...

Notice that "__table__" is a placeholder for that will be replaced by the table name of the command.


A function is a JavaScript function that is executed in the Query Server and it has access to the databases.

The function should be in the format of:

export async function handleRequest(req) {
    return new Response("This is the body!", {
      status: 200,
      headers: {
          "content-type": "text/plain",

The function has to export a function called handleRequest that receives a Request and returns a Response.

To use a database you have to create a connection to the database:

const db = new Database("example.sql");

The Database constructor receives the name of the database. If the database is found, it will create a connection to the database. It will provide the following methods:

  • query - To read data from the database.
  • execute - To write data in the database.

A query and an execute can have params. The params are bound to the parameters based on the order of the array or an object with the format of :AAA, $AAA, or @AAA that serve as placeholders for values that are bound to the parameters at a later time. The params are optional.

As Query uses LiteFS proxy, you have to remember to use GET to read data and DELETE|POST|PUT|PATCH to write data.

Handle Request Example

// get.index.js
export async function handleRequest(req) {
    const db = new Database("example.sql");

    const result = await db.query("SELECT * FROM example WHERE id = ?", [1]);

    return new Response(JSON.stringify({data: result}), {
      status: 200,
      headers: {
          "content-type": "application/json",

Query CLI provides an API to resolving routes against file-system paths and using the file names. To use functions it is required to follow the next structure:

Folder Structure Example

├── get.index.js // GET "/"
├── post.index.js // POST "/"
├── example
    ├── get.index.js // GET "/example"
    └── get.[slug].js // GET "/example/:slug"
├── [slug]
    └── get.index.js  // GET "/:slug"

By default the folder to contain the functions has to be called functions. You can use another one by pointing to it, but we will explain it with more detail below.

It is important to note that the method used in a file is determined by the prefix (delete|get|patch|post|put).*, while the remaining part of the file name defines the final segment of the route. For instance, if the file name ends with index, it will be the root of the route, and if it is [slug], it will be a route with a slug. The slug is a placeholder for a value used in the route.

To define the different segments of the route, you must use the folder structure. For example, if you want to use the path /example/:slug, you have to create a folder called example and inside it a file called get.[slug].js. If you want to use the route /:slug, you have to create a folder called [slug] and inside of it a file called get.index.js. If you want to use the route /, you must create a file called get.index.js.

Query Cache Control

The Query Server has a feature that helps avoid compiling functions that have not been modified, which in turn speeds up each response. This feature is managed using the Query-Cache-Control header and specifying the max-age, in milliseconds, in the header response of the handleRequest function. The function response is stored in the cache_function table of the query_cache_function.sql database. If needed, the cache can be purged by either deleting the row related to a path or by deleting the entire cache from the cache_function table.

// get.index.js
export async function handleRequest(req) {
    const db = new Database("example.sql");

    const result = await db.query("SELECT * FROM example WHERE id = ?", [1]);

    return new Response(JSON.stringify({data: result}), {
      status: 200,
      headers: {
          "Content-Type": "application/json",
          "Query-Cache-Control": "max-age=3600000", // 1 hour


Query uses under the hood esbuild to bundle the functions. So, first you have to install esbuild:

npm install esbuild


pnpm install esbuild

To use the functions you have to run the following command:

query function <PATH>

The path is optional. If you don't provide it, it will use the default path functions. You can use the path to point to another folder or a function file.


query function

It will deploy all the functions to the Query Server. A simple cache is implemented to avoid deploying functions that have not changed.

query function another-functions-folder

It will deploy all the functions in the another-functions-folder folder to the Query Server.

query function functions/get.index.js

It will deploy the get.index.js function to the Query Server.

query function functions/get.index.js --delete

It will delete the get.index.js function from the Query Server.


Query CLI offers an API that enables users to upload assets to the Query Server. These assets are uploaded to the query_asset.sql database and are served in the path /_/asset/name or /_/asset/name_hashed. The names of the assets are kept in the database as name and name_hashed. The name is the original name of the asset, while the name_hashed is a hashed name of the asset, which the hash is based on its content, with the format dog-000.png. They have different Cache-Control configurations. The name has a Cache-Control of public, max-age=300, must-revalidate, while the name_hashed has a Cache-Control of public, max-age=31536000, immutable.


query asset [OPTIONS] <PATH>


query asset ./assets


  • -a, --active <ACTIVE> - Activate status of the asset [default: true]
  • -d, --delete - Delete the asset. It is mandatory to provide the path to the asset
  • -p, --path <PATH> - Path to the assets
  • -h, --help - Print help


Query CLI offers a development mode. It runs the Query Server locally and watches the changes in the files in the distsrc, and public folders. If you change a file, it pushes it to the server.

