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Gaia is a sophisticated programmable IDE targeted at game development.


Gaia is pending copyright.


Windows, Mac OS X / X11, Linux / X11


README                   :  Readme file
INSTALL                  :  Installation instructions

.git                     :  Git repository
.gitignore               :  File patterns ignored by Git
.gitmodules              :  Used by Git to manage submodules

jam                      :  JazzScheme Management System
configure                :  Placeholder for configure
make                     :  Placeholder for make

bin                      :  Default configuration binaries
build                    :  Custom configurations binaries
jazz                     :  Jazz repository as a Git submodule
lib                      :  Pre-installed packages


Please see INSTALL for details and examples on building Gaia.


  Once you have built Gaia you can launch it using the gaia executable.

  If you get an error before the Gaia is fully functional, you will end up in
  the Gambit debugger. This is not as painful as would appear as JazzScheme
  code is very close to the generated Scheme code so that inspecting a Jazz
  stack inside the Gambit debugger is very easy. Having access to a lower level
  debugger is even a very nice feature as it is virtually impossible to crash
  Gaia even when modifying a critical piece of code (like inserting a bug in
  the view system for instance) as the Gambit debugger is completely self

  If you get an error that brings you to the Gambit debugger, the console will
  automatically open. You can then use all of Gambit's debugging command to
  debug your code and when you are done, simply execute the (resume) command.
  This will resume Gaia's message loop making it again functional.


Gaia documentation is available online at ...

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