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Inspired by this article

This code creates a JupyterLab setup for a list of users. For each user, you set up:

  1. A JupyterLab deployment to run the Notebooks.
  2. A Service to access your JupyterLab environment.
  3. An Inverting Proxy Agent deployment to get a unique URL per user (and per node)

Deploy Kubernetes

  1. Set variables

    # TODO(developer): Replace with your project
  2. Install Kubernetes tools

    gcloud components install kubectl --quiet
  3. Create the managed Kubernetes cluster (GKE)

    gcloud beta container clusters create ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
    --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
    --zone ${ZONE} \
    --release-channel regular \
    --enable-ip-alias \
    --scopes "" \
    --num-nodes 1 \
    --machine-type n1-standard-4
  4. Configure kubectl access

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
    --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
    --zone ${ZONE}

Deploy Notebook Servers

To deploy one or several Notebook servers on GKE, do the following:

  1. Set your variables

    # Both Docker images can be your own or google-provided ones.
    # List of users. Any email registered to Google as a whole works including Gmail.
    # Your system must filter our email addresses first or run its own Inverting Proxy server. 
  2. Create a Docker image for JupyterLab

    • This step is not required if you are using one of the AI Notebooks standard images.
    • If you decide to build your own image, you can either use a standard image as a base (recommended) or use your own from scratch.
    gcloud builds submit --tag ${DOCKER_IMAGE_JUPYTERLAB} ./docker/jupyterlab
  3. Update the image reference for JupyterLab

    # You can do manually in the file
    sed -i "s/<DOCKER_IMAGE_JUPYTERLAB>/${DOCKER_IMAGE_JUPYTERLAB}/g" "gke/configs/jupyterlab/deployment.yaml"
  4. Create a Docker image for the Inverting Proxy agent.

    • This step is not required if you use the Agent image provided by Google as a public image on registry. If you do not know the URL, build the image and host it where relevant. Example:
    gcloud builds submit --tag  ${DOCKER_IMAGE_AGENT} ./docker/agent
  5. Update the docker image for the [agent] (gke/configs/agent/deployment.yaml)

    # You can do manually in the file
    sed -i "s/<DOCKER_IMAGE_AGENT>/${DOCKER_IMAGE_AGENT}/g" "gke/configs/agent/deployment.yaml"
  6. Run the deploy script. The deploy script creates temporary GKE yaml files for each ids then deploy.

    cd gke
  7. Wait for deployment to be done

    kubectl get pods
  8. Get Inverting proxy URLs

  9. Access a Notebook using the relevant URL. Note people logged to Google can only access the URL that matches the identity.


  1. Deployments

  2. Kubernetes Engine


Comments and caveats

  • One user can only have one instance per node

    • Inverting Proxy URL uses user email + VM Id to create consistently the same unique URL.
    • It needs a valid Google email for authenticating later when accessing the URL.
  • If ask for more than one Notebook server per user, what is the reason. Currently:

    • Notebooks persist on GCS and survive the deletion of a Notebook server.
    • With custom images for Jupyterlab, users can quickly start predefined environments.
  • One agent per Notebook Server adds many deployments. Could do with one but would need a routing system like JupyterHub.

  • Administrators must limit email addresses to their needs because Inverting Proxy URL works with Gmail accounts.

  • Notebooks security is not currently enforced on GCS. Would need to setup ACL if this is a requirements.

    • A user can access Notebooks of users.
    • Makes is easy to collaborate but might want to manage this.