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Added CPU flags that each instruction affects (mod/tst/undf). Compact…
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distorm committed Jul 24, 2012
1 parent a8763b5 commit 17f43d1
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Showing 16 changed files with 2,559 additions and 1,812 deletions.
215 changes: 190 additions & 25 deletions disOps/
Expand Up @@ -48,8 +48,6 @@
import x86db
from x86header import *

FLAGS_BASE_INDEX = 5 # Used to reserve the first few flags in the table for manual defined instructions in x86defs.c

mnemonicsIds = {} # mnemonic : offset to mnemonics table of strings.
idsCounter = len("undefined") + 2 # Starts immediately after this one.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,10 +131,6 @@ def CreateJavaDict(mnemonicsIds):
def DumpMnemonics():
global mnemonicsIds

# Add the hardcoded instruction which are not found in the DB.
# Warning: This should be updated synchronously with the code in diStorm.
map(lambda x: TranslateMnemonics(None, [x]), ["WAIT", "MOVSXD", "PAUSE"])

f = open("defs.txt", "w")

f.write("typedef enum {\n\tI_UNDEFINED = 0, ")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,7 +176,7 @@ def DumpMnemonics():

f.write(regsEnum + "\n")

# Mnemonics are sorted by insertion order. (Psuedo mnemonics depends on this!)
# Mnemonics are sorted by insertion order. (Psuedo mnemonics depend on this!)
s = "const unsigned char _MNEMONICS[] =\n\"\\x09\" \"UNDEFINED\\0\" "
l = zip(mnemonicsIds.keys(), mnemonicsIds.values())
l.sort(lambda x, y: x[1] - y[1])
Expand All @@ -197,7 +191,7 @@ def DumpMnemonics():

# Used for Python/Java dictionary of opcodeIds-->mnemonics.

O_NONE = 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -313,7 +307,6 @@ def DumpMnemonics():
OperandType.LMEM128_256 : O_MEM

flagsDict = {}
def CheckOTCollisions(ii):
""" Checks whether an instruction has two or more operands that use the same fields in the diStorm3 structure.
E.G: ENTER 0x10, 0x1 --> This instruction uses two OT_IMM, which will cause a collision and use the same field twice which is bougs. """
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -364,6 +357,169 @@ def CheckWritableDestinationOperand(ii):
ii.flags |= InstFlag.DST_WR

g = set()
ccc = 0
def SetInstructionAffectedFlags(ii, flagsTuple):
""" Helper routine to set the m/t/u flags for an instruction info. """
# Pad tuple for fast access.
if not isinstance(flagsTuple, type(())):
flagsTuple = (flagsTuple,)
flagsTuple += (0,) * (3 - len(flagsTuple))
ii.modifiedFlags = flagsTuple[0]
ii.testedFlags = flagsTuple[1]
ii.undefinedFlags = flagsTuple[2]
global g
global ccc
ccc += 1
#print ii.mnemonics

def GetTestedFlagsForCondition(cond):
OF, SF, ZF, AF, PF, CF, IF, DF = CPUFlags.OF, CPUFlags.SF, CPUFlags.ZF, CPUFlags.AF, CPUFlags.PF, CPUFlags.CF, CPUFlags.IF, CPUFlags.DF
Conditions = {
"O": OF,
"NO": OF,
"B": CF,
"AE": CF,
"Z": ZF,
"NZ": ZF,
"BE": CF | ZF,
"A": CF | ZF,
"S": SF,
"NS": SF,
"P": PF,
"NP": PF,
"L": SF | OF,
"GE": SF | OF,
"LE": SF | OF | ZF,
"G": SF | OF | ZF,
# Special for FCMOV
"U": PF,
"NU": PF,
"E": ZF,
"NE": ZF,
"NB": CF,
"NBE": CF | ZF
return Conditions[cond]

