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R9 global digital asset exchange

development overview:

In the block chain base world digital currency will bring enormous business opportunities to other industries, a global open financial payment network R9 system, block chain, chain blocks of the world's leading technology, can be famous four first: the first Chinese, only a real digital currency system; the first by China to the world of International finance project; the first Chinese genius computer scientists; the first in the world in terms of time, space and speed increase the maximum value of the virtual currency.

Facing the trend of innovation

In recent years, virtual digital currency, with its low cost, convenient circulation and high security, has gradually come into people's lives. The investment value and application value of virtual digital currency have been recognized by more and more countries and the public. The so-called virtual digital currency is a new form of paper money, rather than a physical currency. Virtual digital currency is based on the Internet technology in the form of money, its circulation, circulation, supervision, regulation and other costs are relatively low. It has a legal issue license and a secure and reliable block chain technology support.

In order to develop a valid license issued and safe and reliable new technology of R9 system, block chain, globalcash said, is the digital space all transmitted symbols, 9 is the first digital, optical R is a measure of the amount of radiation FDG X ionization (ionisingradiation) unit of organic chemistry R is a generic term for the hydrocarbon chain, R9 named the most worthy of the name, this is the R9 block chain enhancement. The R9 system is not only an open global financial payment network, or a storage "value" and "material" warehouse; it can not only store the physical reality of "value", but also can store non physical forms of "material". For example, our human "thought" and "soul". A person in the social life of all activities, to behave, to success in life and as can be in the form of interactive input R9 system, R9 artificial intelligence in the continuous "deep learning", can accurate simulate a real future society, in this society. Not only is the change of this man "thinking" and "soul".

R9 system through its block chain technology will his "thinking" and "soul" and the real world, then this person has been eternal life. That is to say even if he died for many years, he still can according to the actual situation of the future of the world for future generations to make correct guidance and even decided, he also can according to their own will to use their own wealth and run their own businesses, the same time as alive. This is our very powerful R9 system

Globalcash then said that the smart contract and block chain, is currently the world's most fiery application technology, but the emergence of the R9 system has brought more incredible technology. R9's quantum release technology, will lead us to experience the charm of the future of science and technology in advance. Because the R9 system integrated use of the current cutting-edge technology, is our global payment group (globalcash) development of the underlying technology of intelligent contract enhancement block chain technology. Intelligent contract with block chain will be the cornerstone of the next generation of Internet technology, is a leap in the human history of bank credit, global financial institutions and even national currency both in the research and application of this technology; the R9 system is the world's first quantum algorithm to achieve the "deep learning artificial intelligence system". "Deep learning" is the predecessor of the neural network technology. Multi level neural network technology Canada scientist Jeffrey Hinton in 2006 for his research took a new name: "deep learning", and through the technique of computer image recognition in the global competition in one fell swoop in far more than other competitors, including Google and other large commercial products, from the "deep learning" has gradually become artificial the world's most popular intelligent technology. The basic characteristics of the neural network is trying to mimic the brain's neurons transmit information processing mode, and the basic idea of "deep learning" is the automatic machine learning, realize the classification of the input information expressed by stacking a plurality of layers, the machine can learn the expression of the same information in different situations, this is in fact the essence of intelligence.

About R9 system, globalcash is introduced in this way. Based on the quantum algorithm, can guarantee that after the emergence of a quantum computer can still maintain system security and the leading technology, artificial intelligence R9 system is the focus of financial forecast index and income and contributions of this intelligent lock brings wisdom researchers share; "deep learning" system to human wisdom and experience as training data and self learning material; R9 system through the system and mechanism of prediction of the number of providers issued corresponding to encourage users to contribute their wisdom to provide deep learning training material. When gradually formed a system of artificial intelligence, through its ability to predict in the global financial market investment and arbitrage feedback early wisdom provider, so that users can through the global financial market sustainable profitability, the user contribution reaches a certain index can set up their own global financial market place fund, R9 system will provide intelligent prediction technology to ensure successful operation the sub fund. R9 system is not only a global open financial payment network, but also a store of value and material. It can not only store the value of the physical object, but also store the material of the non physical form, such as the thought and soul of our human beings, and the words and deedsThe thought and soul, the achievements of the life of the road and the words and deeds, can be entered into the R9 system in the form of interaction. R9 artificial intelligence constantly "deep learning", can accurate simulate a real future society, in this society not only change is the person mind and soul, R9 system through the block chain technology will be associated with his mind and soul and the real world, then this person has been eternal life, but others can according to the actual situation of the future of the world for future generations to make correct guidance and even decided, he also can according to their own will to use their wealth or even his business, when alive, this is our powerful R9 system, this is a technology revolution in human history. A global redistribution of wealth of historical opportunity, an iteration from the global Internet to value the opportunity of the Internet, the smoke will affect the pattern of the world, Bring capital and technological revolution. Let us stand in the block chain technology spire, with core technology for the entrance to block international basis, than to the center of the industry chain alliance as the basis, to achieve national and global strategic layout, and ultimately the global dream of wealth.

