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Releases: gcube-team/gcube-releases

gCube 4.15.0

22 Nov 13:32
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gCube4-15-0 release

We are pleased to announce the roll-out of gCube 4-15-0. This release contains several improvements and bug fixing for the following subsystems:

gCube Workspace Portlet

  • Date 2019-11-12
  • Task #17226 Removing HL
  • Task #17524 Hiding 'Add Administrator" on VRE Folders
  • Folder Link and Get Link
    Ticket #17552 Workspace: reconsider the actions Private Link


gCube GRSF Manage widget

  • Date 2019-11-12
  • Feature #17576 Modify grsf-manage-widget posts to cite people with @username

gCube Resource Management Portlet


User Management API


  • Date 2019-11-12
  • Task #17348 Migrate ws-thredds-sync components to SHUB


Maven Archetype for GWT

  • Date 2019-11-13
  • Task #17247 Add numbers to correlation charts
  • Task #17225 Change Speedometer to Performeter
  • Task #17570 Added synoptic tables for Pre-grow and Hatchery

gCube Ckan metadata publisher widget

  • Date 2019-11-12
  • Feature #11331 Field repeatability: support for catalogue widget
  • Task #12480 Data Catalogue Publishing widget: filter the VREs for the working gateway widget
  • Feature #17577 Modify ckan-metadata-publisher-widget posts to cite people with @username
  • #13188 Fixed some logs


  • Date 2019-10-24
  • #chang Bug fixing


  • Date 2019-09-09
  • ticket: #13226 Updated to support the new Notifications System

gCube Workspace Sharing Widget

  • Date 2019-07-30
  • ticket: #17080 Added support for users in different Gateway
  • Updated the list of shared classes with the tree widget


  • Date 2019-09-09
  • task #11879 Updated to support the new Notifications System

gCube Workspace Tree Widget

  • Date 2019-11-12
  • Task #17226 Workspace and Workspace Tree: migrate HL remaining methods to SHUB
  • Updated the list of classes shared with sharing widget component
  • #17552 Workspace: reconsider the actions Private Link: reconsider the actions Private Link. Folder Link and Get Link
  • Incident #17930 Bug Fixed create link facility
  • Incident #17902 Bug Fixed sub (shared) folders of shared folders are not visualised as shared

Binaries and documentation can be downloaded from official gCube website:`

gCube 4.14.0

27 Jun 14:38
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gCube 4-14-0 release

We are pleased to announce the roll-out of gCube 4-14-0 . This release contains several improvements and bug fixing for the following subsystems:


  • added get-oauth-profile method for returning Google similar
    JSON Profile

gCube Ckan metadata publisher widget

  • Feature (#13074) Integrated with 'openlayer-basic-widgets'

gCube GRSF Manage widget

  • Feature (#16132) Report the name of the editor as tag in the
    published feed

gCube BOM

  • Added gxREST Dependency

  • Added gxJRS Dependency

  • Imported jersey-bom

  • Added compatible with defined jersey version

gCube Workspace Sharing Widget

  • Updated to StorageHub ticket (#13226)

gCube Service End Point Editor Management Portlet

  • Just updated service map configuration file

A distribution for the SmartGears Framework

  • Fixed gxHTTP dependecy to allow ETICs to build the component

Uri Resolver

  • Feature (#16263)Added new dataminer-invocation-model

  • Task (#16296) Bug fixes

  • Task (#16471) Tested Catalogue Resolver backward compatibility

Datatransfer Objects

  • Added various datatransfer objects to support execution details info delete operations



  • Feature (#16263) Added 'SHOW' value to ActionType enum

Invite Friends to VRE


  • Ticket (#13226) Updated to StorageHub

CKan utility library

  • Task (#16471) Migrate to new Catalogue Resolver


  • (#11708) Added location and zoom support
  • (ticket #11710) Added coordinates EPSG:4326 and EPSG:3857 support

