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   _____                .__              ________   
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/    Y    \/ __ \\  \___|   Y  \ /_____/ /    |    \
\____|__  (____  /\___  >___|  /         \_______  /
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 |    |   |  |_|  |  / /_/  >  |   |  \
 |____|   |____/____/\___  /|__|___|  /
                    /_____/         \/  v0.3
(c) 2011, fG! - -

This is a very simple IDA plugin to display Mach-O header information.
A custom view is created with this information and the header fields inside the IDA
disassembly are commented and put together.
It's more or less a port of otool functionality into IDA.
Never understood why IDA doesn't solve executable headers :-)
Supports x86, x86_64, ppc, arm (iOS) mach-o binaries.

Some commands aren't implemented (obsolete/rare ones) and the LC_UNIXTHREAD/LC_THREAD
for now only displays thread state flavors (the most common case).

The 64bits version has some problems in the header comments.
I can't get the Quadro word command to work right (bug?).

Tested with Mac OS X version and Windows. Should also work in Linux :-)

To compile for OS X use the Makefile or the XCode Project.
You will need to edit the Makefile or the XCode project and set the paths to the SDK.
Refer to for XCode.
Set the environment variable __EA64__ if you want the plugin for IDA 64bits.

For Windows, DEVC++ project file is included for IDA 32 and 64 bits versions.
You will need to edit the DEVC++ project and set the paths to the SDK and plugin binary output.
Please refer to for more information.
You should do a Rebuild All in DEVC++ (especially if you switch from 32 to 64 project or vice-versa).

The default shortcut is set to Alt-X. You maybe want to modify it.
Edit IDAP_hotkey at machoplugin.cpp to your own preference.

Bug reports, fixes and patches are welcome:

I seem to have found a few bugs in IDA QT GUI implementation.
The most annoying one is that the plugin will crash IDA if called more than once in the same session.
What happens is that IDA happilly keeps opening new custom views even if there is code trying to prevent it.
The create_tform() function from the SDK should return a new handle if there is already a form with the 
same caption. Well this works with the old GUI but fails with the new one (QT). The same happens with find_tform.
In this case, it never returns NULL if there's no form (which is the expected behavior).
I implemented a small workaround, which is to add a number to the form caption. This way each call to the plugin
will generate a new custom view and not crash IDA. Not pretty but the other workarounds I tried failed since I can't
find if form exists or not.

Another bug is related to the PLUGIN_UNL flag. It is used to "Unload the plugin immediately after calling 'run'.".
If this option is set, it crashes the Windows version. Mac version seems do to fine with it.

Last bug is related to the Quadro Word implementation. It doesn't seem to work ok. This creates some problems to
comment the 64bits binaries header.

That's it! Enjoy :-)


v0.3 - fix the plugin crash if called more than once
     - comment the LC_THREAD/LC_UNIXTHREAD registers, which were missing
	 - some other small bug fixes
	 - removed the copy script that was still present in the xcode project


IDA plugin to Display Mach-O headers






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