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Simple Docker Image of the OpenLDAP LightWeight Directory.

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What is OpenLDAP?

OpenLDAP is a lightweight implementation of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. The version available in this image is the version 2.4.

How to use this image

Start a openldap instance

    docker run --name openldap -e LDAP_SUFFIX dc=mydomain,dc=com -d gcavalcante8808/openldap

This image includes EXPOSE 389 636 (the ldap and ldaps) ports, so standard container linking will make it automatically available to the linked containers. The default rootdn cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com (unless you defined LDAP_ADMIN_PRINCIPAL, check environment variables for more info) will be created with the password LazyPass.

You can check defaults used by the docker-compose on the 'example.env' file. TLS support comes enabled by default using previously created certificates (which shouldn't use in production environments).

Environment Variables

The OpenLDAP image uses several environment variables which are easy to miss. While none of them is required, they may significantly help you in the directory configuration task.


This Environment variable is NEEDED to opendldap operate properly and (later) to use replication. Use a FQDN if possible.


This environment variable is recommended for you to use OpenLDAP Image. This environment variable sets the dc object available by default, and have a value like "example" if your domain is "". The default domain is "example".


This environment variable is recommended for you to use OpenLDAP Image. This environment variable sets the suffix used by LDAP, like "dc=enterprise,dc=com". The default suffix is "dc=example,dc=com".


Name of the superuser of the directory, something like "cn=root,dc=myenterprise,dc=com". The superuser always have access to the directory. The default value is "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com".


Password of the superuser. The defaule value is LazyPass.

*Note: Do not use parenthesis to specify the password; a hash will be computed from it and write into the openldap database during the first startup.


Used to define the debug level of the directory. By default it do not print too much messages (as stated in level 32768). For possible codes check the documentation at:

How to extend this image

If you would like to do additional initilization in a image derived from this one, add one or more *.ldif files under /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d. At the end of entrypoint (before it calls exec to throw slapd) it will verify the existence of the file /.configured; if the file is not present, then the files under the directory will be added using slappd utility.

For example, to add an additional user and groups OU's that are defined in a custom.ldif file, add the following to /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/custom.ldif:

    dn: ou=users,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: add
    objectClass: organizationalUnit
    objectClass: top
    ou: users

    dn: ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: add
    objectClass: organizationalUnit
    objectClass: top
    ou: groups

Then, create the following DockerFile:

    FROM gcavalcante8808/openldap
    COPY custom.ldif /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/custom.ldif

And build it:

    docker build -t myopenldap .

Directory Admin Operations

If you want to pull configuration into the directory (everything under cn=config) you can copy your ldif to the container and then use the following shortcut:

docker cp my.ldif <CONTAINER>:/my.ldif
docker exec <CONTAINER> /extra/add_config /my.ldif

Where "" is the name or id of the container; in truth, add_config is just a ldapadd shortcut with cn=admin,cn=config privileges. Use with caution.

TLS Support

If you want to add TLS Support to your LDAP Server, you can use the add_tls command already present on the image, but before, you need to define the following environment variables:

  • LDAP_TLS_CA: path of the public certificate of the ca, eg. "/certs/ca.crt";
  • LDAP_TLS_CERT: path of the public certificate of the server, eg. "/certs/server.crt";
  • LDAP_TLS_KEY: path of the private key for the server certificate, eg. "/certs/server.key";

All files must be readable by the ldap user (uid 100) and key MUST not have a password. With all environment variables set and the container created, use the following commando to add TLS support:

   docker exec <YOURCONTAINER> / add_tls


There is some sweet resource available for those want to be productive :D

All resources presented here are not idempotent; you just need to activate 'em once. If you try to activate more than once, the ldap server will return errors.

The Overlays presented here have additional information available at:

For now, we have support to 'activate' the following overlays/configurations using our entrypoint script:

MemberOf Overlay

Usefull to discover from what groups a user is a member (its the reverse of the GroupOfNames).

You can activate the memberof overlay by using the following command:

    docker exec <OPENLDAP_CONTAINER> / add_memberof

RefInt Overlay

Update your groups when a dn is removed or updated automagically.

You can activate refint overlay by using the following command:

    docker exec <OPENLDAP_CONTAINER> / add_refint


Some usefull logs for your config and main databases.

You can activate auditlog overlay by using the following command:

    docker exec <OPENLDAP_CONTAINER> / add_auditlog

All logs will be placed at /tmp. In this case, we recommend that you mount a volume into /tmp to avoid storagedriver overcharge and avoid data loss.

Replication Information

To prepare your environments to replication through syncrepl, you need to define the following envinroment variables:

  • LDAP_ID: LDAP RID of the current openldap instance. Numeric, normally something like 001, 002, etc;

With this variable defined, use the following command to prepare your openldap to replication:

    docker exec <OPENLDAP_CONTAINER> / prepare_repl

After this, to link replication between openldap servers, submit ldif files with information about new servers as normal. LDIF Example (Adding a 2nd server, which address is


	dn: cn=config
	changetype: modify
	replace: olcServerID
	olcServerID: 001 ldap://
	olcServerID: 002 ldap://


dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcSyncrepl
olcSyncrepl: rid=001 provider=ldap:// binddn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
 " bindmethod=simple credentials=teste searchbase="dc=example,dc=com" type=ref
 reshAndPersist retry="5 5 300 5" timeout=1 rid=002 provider=ldap:// bin
 ddn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" bindmethod=simple credentials=teste searchba
 se="dc=example,dc=com" type=refreshAndPersist  retry="5 5 300 5" timeout=1
docker cp example.ldif <OPENLDAP_CONTAINER> /tmp/
docker exec <OPENLDAP_CONTAINER> ldapmodify -x -D cn=admin,cn=root -w ${LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD} -f /tmp/idmapping.ldif
docker exec <OPENLDAP_CONTAINER> ldapmodify -x -D cn=admin,cn=root -w ${LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD} -f /tmp/syncreplconf.ldif

Check the logs to verify if the replication is working. More information at:

K8s Considerations

If you need to use the image with Kubernetes, ensure to declare a pre-init container to use the script to copy openldap files into the target volume:

        - name: config-data
          image: gcavalcante8808/openldap
          command: ["/"]
          - mountPath: /data
            name: ldap-conf

The volume used to hold the openldap data should mounted in the /data folder.

Changing Configurations

To change configurations from "cn=config" OLC, you need to use the DN "cn=admin,cn=config" with the same password provided in the LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variable.

K8S Support

The K8S folder have an working deployment/service that is roughly mapped the docker-compose.yaml. The ldap-cm-env.yaml have the default configuration for the openldap including main admin.


Author: Gabriel Abdalla Cavalcante Silva (


Simple Docker Image of the OpenLDAP LightWeight Directory.







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