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Fix test time sensitivity when checking tasks #111

merged 1 commit into from Nov 10, 2014

Commits on Nov 10, 2014

  1. Fix test time sensitivity when checking tasks

    Integration tests which confirm atomicity and idempotency of updates by
    checking the number of tasks generated during an operation were sensitive to
    time differences between the clocks on the local machine and vCloud
    This could be reproduced by putting your local clock forward one hour. You'd
    get a test failure like the following:
        1) Vcloud::EdgeGatewayServices Test EdgeGatewayServices with multiple services Check update is functional should only create one edgeGateway update task when updating the configuration
           Failure/Error: expect(task_list_after_update.size - task_list_before_update.size).to be(1)
             expected #<Fixnum:3> => 1
                  got #<Fixnum:1> => 0
             Compared using equal?, which compares object identity,
             but expected and actual are not the same object. Use
             `expect(actual).to eq(expected)` if you don't care about
             object identity in this example.
           # ./spec/integration/edge_gateway/edge_gateway_services_spec.rb:44:in `block (4 levels) in <module:Vcloud>'
    This is because it was using the local time to find all tasks that had
    occurred since the beginning of that test and vCloud Director didn't know of
    any tasks that had occurred in (what it considers to be) the future.
    Fix this by using a previous Edge Gateway task as a marker and find all
    tasks that have occurred since that. The timestamp of that last task is
    generated by the clock available to vCloud Director, so any difference
    between local and remote time is no longer an issue.
    In most cases the previous task will be another one of our tests or the
    `reset_edge_gateway` before block. The helper will raise an exception if
    it's unable to find anything at all. We make sure *that* task is removed
    from the elapsed results by matching it's unique `href` field.
    The option `pageSize 1` is used in the initial query to optimise the amount
    of data we get from vCloud, because we only care about the single most
    recent. This depends on a new release of vcloud-core for
    gds-operations/vcloud-core#140 - without which it will fetch all results
    one-by-one, very slowly.
    dcarley committed Nov 10, 2014
    Configuration menu
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