Resource Management Library

  • (#12037) Please provide a way to get the Context UUID in ContextManager


  • (#13347) refers_to can be null while publishing legacy records refs

  • (#12421)Removed the non-ascii clean from extra fields refs

  • (#12421) Properly supporting UTF-8 characters refs

  • (#16395)Title is updated according to Stock/Fishery Name refs


  • Ticket (#16157) Updated resource selection how workaround for WorkspaceExplorer widget

gCube Workspace Portlet

gCube Share Updates Portlet

  • Revised social networking library mechanism for http links, mentions and hashtags recognition, Task (#13207)

gCube Workspace Explorer

  • Rebuilt due to storagehub exceptions added since gCube 4.14


  • oauth2 fully compatible reading client_id and client_secret from Basic authorization


  • Added location and zoom support [ticket #11708]
  • Ticket (#11710) Added coordinates EPSG:4326 and EPSG:3857 support

gCube Workspace Tree Widget

  • Updated to StorageHub [ticket: #13226]

  • Support (#16430)

  • Task (#12910) Rename and delete operations on shared folder
    should be managed by dedicated message on WS-side

Binaries and documentation can be downloaded from official gCube website:

gCube 4.13.1

28 Feb 11:22
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gCube 4-13-1 release

We are pleased to announce the roll-out of gCube 4-13-1 . This release contains several improvements and bug fixing for the following subsystems:

gCube Workspace Explorer

  • Changed ItemBuilder to read the new method getMetadata


  • Added https support (#13024)

Maven BOM for the Smartgears FW

  • Added common-smartgears-utils dependency

  • Added gxHTTP dependency


  • The sources in GRSF VRE are calculated using 'database_sources' field (#12861)



  • Added the project folder path update in the open operation (#12977)


  • Updated to support StorageHub properties (#11720)

Uri Resolver

gCube BOM

  • Added gxHTTP dependency

  • Upgraded verison of slf4j-api dependency


  • Only changed the call getPropertMap -> getMetadata.getMap

CKan utility library

  • Fixed Bug on social post publishing

gCube Workspace Tree Widget

  • Updated regular expression to validate Folder and File names

  • The owner shown in the grid is read from StorageHub (#12911)

  • Provide public links for versioned files (#13106)

A distribution for the SmartGears Framework

  • Using gcube-bom and gcube-smartgears-bom instead of maven-smartgears-bom

gCube Workspace Portlet

  • Provide public links for versioned files (#13106)

The gCube data catalogue metadata discovery library

  • Added profile validation capabilities

Binaries and documentation can be downloaded from official gCube website:

gCube 4.13.0

18 Dec 14:45
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Release org.gcube.4-13-0

We are pleased to announce the roll-out of gCube 4.13.0.This release contains several improvements and bug fixing for the following subsytems:

  • Date 2018-10-24
  • Add StorageHubResolver to URI-Resolver released in production Task [#12760]


  • Date 2018-11-26
  • Updated resource-registry related clients and libraries Task [#11941]


  • Date 2018-11-26
  • SVN parameters get from IS
  • Python3.6 added Ticket [#12742]


  • Date 2018-11-26
  • Creating uber-jar instead of jar-with-dependencies Task [#10136]


  • Date 2018-11-26
  • Removed final to a Constant Task [#10943]
  • Fixed breadcrumb on SelectDialaog

  • Date 2018-09-24
  • SSL enabled

  • Date 2018-10-01
  • Enabled ssl connection to mongodb

  • Date 2018-10-11
  • Constants definition moved on storage-manager-core Castants class
  • Added new Costants class for Junit package

  • Date 2018-10-01
  • Update to StorageHub

  • Date 2018-11-26
  • Patched method DataCatalogueImpl#getPortletURL

  • Date 2018-10-24
  • Add StorageHubResolver to URI-Resolver released in production Task [#12760]


  • Date 2018-11-26
  • Updated resource-registry related clients and libraries Task [#11941]


  • Date 2018-11-26


  • Date 2018-11-27
  • Added missing null checks when adding parent context in ContextImpl class
  • Changed model packages
  • Added RegistrationProvider which is used with ServiceLoader to dinamycally discover models



  • Date 2018-11-27
  • Using new resource-registry REST interface Task [#11902]


  • Date 2018-11-27

  • Date 2018-11-20
  • Reading the "WS-SYNCH.SYNCH-STATUS" property from StorageHub instead of HL Task [#12909]


  • Date 2018-11-27
  • Using new resource-registry REST interface Task [#11903]


  • Date 2018-11-27
  • Using new resource-registry REST interface Task [#11904]