def CheckInstructionAffectedFlags(ii):
Add flags for each instruction that is in the following table. We add modified/tested/undefined flags.
Note that some instruction reset specific flags, but we don't record that here, we only care about actually modified ones.
OF, SF, ZF, AF, PF, CF, IF, DF = CPUFlags.OF, CPUFlags.SF, CPUFlags.ZF, CPUFlags.AF, CPUFlags.PF, CPUFlags.CF, CPUFlags.IF, CPUFlags.DF
InstByMnem = {
"AAA": (AF | CF, AF, OF | SF | ZF | PF),
"AAS": (AF | CF, AF, OF | SF | ZF | PF),
"AAD": (SF | ZF | PF, 0, OF | AF | CF),
"AAM": (SF | ZF | PF, 0, OF | AF | CF),
"ADC": (OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF, CF),
"ADD": (OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF),
"AND": (OF | SF | ZF | PF | CF, 0, AF),
"ARPL": (ZF),
"BSF": (ZF, 0, OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF),
"BSR": (ZF, 0, OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF),
"BT": (CF, 0, OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF),
"BTS": (CF, 0, OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF),
"BTR": (CF, 0, OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF),
"BTC": (CF, 0, OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF),
"CLC": (CF),
"CLD": (DF),
"CLI": (IF),
"CMC": (CF),
"CMP": (OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF),
"CMPXCHG": (OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF),
"CMPXCHG16B": (ZF), # Same inst as previous.
"COMSID": (ZF | PF | CF),
"COMISS": (ZF | PF | CF),
"DAA": (SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF, AF | CF, OF),
"DAS": (SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF, AF | CF, OF),
"DEC": (OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF),
"DIV": (0, 0, OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF),
"FCOMI": (ZF | PF | CF),
"FCOMIP": (ZF | PF | CF),
"FUCOMI": (ZF | PF | CF),
"FUCOMIP": (ZF | PF | CF),
"IDIV": (0, 0, OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF),
"IMUL": (OF | CF, 0, SF | ZF | AF | PF),
"INC": (OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF),
"UCOMSID": (ZF | PF | CF),
"UCOMISS": (ZF | PF | CF),
"IRET": (OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF | IF | DF),
"LAR": (ZF),
"LOOPZ": (0, ZF),
"LOOPNZ": (0, ZF),
"LSL": (ZF),
"LZCNT": (ZF | CF, 0, OF | SF | AF | PF),
"MUL": (OF | CF, 0, SF | ZF | AF | PF),
"NEG": (OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF),
"OR": (SF | ZF | PF, AF),
"POPF": (OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF | IF | DF),
"RSM": (OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF | IF | DF),
"SAHF": (SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF),
"SBB": (OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF, CF),
"STC": (CF),
"STD": (DF),
"STI": (IF),
"SUB": (OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF),
"TEST": (SF | ZF | PF, 0, AF),
"VERR": (ZF),
"VERW": (ZF),
"XADD": (OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF),
"XOR": (SF | ZF | PF, 0, AF),
# IO/String instructions:
"MOVS": (0, DF),
"LODS": (0, DF),
"STOS": (0, DF),
"CMPS": (OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF, DF),
"SCAS": (OF | SF | ZF | AF | PF | CF, DF),
"INS": (0, DF),
"OUTS": (0, DF)
# Check for mnemonics in the above table.
for i in ii.mnemonics:
if InstByMnem.has_key(i) and (ii.flags & InstFlag.PSEUDO_OPCODE) == 0:
SetInstructionAffectedFlags(ii, InstByMnem[i])

# Look carefuly for SETcc or Jcc instructions.
for i in ["SET", "CMOV", "FCMOV"]:
if ii.mnemonics[0].find(i) == 0:
SetInstructionAffectedFlags(ii, GetTestedFlagsForCondition(ii.mnemonics[0][len(i):]))
# See if it's a Jcc instruction.
if ii.mnemonics[0][:1] == "J" and ii.mnemonics[0][:2] not in ["JM", "JC", "JE", "JR"]:
SetInstructionAffectedFlags(ii, GetTestedFlagsForCondition(ii.mnemonics[0][1:]))

# Still no match, try special shift/rotate instructions.
# Special shift/rotate instruction that with constant 1 have different flag affections:
# First tuple is with constant 1, second tuple is with any count (CL).
Shifts = [
(["RCL", "RCR"], (OF | CF, CF), (CF, CF, OF)),
(["ROL", "ROR"], (OF | CF), (CF, 0, OF)),
(["SAL" "SAR", "SHL", "SHR"], (OF | SF | ZF | PF | CF, 0, AF), (SF | ZF | PF | CF, 0, OF | AF)),
(["SHLD", "SHRD"], (OF | SF | ZF | PF | CF, 0, AF), (SF | ZF | PF | CF, 0, OF | AF))
for i in Shifts:
for j in i[0]:
if ii.mnemonics[0] == j:
flags = i[1] if ii.operands[1] == OperandType.CONST1 else i[2]
SetInstructionAffectedFlags(ii, flags)

# The instruction doesn't affect any flags...

# Table to hold shared inst-info.
sharedInfoDict = {}
# Table to hold shared flags.
flagsDict = {}

def FormatInstruction(ii):
""" Formats a string with all information relevant for diStorm InstInfo structure
or the InstInfoEx. These are the internal structures diStorm uses for holding the instructions' information.
Expand All @@ -388,6 +544,9 @@ def FormatInstruction(ii):
# Add flags for writable destination operand.

