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% tcomb-react-bootstrap

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This project adds a type checking layer to the components of react-bootstrap.

If you want to add type checking to your own React components, see here.


Try the playground here

Constraint examples

Some constraints among others enforced by this library:

  • Alert: onDismiss and dismissAfter must either or neither passed
  • ButtonGroup: can have only Button children
  • Col: props must be integers between 1 and 12
  • Glyphicon: can't have children
  • Nav: bsStyle must be one of pills, tabs

For now the constraints are quite relaxed in order to allow an easier demo, however they can be tighten up to the point of accepting only whitelisted props.


/** @jsx React.DOM */
// development
var Alert = require('tcomb-react-bootstrap/Alert');
// production
// var Alert = require('react-bootstrap/Alert');

var good = (
  <Alert bsStyle="warning">
    <strong>Holy guacamole!</strong>
); // => ok!

var bad = (
  <Alert bsStyle="warn"> // <-- should be "warning"
    <strong>Holy guacamole!</strong>
); // => fail! debugger kicks in


npm install tcomb-react-bootstrap

License (MIT)