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282 final project link to SALAMI data (

Project timeline: May 5th Project due


  1. Data collection By 19th Apr (Week 1 Fri)
  • Set up cloud instance [Nami]
  • Download audio files from SALAMI [Jon]
  • Download labels and mark boundary on 4-second window [Jinlin]
  • Transform audio files to spectrogram, format it to vector form each frame [Jinlin]
  • Feed through an identity map to check
  1. Building network architecture By 21st Apr (Week 1 Sun)
  • LSTM
  • Attention (encoder-only self-attention?)
  1. Training By 26th Apr (Week 2 Fri)

  2. Evaluation By 4rd May (Week 3 Fri)

  • Distance metric (BLEU-like precision metric: overlap with ground truth/prediction sequence length) for first model (boundary or not-boundary)
  • Cross entropy loss for second model (label/prediction discrepency)

Notes on network structure

Two different models: one model to predict where the boundary of section is (a pair of timestamp: start and end) to segment the music into sections; the subsequent model to classify each section as one of the section label.

We need to train these two models sequentially because we need a good enough boundary-predicting model in order to go about section classification.

  1. First model (boundary model)

input: spectrogram at each time step output: (start, end) - two timestamp of where boundary starts and ends label: (start, end) - computed from 4-second-window centered at the section onset time (e.g. data looks like 1:11 Bridge, 2:40 Chorus; boundary is (1:09, 1:13), (2:38, 2:42))

  1. Second model (section model) - sequential version

input: spectrogram at each time step, if frames fall into previously predicted boundary range, replace it with a delimiter/token vector representation (ASK*)* intermediate hidden state: representation of the section is captured using the last time step activation before any boundary delimiter; output: each section representation generates a prediction of what that section is. label: section label


What is a good size for frame/time step of spectrogram?


282 final project






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