# Add affected modified/tested/undefined flags for instruction.

# Pad mnemonics to three, in case EXMNEMONIC/2 isn't used (so we don't get an exception).
mnems = TranslateMnemonics([None, ii.classType][(ii.flags & InstFlag.PSEUDO_OPCODE) == InstFlag.PSEUDO_OPCODE], ii.mnemonics) + ["0", "0"]

Expand All @@ -414,16 +573,23 @@ def FormatInstruction(ii):
flags = ii.flags & ((1 << InstFlag.FLAGS_EX_START_INDEX)-1)
# Allocate a slot for this flag if needed.
if not flagsDict.has_key(flags):
flagsDict[flags] = len(flagsDict) + FLAGS_BASE_INDEX # Skip a few reserved slots.
flagsDict[flags] = len(flagsDict)
# Get the flags-index.
flagsIndex = flagsDict[flags]
if flagsIndex >= 256:
raise "FlagsIndex exceeded its 8 bits. Change flags of _InstInfo to be uint16!"

# Also classType and flow control are shared in two nibbles.
fields = "0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %s" % (flagsIndex, ops[1], ops[0], (ii.classType << 3) | ii.flowControl, mnems[0])
# "Structure-Name" = II_Bytes-Code {Fields + Optional-Fields}.
# InstSharedInfo:
sharedInfo = (flagsIndex, ops[1], ops[0], (ii.classType << 3) | ii.flowControl, ii.modifiedFlags, ii.testedFlags, ii.undefinedFlags)
if not sharedInfoDict.has_key(sharedInfo):
sharedInfoDict[sharedInfo] = len(sharedInfoDict)
# Get the shared-info-index.
sharedInfoIndex = sharedInfoDict[sharedInfo]
if sharedInfoIndex >= 2**16:
raise "SharedInfoIndex exceeded its 16 bits. Change type of sharedInfoIndex in _InstInfo!"

fields = "0x%x, %s" % (sharedInfoIndex, mnems[0])
# "Structure-Name" = II_Bytes-Code {Fields + Optional-Fields}.
return ("\t/*II%s*/ {%s%s}" % (ii.tag, fields, optFields), (ii.flags & InstFlag.EXTENDED) != 0)

def FilterTable(table):
Expand All @@ -442,7 +608,7 @@ def GeneratePseudoMnemonicOffsets():

# (AVX=VCMPxxxYY + null + lengthByte).
lengths = map(lambda x: 4 + len(x) + 2 + 2, AVXCmpTypes)
s += "uint16_t VCmpMnemonicOffsets[32] = {\n" + ", ".join([str(sum(lengths[:i] or [0])) for i in xrange(len(lengths))]) + "\n};\n";
s += "uint16_t VCmpMnemonicOffsets[32] = {\n" + ", ".join([str(sum(lengths[:i] or [0])) for i in xrange(len(lengths))]) + "\n};";
return s

def CreateTables(db):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -535,7 +701,6 @@ def CreateTables(db):
:!:NOTE:!: You MUST iterate a table with GenBlock wrapper, otherwise you might NOT get all instructions from the DB!
Refer to GenBlock for more information. """