To use the development mode, it is needed to have installed query, query-server and esbuild, with a global or local installation using npm or pnpm.

npm install @qery/query @qery/query-server esbuild


pnpm install @qery/query @qery/query-server esbuild

Get more information in the Install and Install esbuild sections.

Also, the minimum configuration in the Query.toml file and the .env file is required.

The Query.toml file should have the following structure:

url = "http://localhost:3000"

functions_folder = "src"

This is a minimal configuration. You can add more configuration options to the Query.toml file. You can find more information in the Configuration section.

The .env file should have the following structure:

# Server
QUERY_SERVER_TOKEN_SECRET=1d6005175b5682fb9141515e5336e959 # openssl rand -hex 32

# Application


query dev


pnpm run dev


npx run dev

It uses the esbuild to bundle the functions. So, every time you change a function, if there is an error, it will show you the error in the terminal. If there is no error, it will push the function to the server.


  • -c, --clean - Clean assets and function databases, and dist folder
  • -v, --verbose - Show all the logs
  • -h, --help - Print help

To clean the assets and function databases, and the dist folder, you have to run the following command:

query dev -c

To show all the logs, you have to run the following command:

query dev -v


Query CLI offers an API that enables users to execute custom commands defined in the Query.toml file.

The Query.toml file should have the following structure to define the tasks:

task_1 = "echo 1"
task_2 = "echo 2"

dev_1 = "echo dev 1"
dev_2 = "echo dev 2"

bundle_1 = "echo bundle 1"
bundle_2 = "echo bundle 2"


query task [OPTIONS] [TASK] [SUBTASK]


  • [TASK] - Name of the task to execute
  • [SUBTASK] - Name of the subtask to execute


  • -l, --list - List all the tasks
  • -y, --yes - Confirm the execution of the task
  • -h, --help - Print help

To execute a simple task, you have to run the following command:

query task task_1

To execute a task with a subtask, you have to run the following command:

query task dev dev_1

Executing a task with subtasks it will execute all the subtasks.

query task dev # It will execute dev_1 and dev_2

It will ask you to confirm the execution of the task. If you want to avoid the confirmation, you can use the -y option.

query task dev -y

To list all the tasks and subtasks, you have to run the following command:

query task -l

To list the subtasks of a task, you have to run the following command:

query task dev -l


The dev task will be executed on dev mode before the rest of the default commands.


Following we will see the API endpoints you can use with the Query Server.

Query Endpoint

The query endpoint allows to execute queries in the databases. Using the GET method, the query is executed in the database closest to the user's region, thanks to the LiteFS proxy. Using the POST method, the query is executed in the primary database.


The query endpoint allows to execute a query in the primary database.

POST /_/query
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true
Name Type Description Required
db_name string The database to use. true
query string The query to execute. true
params object | array The params to use in the query. false

The params object should use kyes with the format ":AAA", "$AAA", or "@AAA" that serve as placeholders for values that are bound to the parameters at a later time.


  "db_name": "example.sql",
  "query": "SELECT * FROM example WHERE id = :id",
  "params": {
    ":id": 1

In the case of the array, the values are bound to the parameters based on the order of the array.


  "db_name": "example.sql",
  "query": "SELECT * FROM example WHERE id = ?",
  "params": [1]


By using the GET method, data can be retrieved with less latency from the database closest to the user's region, thanks to the LiteFS proxy.

GET /_/query?db_name=<DB_NAME>&query=<QUERY>&params=<PARAMS>
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true
Query String
Name Type Format Description Required
db_name string - The database to use. true
query string URL Encoded The SELECT query. true
params object | array URL Encoded The params to use in the query. false


GET /_/query?db_name=example.sql&query=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20example%20WHERE%20id%20%3D%20%3F&params=%5B1%5D

User Endpoint

The user endpoint allows to manage the users of the Query Server.


The user endpoint allows to create a new user.

POST /_/user
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true
Name Type Description Default Required
email string The email of the user. - true
password string The password of the user. - true
admin boolean If the user is admin. false false
active boolean If the user is active. true false


  "email": "",
  "password": "example",
  "admin": false,
  "active": true


The user endpoint allows to update a user.