  • Date 2018-11-27
  • Removed unneeded dependency (common-smartgears-app)
  • Added utility function in ContextUtility class
  • Closing Graph Factory before opening a new one Task [#11672]
  • Redesigned REST interface Task [#11288]

  • Date 2018-08-30
  • Fix for Incident #12351 Email Parser stuck on AGINFRA Gateway
  • Notifications via emails not working for domain, Feature #12613, Replace use of "$" character with "_" when sending notification emails about posts and messages Support [#12332]


  • Date 2018-11-05
  • Infrastructure-monitor: update resource at vo level rather than vre level Feature [#12726]


  • Date 2018-10-14
  • Feature #12726 update resource at vo level rather than vre level
  • Feature #11788 ContextManager class added


  • Date 2018-11-05
  • Infrastructure-monitor: update resource at vo level rather than vre level Feature [#12726]


  • Date 2018-10-22
  • VRE Managers and Groups: text misaligned Support [#12736]
  • Ported to Java 8 and GWT 2.8.1


  • Date 2018-10-01
  • Updated the support to StorageHub Task [#11879]



  • Date 2018-10-01
  • Updated download item to support StorageHub Ticket [#11720]



  • Date 2018-11-27
  • First Release. The component is a renaming of org.gcube.information-system.gcube-resources which should be 2.0.0

Binaries and documentation can be downloaded from official gCube website:

gCube 4.12.1

10 Oct 12:25
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We are pleased to announce the roll-out of gCube 4.12.1.This release contains several improvements and bug fixing for the following subsytems:

  • Complete refactoring of code
  • Item Port type is now RESTful (old methods are still allowed)
  • Added update support for Item (#11516)
  • Changed caching mechanism from ehcache API to JSR-107. Ehcache is still used as runtime library.
  • Solved random NullPointer Exception on catalogue-ws related to old caching mechanism (#11466)
  • Fixed normalization of the organization name (#12506)
  • Added the possibility to deny social post on catalogue-ws (#12514)

  • Added the possibility to deny social post on catalogue-ws (#12514)

  • Fixed pom to exclude libraries already provided by the container (#12510)


  • First release


  • Error when trying to publish the content of a workspace folder into the catalogue (#12563)


  • Pop-up Text improvement for the locked records (#12255)

Binaries and documentation can be downloaded from official gCube website:


31 Aug 13:36
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Release org.gcube.4-12-0

We are pleased to announce the roll-out of gCube 4.12.0.This release contains several improvements and bug fixing for the following subsytems:

  • add softcopy operation upgrade to mongo-java-driver 3.6.0

  • upgraded mongo-java-driver-library to 3.6.0
  • managed internal "SOFT_COPY" operation

  • Added new JUnit Test classes update JUnit Test Classes delete old method for retrieving remote phrase used by old smp protocol classes

  • Increasing http timeout releasing ExtendCkanClient: (Task 12040)

  • Added 'With Similarities'-'No Similarities' tag to GRSF Records (#11749)
  • Added 'Connected'-'Not Connected' tag to GRSF Records (#11766)
  • Add group for SDG flag (#11767)
  • Added citation field (#11811)
  • Changed 'State and trend of Marine Resource' to 'State and Trend' (#11968)
  • Changed 'Scientific advice' to 'Scientific Advice' (#11969)

  • Added biomass timeseries support to stock data (#11464)
  • Added 'With Similarities'-'No Similarities' tag to GRSF Records (#11749)
  • Added Tag for 'Fishing Gears' and 'Flag State' fields (#11748)
  • Added 'Connected'-'Not Connected' tag to GRSF Records (#11766)
  • Added group for SDG flag (#11767)
  • Added citation field (#11811)
  • Added sub-groups support for available time series related to GRSF Type "Assessment Unit" (#11832)
  • Added Biomass group (#11967)
  • Changed 'State and trend of Marine Resource' to 'State and Trend' (#11968)
  • Changed 'Scientific advice' to 'Scientific Advice' (#11969)


  • Added Storage hub dependency


  • Updated select context menu enabling filtering as you type


  • Removed acceptance admin column in table


  • Another fix regarding print out of password in clear: (Task #11352)


  • Revise email templates to not be intercepted by MailScanner: (Feature #11900)