indexShift = 13 # According to InstNode in instructions.h.
InstInfos = []
InstInfosEx = []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -567,14 +732,16 @@ def CreateTables(db):
# False indicates this entry points nothing.
InstructionsTree.append((0, ""))
s0 = "/* See x86defs.c if you get an error here. */\n_iflags FlagsTable[%d + %d] = {\n%s\n};" % (len(flagsDict), FLAGS_BASE_INDEX, ",\n".join(["0x%x" % i[1] for i in sorted(zip(flagsDict.values(), flagsDict.keys()))]))
s1 = "\n".join(["_InstNode Table%s = %d;" % (i[0], i[1]) for i in externTables])
s2 = "_InstInfo InstInfos[] = {\n%s\n};" % (",\n".join(InstInfos))
s3 = "_InstInfoEx InstInfosEx[] = {\n%s\n};" % (",\n".join(InstInfosEx))
s4 = "_InstNode InstructionsTree[] = {\n"
s4 += ",\n".join(["/* %x - %s */ %s" % (i[0], i[1][1], "0" if i[1][0] == 0 else "0x%x" % i[1][0]) for i in enumerate(InstructionsTree)])
s5 = GeneratePseudoMnemonicOffsets()
return s0 + "\n\n" + s1 + "\n\n" + s2 + "\n\n" + s3 + "\n\n" + s4 + "\n};\n\n" + s5 + "\n"
s = ["\n".join(["_InstInfo II_%s =%s;" % (i.mnemonics[0], FormatInstruction(i)[0]) for i in db.getExportedInstructions()]),
"_iflags FlagsTable[%d] = {\n%s\n};" % (len(flagsDict), ",\n".join(["0x%x" % i[1] for i in sorted(zip(flagsDict.values(), flagsDict.keys()))])),
"\n".join(["_InstNode Table%s = %d;" % (i[0], i[1]) for i in externTables]),
"_InstInfo InstInfos[%d] = {\n%s\n};" % (len(InstInfos), ",\n".join(InstInfos)),
"_InstInfoEx InstInfosEx[%d] = {\n%s\n};" % (len(InstInfosEx), ",\n".join(InstInfosEx)),
"_InstNode InstructionsTree[%d] = {\n%s\n};" % (len(InstructionsTree), ",\n".join(["/* %x - %s */ %s" % (i[0], i[1][1], "0" if i[1][0] == 0 else "0x%x" % i[1][0]) for i in enumerate(InstructionsTree)])),
# sharedInfoDict must be evaluated last, since the exported instructions above add items to it!
"_InstSharedInfo InstSharedInfoTable[%d] = {\n%s\n};" % (len(sharedInfoDict), ",\n".join(["{%s}" % str(i[1])[1:-1] for i in sorted(zip(sharedInfoDict.values(), sharedInfoDict.keys()))])),
return "\n\n".join(s)

def main():
# Init the 80x86/x64 instructions sets DB.
Expand All @@ -590,11 +757,9 @@ def main():
lists = CreateTables(db)
# Write them to the file also.



print "The file output.txt was written successfully"

16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion disOps/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Copyright (C) 2009 Gil Dabah,
# Copyright (C) 2012 Gil Dabah,

from x86header import *
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ class InstructionInfo:
""" Instruction Info holds all information relevant for an instruction.
another string member, self.tag, will be initialized in runtime to have the bytes of the opcode (I.E: 0f_0f_a7). """
def __init__(self, classType, OL, pos, isModRMIncluded, mnemonics, operands, flags):
self.tag = ""
self.classType = classType
# Check for special mandatory-prefixed instruction.
if pos[0] in _MandatoryPrefixesList:
Expand All @@ -54,6 +55,10 @@ def __init__(self, classType, OL, pos, isModRMIncluded, mnemonics, operands, fla
self.mnemonics = mnemonics
self.operands = operands
self.flags = flags
# CPU affected flags by instruction:
self.modifiedFlags = 0
self.testedFlags = 0
self.undefinedFlags = 0
if len(self.operands) == 3:
self.flags |= InstFlag.USE_OP3
elif len(self.operands) == 4:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,6 +204,11 @@ class InstructionsDB:
def __init__(self):
# Root contains a Full InstructionsTable with 256 entries.
self.root = InstructionsTable(InstructionsTable.Full, "", [])
# Special instructions that diStorm has to use manually and can look them up using the tables.
self.exportedInstructions = []

def getExportedInstructions(self):
return self.exportedInstructions

def HandleMandatoryPrefix(self, type, o, pos, ii, tag):
if ii.prefixed:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -331,6 +341,10 @@ def CreateSet(self, type, o, pos, ii, tag = "", level = 0):

def SetInstruction(self, *args):
""" This function is used in order to insert an instruction info into the DB. """
if (args[4] & InstFlag.EXPORTED) != 0:
ii = InstructionInfo(args[0], OpcodeLength.OL_1, [0], False, args[2], args[3], args[4])
# *args = ISetClass, OL, pos, mnemonics, operands, flags
# Construct an Instruction Info object with the info given in args.
opcode = args[1].replace(" ", "").split(",")
Expand Down
18 changes: 16 additions & 2 deletions disOps/
Expand Up @@ -176,8 +176,9 @@ class InstFlag:
) = [1 << i for i in xrange(40)]
GEN_BLOCK, # 39 From here on: internal to disOps.
) = [1 << i for i in xrange(41)]
# Nodes are extended if they have any of the following flags:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,3 +233,16 @@ class NodeType:
) = range(0, 7)

class CPUFlags:
""" Specifies all the flags that the x86/x64 CPU supports. """
(ZF, # 0
SF, # 1
CF, # 2
OF, # 3
PF, # 4
AF, # 5
DF, # 6
IF # 7
) = [1 << i for i in xrange(8)]

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