PUT /_/user
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true
Name Type Description Default Required
email string The email of the user. - true
new_email string The new email of the user. - false
new_password string The new password of the user. - false
admin boolean If the user is admin. false false
active boolean If the user is active. true false


  "email": "",
  "new_email": "",
  "new_password": "example",
  "admin": false,
  "active": true


The user endpoint allows to delete a user.

DELETE /_/user
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true
Name Type Description Required
email string The email of the user. true


  "email": ""

User Token Endpoint

The user token endpoint allows to manage the user tokens of the Query Server.


The user token endpoint allows to create a new user token.

POST /_/user-token
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true
Name Type Description Default Required
email string The email of the user. - true
write boolean If the token has write permissions. true false
expiration_date number The expiration date in milliseconds. = updated_at false


  "email": "",
  "write": true,
  "expiration_date": 1632960000000


The user token endpoint allows to get a list of all the user tokens.

GET /_/user-token
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true


The user token endpoint allows to update a user token.

PUT /_/user-token
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true
Name Type Description Default Required
email string The email of the user. - true
write boolean If the token has write permissions. false false
expiration_date number The expiration date in milliseconds. = updated_at false


  "email": "",
  "write": true,
  "expiration_date": 1632960000000


The user token endpoint allows to delete a user token.

DELETE /_/user-token
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true
Name Type Description Required
email string The email of the user. true


  "email": ""

GET Value

The user token endpoint allows to get the value of a user token having an access token.

GET /_/user-token/value?email=<EMAIL>
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true
Query String
Name Type Description Required
email string The email of the user. true


GET /_/user-token/value?

POST Value

The user token endpoint allows to create a new user token without having an access token.

POST /_/user-token/value
Name Type Description Required
email string The email of the user. true
password string The password of the user. true


  "email": "",
  "password": "example"

Token Endpoint

The token endpoint allows to manage the tokens not related to a user.


The token endpoint allows to create a new token.

POST /_/token
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true
Name Type Description Default Required
name string The name of the token. - true
expiration_date number The expiration date in milliseconds. = updated_at false
active boolean If the token is active true false
write boolean If the token has write permissions. true false


  "name": "example",
  "expiration_date": 1632960000000,
  "active": true,
  "write": true


The token endpoint allows to get a list of all the tokens.

GET /_/token
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true


The token endpoint allows to update a token.

PUT /_/token
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true
Name Type Description Default Required
name string The name of the token. - true
expiration_date number The expiration date in milliseconds. = updated_at false
active boolean If the token is active true false
write boolean If the token has write permissions. true false


  "name": "example",
  "expiration_date": 1632960000000,
  "active": true,
  "write": true


The token endpoint allows to delete a token.

DELETE /_/token
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true
Name Type Description Required
name string The name of the token. true

GET Value

The token endpoint allows to get the value of a token.

GET /_/token/value?name=<NAME>
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true
Query String
Name Type Description Required
name string The name of the token. true


GET /_/token/value?name=example

Migration Endpoint

The migration endpoint allows to manage the migrations of the Query Server.


The migration endpoint allows to execute a migration in the primary database.

POST /_/migration
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true
Name Type Description Required
db_name string The database to use. true
query string The query to execute. true


  "db_name": "example.sql",
  "query": "CREATE TABLE example (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL)"

Branch Endpoint

A branch is a copy of a database. The branch endpoint allows to manage the branches of your Query Server, if you are admin.


The branch endpoint allows to create a new branch.

POST /_/branch
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true
Name Type Description Required
db_name string The database to use. true
branch_name string The name of the branch. true


  "db_name": "example.sql",
  "branch_name": "dev"

The branches has this format: <db_name>.<branch_name>.branch.sql. For example, if the database name is example.sql and the branch name is dev, the branch will be Notice that the extension is removed from the database name to be used as a prefix.


The branch endpoint allows to get a list of all the branches.

GET /_/branch
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true

To retrieve the list of branches, the system get the list of files in the database directory and filter the files with the extension .branch.sql.


The branch endpoint allows to delete a branch.

DELETE /_/branch
Name Type Description Required
Authorization string The bearer token to connect to the server. true
Name Type Description Required
db_name string The database to delete. true


  "db_name": ""

The branches has this format: <db_name>.<branch_name>.branch.sql. For example, if the database name is example.sql and the branch name is dev, the branch will be Notice that the extension is removed from the database name to be used as a prefix.

Only branches can be deleted, it means files with the extension .branch.sql. The primary databases cannot be deleted.