  • Updated Workspace Explorer dependency
  • Added support for SendTo

  • Removed obsolete dependencies










  • Revised Style sheet and updated to common set of icons
  • Migrate to workspace-uploader 2.0:(Task #12089)
  • Removed portlets-widgets.wsmail-widget dependency:(Release #12006)



Binaries and documentation can be downloaded from official gCube website:

gCube 4.11.1

07 Jun 13:53
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We are pleased to announce the roll-out of gCube 4-11-1 .This release contains few bug fixing for the following components:



  • Removed previous jquery js load script


  • Managed case of Exception in order to avoid failure on checkItemLocked


  • Added Status control in Algorithm Generator (#11750)
  • Added System parameters support (#11768)

Binaries and documentation can be downloaded from official gCube website:

gCube 4.11.0

12 Apr 13:40
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gCube4-11-0 release

We are pleased to announce the roll-out of gCube 4-11-0 . This release contains several improvements and bug fixing for the following subsytems:

Workspace Explorer App

  • Feature #11374 Download items with double click


  • First Release

gCube Social Networking Library

  • Added JsInterop DTOs (ClientPost, ClientAttachment and JSON) for supporting new IPC Client side in NewsFeed

accept-invite-portlet Portlet

  • The created account now automatic set email as verified

gCube Workspace Tree Widget

  • Task #11127 Porting to new ws-thredds engine

  • Feature #11325 Workspace: add New URL feature in the context menu of right pane

CKan utility library

  • Portlet url is built on the fly (#11294 )


  • Added Regex rule support with reload functionalities #11232

gCube Workspace Portlet

  • Task #11127 Porting to new ws-thredds engine

  • Feature #11325 Workspace: add New URL feature in the context menu of right pane

Geo Explorer Portlet

  • Added setting to not show portlet borders in portlet.xml

gCube GRSF Manage widget

  • Task #11124 Testing the GRSF management panel

gCube Share Updates Portlet

  • restyled checkbox for notifications

  • Removed deprecated TIBCO Pagebus library and replaces with Liferay's IPC Client Side

  • Enhanced efficiency when retrieving mentioned users or groups in posts

gCube Pick Item Widget

  • Enhanced information passed when an item is selected, now passing more info such as if the item is a group or not and the item id

Accounting Aggregator

  • Logging every 5% elaborated rows when the total number is greatest than 100000

  • Regex Rules are loaded every time the plugin is lauched #11233

  • Added possibility to force to rerun an already completed aggregation #11258

  • Added possibility to force to restart immediately an interrupetd aggregation #11280

  • Added possibility to force to start an aggregation even is too early to do it #11281


  • Added secureUrl parameter for getting https public link

User Management API

  • Create user method automatic set email as verified

  • Added list users methods by range

  • Added search users method by groupId and Keywords

gCube Ckan metadata publisher widget

  • Minor update

Accounting Library

  • Added support to retrieve Accounting Regex rules through Service Endpoint #11230

  • Added LOCAL as additional value of DataType

Grsf Common Library

gCube GIS Viewer Widget

  • Task #11352 Removed print out password as plaintext


  • Added support to Private algorithms #10779 ticket

  • Added user name to algorithms descriptions in SAI publication
    #10705 ticket


  • Accounting Manager portlet: lower log level of o.g.p.a.a.s.SessionUtil #11259 ticket
  • Lack of blank space to separate the query term when hashtag is used 7841
  • Social-Networking - citing a people (with '@') in comments loses the focus 11189
  • Explore VREs use preloaders while loading VREs list 11434

Binaries and documentation can be downloaded from official gCube website:

gCube 4.10.0

20 Feb 09:01
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gCube 4.10.0 release

We are pleased to announce the roll-out of gCube 4.10.0. This release contains several improvements and bug fixing for the following subsytems:

Smart Executor

  • Smart executor now has a REST interface (#5109)

Information System

  • Added possibility to marshal list and array of ISManageable objects (#10796)
  • Created a Resource Registry Schema Client (#10248)
  • Improved IS Entity/Relation scanning on IS-Model library to support multiple inheritance (#5706)


  • Improved smartgears-distribution install script to cleanup tomcat/lib (#10711)