Globalcash platform to share with you:

With the progress of science and technology and the development of economic activities, the future digital currency will gradually replace the cash currency. The central bank recently said that the establishment of circulation system of digital currency, finance for infrastructure construction, promote economic quality and efficiency upgrades are necessary. Currently has set up a special research team, for the early introduction of the central bank issued a digital currency. Experts pointed out that the digital currency is imperative, but the floor is not easy, the future of its currency in circulation and circulation of paper money, there will be a gradual process.

"A few years later, cash may not exist." This new trend has overturned the usual thinking of many people. But exploring the nature of money, the contract decision can have different forms in different historical periods, also be not at all surprising make only superficial changes of currency. "From the trend of historical development, the currency is always accompanied by economic activities of technological progress, development and evolution, from the early physical currency, commodity money to later credit money, is to adapt to natural selection of human social development business." Zhou Xiaochuan, President of the people's Bank of china.

In this regard, as bitcoin researchers, GCB CBD VRP, founder of VRB R9, quantum technology, neural network founder, R9 network founder, global payment credit blockchain digital assets top service providers, globalcash said, not long ago, the central bank official said that if the successful issuance of digital currency, will bring a lot of convenience: can to reduce the traditional currency issuance and circulation cost, convenience and improve the transparency of economic transactions; can reduce the amount of money laundering, tax evasion and other criminal acts, enhance the central bank control of the money supply and money circulation, better support for economic and social development, the full realization of Inclusive Financial power; contribute to the construction of new finance infrastructure, to further improve the payment system, improve payment efficiency, promote economic quality and efficiency upgrades etc..

Globalcash said, the development of R9 payment network project, is the response of the party and the state, the mass innovation business call, we launched the global payment, a payment platform; launched the global purchase, a consumer value-added platform; launched the global exchange, a global financial platform. The three major industrial chain with the latest Internet technology, the adoption of the optimized algorithm of block chain technology support, secure Internet payment system, a constant number, each one has a unique encoding, has now completed the first in the global mining and begins today in the global market. The algorithm is superior, the time is short, is more secure, it is the new digital encryption currency circulation product, is worth the investor trust China digital currency profession good faith brand (platform). In innovation, sharing economy era, our goal is to make everyone mills, everyone wallet, everyone exchanges, all private banks, everyone is a shareholder.

Globalcash Internet financial products CBD VRB GCB, has two functions: the first function: payment artifact. Seconds to pay, seconds to account, zero cost. Alipay can also transfer payment, Alipay can use at home. Alipay GCB global payment functions, but can not only be used in China, but also cross-border payments. The global payment GCB known as the international version of alipay.

Life, we often encounter such a scene: the child to go abroad to study abroad to play tuition fees, earn money in a foreign country, want to change into the renminbi to send home. Global economic integration, cross-border electricity suppliers, international trade, making the international bank remittance increasingly frequent. Such scenes are often tied to banks. The traditional process is through the bank to pay a very expensive fee, spend 2 at least 5 or 10 working days, the money can be remitted to the domestic (foreign). And the emergence of the global pay GCB, so that the global remittance no dead ends, seconds to pay, seconds to account, zero cost.

Second functions: VRB CBD GCB is a digital currency. Can consume, shopping, value added, take cash.

Global share value added platform to do is the world's different industry alliance. Companies around the world to unite the different industries, as long as the platform in the consumer can add value. Let consumption become a kind of investment, so that consumers become shareholders.

This platform all the consumer only accept GCB digital goodsAll consumption of this platform only accept GCB digital currency to pay the settlement. Global exchange of financial platform brings together the global quality of financial management projects and domestic and foreign insurance. This platform will only accept GCB digital currency to pay the settlement.

Global payment, the global purchase, the global exchange of three major industrial chain mutual support. At present, the cause of the glory of the holding group mainly to promote the world to pay GCB. Promote the world to pay GCB first to buy GCB digital currency. So there is no value of the global pay GCB? Application of digital currency circulation and value comes from its global pay GCB called the payment artifact. In each year, the transfer fee is 500 billion RMB. Global pay GCB can be transferred in the world without dead ends, seconds to pay, seconds to account, zero cost. So, at home and abroad, the major banks have to butt the global payment GCB system. Docking Bank: 498 European banks, 260 domestic banks, UnionPay; national Belt and Road Initiative and 49 European countries, 17 billion 830 million of the project with the GCB settlement.

Banks rely on cash flow to make money, the greater the flow of funds to the bank's profit. So, the domestic and foreign banks to pay the world to pay GCB system port, that is, because the global payment of GCB can allow the transfer of seconds between domestic and foreign banks account, zero cost. The bank's global payment GCB system means to buy GCB digital currency, because only the transfer between GCB and GCB in order to achieve seconds to pay, seconds to account. Li Shengming own research and development of the bank automatic teller machines, to the major banks to install. The ATM no matter which bank card to withdraw money at the above there is no fee. Can use UnionPay cards, MasterCard, VlSA cards, but also to take digital money - GCB, BTC. Global payment of intelligent financial one machine, to the country's major residential areas.

Financial one of the four major functions: first, business card printing. Where the purchase of GCB members, in the time of registration will give each person a global payment GCB bank card 16 card number. Financial integration machine for membership card.

GCB GLOBALCASH bank card - one card in hand, around the world. This card in the Chinese yuan, in the United States from the dollar, in the UK from the pound. Two is to take the RMB, take GCB; three is the supply of nutritional meals.

Members of the purchase of GCB free of charge 260 days of nutritional meals. Four is to pay the scan code - GCB. Financial integration in the domestic area of the installation will cover the Chinese people. Since banks at home and abroad, the Chinese government, the Chinese government, ordinary people have to buy GCB, then the value of GCB will be immeasurable. GCB appreciation of space - $300. GCB the first phase of the issue of 12 million, 20 years, the global total of 1 billion 680 million. 1 billion 680 million GCB to the annual international bank transfer fee of 500 billion dollars to save. 500 billion / 1 billion 680 million =297.

GCB on the basis of it also added a homemade electronic payment system, international bank card (GCB card for real) and other international clearing union, social network micro transactions, the bank will become the future open and open micro shop, 0 of the cost of occupancy, the international platform now global purchase value-added consumer one-stop home service pipe it is a perfect landing, let you experience the payment, finance, shopping, become a free socialist.

Technology for the king to let the habit of walking in the trend

With the global pay GCB popular, GLOBALCASH in his busy schedule, often with millions of fans to share: a real career opportunities, you and I are able to participate in the. Whether there is a cause, it is easy to participate in all of us. Do not need a lot of money, do not need a very high technology, do not need a strong political background. Don't need to keep the sales, not personally delivery, not personally paid money automatically into your wallet. And try hard for a while, then you can retire, but enjoy a comfortable life. Then go around to play, the money will keep coming in, you have to consider?

And listen to the voice of a global investor to pay GCB: my name is Tang Jianhua, from Nanning, Guangxi. Engaged in a variety of business for many years, especially like to do some other people do not understand the business. Like everybody, I have created more wealth for future generations. But I still have a dream, like GLOBALCASH GCB, the world's chairman. Today, I realized that the digital currency is about to change the world. Because the human currency from the shell to the copper and silver coins, to gold, to our current use of notes, but the future of the world belongs to the digital currency, it is human to change. We are very clear, Mr. GLOBALCASH has created history. He really did something to pay for it. As a witness, I was the first person to use mobile banking. My bank and ICBC mobile banking day can be transferred to 10 million to 5 million of the amount, I saw the country's major banks are also changing. So, I know that human intelligence will certainly progress a lot. But let me sad is, I to the bank when a lot of money from the bank transfer, arrival time to many hours or even a day, so I think the chairman of the GLOBALCASH R9 system to create great, the world can only be used to solve the problem of the dollar settlement."

In the marketing industry veteran of nearly 30 years of experience and intuition, from Inner Mongolia, Mr. Liu Jinshan told the author, we initially engaged in the original intention of GCB presumably are the same, want to bring some money for themselves or family. This year, nearly 60 years old, I actually do not lack of money. I just want to say that GCB is not easy. It will not only bring us wealth, but also subvert the whole world, and believe that the idea of a lot of friends are the same. If only for myself in front of a little petty profits, I would not have joined the ranks of GCBHave a little immediate petty profits, I would not join the ranks of the GCB; if in the process of sharing and communication, my friends can not get wealth, I also did not join GCB. Join GCB family for me, this is a kind of play, it is a kind of responsibility. The appearance of GCB opens the door to the world of encryption digital money. But tens of thousands of virtual currency in the current market popular not only make us afraid let us panic, as president GLOBALCASH said, any kind of virtual currency in the currency of the company and the boss, and the boss is not in, money is dead. The apple of Sodom. It is just the case. But GCB gives me the feeling that it's not just a virtual currency, it's a huge trading system. Many do not know the friends always ask me, how much did you invest in GCB? I don't agree with this statement, so unified answer me is I have no investment, I just do a simple action, is to put my money in the bank card deposit to GCB wallet, to save money to balance treasure is the same, but more of a 180 day contract. There are a lot of friends can not be separated from the topic, so I am very confused is that everyone's bank card to try every day can not be raised? In fact, this is just the use of bank cards of the inertia of thinking. The digital currency GCB for everyone to bring a new interpretation, but also to bring the best of these are just my personal for some shallow understanding of GCB. But I firmly believe that in the near future, the global payment GCB partner with your family, will put all of their possessions are put into our GCB wallet. I am more convinced that Li Shengming and his development of the R9 platform, not only for our Chinese money, will put more money in the world to make China, help our country prosperous and strong.

In the end, GLOBALCASH recommends five business opportunities since China's reform and opening up to readers: the first wave of fortune:

The outbreak of the self-employed. At the end of 70s and throughout 80s, just when the reform and opening up, most people just pursue the university entrance exam, in the state organs, state-owned enterprises and the self-employed, mostly those living in the bottom of society, cultural quality is low, but they seize the opportunity to become the first batch of China Society, tens of millions of billionaires!

Fortune second wave: stock market outbreak period. At the beginning of 90s, the stock was released, and most of the people were afraid of the new thing. Later, almost all of the shares listed on the first skyrocketing, investment in the stock market between people overnight inexplicably became millions or even tens of millions of billionaires! Fortune third wave: real estate outbreak period. 1992-1993, the country in parts of Hainan and Guangxi as the center, blew up a hot real estate, many people make money trading, quick riches, become millionaires, billionaires! Due to the national intervention to cool down, now is not the average person can be involved. Fortune fourth wave: e - commerce. There is a call of electronic commerce in the Internet industry quickly surfaced, and in China economic market, Taobao is the e-commerce industry's most outstanding works. At that time, the electronic commerce industry in the operating process of its profits reached twenty or thirty times, earned gold and silver bowl, this phenomenon is very common in this kind of!

It is a pity that we are not all missed? At that time, no one told you this information? The future of wealth must belong to a digital currency, not a dollar, or gold! Please gather the largest platform for the global virtual currency players - you're not quick to join us GCB GLOBALCASH?

R9 global digital asset exchange is to block chain technology as the underlying architecture to the center of the digital asset trading intermediary service platform, the platform for global users to provide digital currency exchange and settlement transactions, digital asset creation and intelligent service contracts. High security, high transparency, high efficiency is the purpose of the R8 digital asset exchange, we are committed to creating the world's largest digital asset exchange center to center, so that the value of global digital assets to achieve mobility.

Digital asset lovers can purchase digital assets through the R9 digital asset exchange, or transfer the existing digital assets to the R9 digital asset exchange to make a transaction.

Corporate philosophy -- legal compliance, integrity, transparency, technological innovation, brand building

Corporate mission: to realize the value flow of digital assets

Enterprise vision: to create the world's largest to the center of the digital asset exchange alliance, provide intermediary services platform for trading, exchange, payment for the global quality of digital assets.

project introduction:

The block chain based technology development, in order to achieve a fast, safe, low cost and financial intermediary services network. R8 digital asset exchange will provide a variety of services to global users:

Digital currency exchange and settlement;

Real time data monitoring;

Digital asset creation, intelligent contract, etc.;

Provide professional investment report analysis; expert lectures, investment experience sharing and other services.

Platform will also introduce third party financial services institutions, to provide users with more special services, will also provide a candidate account registration, asset cancellation, asset changes, asset freezes and other services.

release notes:

R9 digital asset transactions so block chain technology as the underlying architecture, open source code, security trading platform open and transparent query; third party enterprises or individuals can be two times the development of R9 technology based on block chain, create new products and applications. At the same time, the R9 exchange will.






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