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Requests is a http request lib with fluent api for java, inspired by the python request module. From version 3.0, requests required java8.

#Maven Setting

Requests is now in maven central repo.



A Requests class is provided to make plain, simple http requests ##Simple http request Simple example that do http get request:

String url = ...;
String resp = Requests.get(url).send().readToText();

Post and other method:

resp =;
resp = Requests.head(url).send().readToText();

The response object have several common http response fields can be used:

RawResponse resp = Requests.get(url).send();
int statusCode = resp.getStatusCode();
List<Map.Entry<String, String>> headers = resp.getHeaders();
Collection<Cookie> cookies = resp.getCookies();
String body = resp.readToText();

Make sure call readToText or other methods to consume resp, or call close method to close resp.

The readToText() method here trans http response body as String, more other methods provided:

// get response as string, use encoding get from response header
String resp = Requests.get(url).send().readToText();
// get response as bytes
byte[] resp1 = Requests.get(url).send().readToBytes();
// save response as file
boolean result = Requests.get(url).send().writeToFile("/path/to/save/file");


Requests default use UTF-8 to encode parameters, post forms or request string body, you can set other charset by:

String resp = Requests.get(url).requestCharset(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1).send().readToText();

When read response to text-based result, use charset get from http response header, or UTF-8 if not found. You can force use specified charset by:

String resp = Requests.get(url).send().withCharset(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1).readToText();

##Passing Parameters

Pass parameters in urls using param or params method:

// set params by map
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("k1", "v1");
params.put("k2", "v2");
String resp = Requests.get(url).params(params).send().readToText();
// set multi params
String resp = Requests.get(url).params(Parameter.of("k1", "v1"), Parameter.of("k2", "v2"))

If you want to send post form-encoded paramters, use form()/forms() methods ##Custom Headers Http request headers can be set by header or headers method:

// set headers by map
Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put("k1", "v1");
headers.put("k2", "v2");
String resp = Requests.get(url).headers(headers).send().readToText();
// set multi headers
String resp = Requests.get(url).headers(Parameter.of("k1", "v1"), Parameter.of("k2", "v2"))


Cookies can be add by:

Map<String, Object> cookies = new HashMap<>();
cookies.put("k1", "v1");
cookies.put("k2", "v2");
// set cookies by map
String resp = Requests.get(url).cookies(cookies).send().readToText();
// set cookies
String resp = Requests.get(url).cookies(Parameter.of("k1", "v1"), Parameter.of("k2", "v2"))

##Request with data

Http Post, Put, Patch method can send request body. Take Post for example:

// set post form data
String resp ="k1", "v1"), Parameter.of("k2", "v2"))
// set post form data by map
Map<String, Object> formData = new HashMap<>();
formData.put("k1", "v1");
formData.put("k2", "v2");
String resp =;
// send byte array data as body
byte[] data = ...;
resp =;
// send string data as body
String str = ...;
resp =;
// send data from inputStream
InputStream in = ...
resp =;

One more complicate situation is multiPart post request, this can be done via multiPart method:

// send form-encoded data
InputStream in = ...;
byte[] bytes = ...;
String resp =
        .multiPartBody(Part.file("file1", new File(...)), Part.file("file2", new File("...")))

##Basic Auth

Set http basic auth param by auth method:

String resp = Requests.get(url).basicAuth("user", "passwd").send().readToText();


Requests will handle 30x http redirect automatically, you can disable it by:



There are two timeout parameters you can set, connect timeout, and socket timeout. The timeout value default to 10_000 milliseconds.

// both connec timeout, and socket timeout
// set connect timeout and socket timeout separately

##Response compress Requests send Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, and handle gzipped response in default. You can disable this by:


##Https Verification

Some https sites do not have trusted http certificate, Exception will be thrown when request. You can disable https certificate verify by:



Set proxy by proxy method:

Requests.get(url).proxy(Proxies.httpProxy("", 8081).send(); // http proxy
Requests.get(url).proxy(Proxies.socksProxy("", 1080).send(); // socks proxy proxy


Session maintains cookies, basic auth and maybe other http context for you, useful when need login or other situations. Session have the same usage as Requests.

Session session = Requests.session();
String resp1 = session.get(url1).send().readToText();
String resp2 = session.get(url2).send().readToText();


Easy to use and flexible http lib for java







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