  • Reorganized URLs to be REST compliant (#10810)
  • Added the ability to marshal/unmarshall list and array of Records
  • Add the ability to rewrite the calledMethod which match a regular expression (#10646)
  • Added a way to esplicitly set the scope in accounting-analytics (#10188)

Data Transfer

  • Created a data-transfer-service plugin for thredds catalogs (#10106)

Data Analysis

  • The SAI now sends information to the Pool Manager about the user publishing the algorithm and all the users who share the SAI project with him (#10779)
  • The DataMiner now filters the algorithms depending on the users' visibility rights (#10778)
  • The algorithms installer should manage a list of users with visibility rights on an algorithm (#10750)

User Portlets

  • Extended GISViewer's zoom range (#10612)
  • On VREModeler Portlet, removed the mandatory node in creation phase (#6315)
  • Beautified the GeoExplorer, so as while adding an external WMS layer, not to look weird (#10608)
  • On Authorisation Option portlet, application tokens could only be created by VRE Managers/ Portal Administrators (#10774)
  • On SAI, fixed the "Set Main" behavior in case of R (#10523)

Index Service

  • Extended the rest service of the index, to allow fetching the (whole indexed) data in a scrollable way (#10735)


  • Enhanced the storage client library. It now checks if remote file exists (#5799)
  • Enhanced social util library: urls with ipv4/ipv6 are now recognized (#10984)
  • Updated the template for thredds' catalog.xml (#10617)

Resource Management

  • Integrated Resource Registry with the Resource Registry Context Client (#10249).
  • Created a context operation on Resource Manager (#10762)
  • Defined error codes returned by the service methods (#10789)

Various bug fixes

  • In accounting, forced use of fallback caused duplication of records in fallback files (#10677)
  • On social-networking, some characters were not recognized by hashtag regex (#10700)
  • Workspace download folder, fixed a tomcat temp occupation issue (#10831
  • Fixed a problem in social networking post format (#10974)
  • On Social Networking Service, fixed a typo on the landing page's message, which missed "group" (#10997)
  • On social portlet, fixed a bug which did not allow to paste links having '@' (#10987)

Binaries and documentation can be downloaded from official gCube website:

gCube 4.9.0

21 Dec 14:19
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We are pleased to announce the roll-out of the release gCube 4.9.0. This release contains several improvements and bug fixing for the following subsytems:

Information System
  • Added a modifiedBy in header of entities and relations (#9999). Also, exposes getSchema() API through Schema port type in addition to Access port type (#10244, #10245).
  • Added a context creation on new resource-registry on the VRE Deployer portlet (#10052). Also, reformed Context APIs to use JSON in HTTP body instead of get plain parameters (#10216, #10246).
  • Many changes have been also made on resource registry context (#10247, #10238, #10318, #10219, #10217, #10435, #10610)
Data transfer
  • Created a read (#10108) and a delete interface (#10562) for data-transfer-service.
  • Made an enhancement on Geonetwork Resolver : ported to Geonetwork connector (#10381)
Resource management
  • Integrated resource manager with the Jersey Test Framework (#10445)
  • Upon VRE Creation, a mail is now sent to infraManager (#5729)
  • Enhanced the invitations mechanism to avoid the double step (registration plus invite acceptance) (#6095)
Data Analysis
  • Dataminer is now provided as a war file and not a zip (#8557)
Spatial data
  • library now supports Geonetwork 3.0 (#5769)
Data access
  • Developed a connector to GeoNetwork webapp in order to exploit gcube-token in http requests, when present. (#9300)
  • on VREModeler Portlet, removed the mandatory node in creation phase (#6315)
  • Added pagination to Workspace Explorer for DataMiner (#9114)
Various bug fixes
  • Reopen DB connection on resource registry if closed, which happened when the orientdb instance was restarted (#10221)
  • On resource registry, the serialized resource remained at the old verson in some cases after update (#10390)
  • On home library APIs, fixed the file's size wrongly settting for very large files (#10343)
  • Workspace copy operation did get the wrong target folder whenever copying and pasting folder (#9758)
  • Fixed a bug on GeoNetwork library which did not released Sockets (#10493)
  • Fixed a bug on SAI , which occured whenever someone clicked on the Set Main button for the first time, SAI could not store the algorithm name (#10517)

Binaries and documentation can be downloaded from official gCube website: