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A library and tool to modify tar flows/streams at runtime.

The tool tar-formers was born to be a helpful tool for testing the library tar-formers that is mainly used by the luet the Macaroni OS PMS. But could be used as static binary for archiving the directories, and files in different compressions as an alternative to tar binary and apply renames, and filters at runtime.

Copyright (c) 2021-2024 - Daniele Rondina

Tar-formers - A golang tool to control tar flows/streams


Available Commands:
  archive       Archive one or more directories to a tarball.
  bridge        Extract a stdin flow or an input tarball and bridge it to tar output stream or file.
  completion    Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  docker-cp     Copy files from a docker container path to a specified directory or to a file.
  docker-export Export the files a docker container to a specified directory or to a file.
  docker-import Create a docker image from a directory or a tarball.
  help          Help about any command
  portal        Extract a stdin flow or a tar file to a specified directory.

  -c, --config string   Tarformers configuration file
  -d, --debug           Enable debug output.
  -h, --help            help for this command
  -v, --version         version for this command

Use " [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Export docker container to a directory and apply filter

$> tar-formers docker-export <container-id> --todir ./tmp

The docker export command at the moment doesn't set the Uname and Gname attribute of the tarball flow so, you can't use it with map_entities feature.

Export docker container to a tarball and apply filter

The type of the compression is automatically detected by the extension of the filename.

$> tar-formers docker-export <container-id> --to /mycontaincer.tar.gz --specs specs.yml

The option --to accepts the - for write flow to stdout.

Copy files from a docker container to a directory and apply filter

$> tar-formers docker-cp <container-id> <container-src-path> --todir ./tmp --specs specs.yml

Copy files from a docker container to a tarball and apply filter

$> tar-formers docker-cp <container-id> <container-src-path> --to /myfiles.tar.gz ./tmp --specs specs.yml

Create a docker image from with the content of a directory filtered

$> tar-formers docker-import geaaru/tar-formers:latest --dir ./tmp --platform amd64 \
    -m "My image" --change 'ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh"]' --specs specs.yml

Create a docker image from a tarball filtered

$> tar-formers di geaaru/tar-formers:latest --file container.tar --platform amd64 \
    -m "My image" --change 'ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh"]' --specs specs.yml

NOTE: The supported files for the option --file are: gzip|gz,zstd,xz,bzip2|bz2,tar

Extract tar flow related to a specific rules from stdin

$> tar -cpf - ./pkg | tar-formers portal --stdin --specs rules.yaml --to ./tmp

Extract tar flow related to a specific rules from tar file compressed in gzip

$> tar-formers portal --file test.tar.gz --to ./tmp -d --specs rules.yaml

Rules YAML file

tar-formers takes a rules YAML file in this format:

# Author:
# tar-formers example specs file.

# Define the list of path prefix that are accepted
# If the tar entity doesn't match with the defined
# prefix will be ignored.
# An empty list means accept all.
#- "/etc/"
# NOTE: for tarball with relative path you need
# consider to add an additional slash at begin.
# - "/./pkg/"

# Define the list of regex used to match the paths
# to ignore. This check is done after the match prefix
# rules.
# - "^/var/pkg"
#  - "^/./pkg/specs"

# Define the list of files to ignore.
  - "/.dockerenv"

# Define the list of files to rename
  - source: "/etc/resolv.conf"
    dest: "/etc/resolv.conf.example"

# Define a list of uids to remap. The uid is a uint32 number.
# Not yet implemented.
#  100: 101

# Define a list of gids to remap. The uid is a uint32 number.
# Not yet implemented.
#  1000: 1001

# Set the same owner present on tarfile. Default true.
same_onwer: false

# Set the access and modification time present on tar header. Default false.
same_chtimes: true

# Using the user/group names present on tar header and resolve it.
# Not yet implemented.
# map_entities: false

# Warning on create hardlink and sym
broken_links_fatal: false

Golang API

Hereinafter, an example about using tar-formers API:

  // Initialize default tarformers instance
  // to use the config object used by the library.
  cfg := tarf_specs.NewConfig(c.Viper)
  cfg.GetLogging().Level = "warning"

  t := tarf.NewTarFormersWithLog(cfg, true)

  // Untar file
  in, err := os.Open(srcTarfile)
  if err != nil {
    return err
  defer in.Close()

  spec := tarf_specs.NewSpecFile()
  spec.SameOwner = true
  spec.EnableMutex = true
  spec.OverwritePerms = true
  spec.IgnoreFiles = []string{

  tarformers := tarf.NewTarFormers(tarf.GetOptimusPrime().Config)

  if modifier != nil && len(protectedFiles) > 0 {

      spec.TriggeredFiles = protectedFiles

  return tarformers.RunTask(spec, dst)