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Minting an NFT with Tableland + Polygon

This tutorial shows developers how to use Tableland for NFT metadata in a two table composable deployment model, using Polygon + SQL. For a full walkthrough, check out the writeup here.


The goal of this project is to show developers how to use Tableland + Polygon for metadata. There are a number of scripts that read some metadata files hosted locally (in metadata and images). It walks through how to take the set of images, upload them to IPFS, and combine them with local metadata JSON files (which originally have empty image fields) into ERC721 compliant objects. Then, the metadata is parsed into SQL statements for Tableland usage, which are used in a hardhat deployment of a TwoTablesNFT smart contract. Polygon is used for deploying the tables and the NFT smart contract.

├── images
│   ├── 0.jpeg
│   └── 1.jpeg
├── contracts
│   └── TwoTablesNFT.sol
├── hardhat.config.js
├── metadata
│   ├── 0
│   └── 1
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── scripts
│   ├── deployTwoTables.js
│   ├── prepareSql.js
│   ├── metadataProcessing.js
│   └── verifyTwoTables.js
└── test
│   └── test.js
└── .env

Namely, the project is broken into the following:

  • images => A couple of sample images, but any images/amount can be included -- these will be uploaded to IPFS. Note that these will be related to the NFT's tokenId.
  • metadata => The corresponding metadata files for each image, which lack the "image" field value (empty string by default). The metadata files will have their "image" values overwritten by the image's CID upon IPFS upload. These JSON files must have a 1:1 relationship to images, with matching names (e.g., 0.jpeg for the image, and 0 for the JSON, omitting the extension).
  • contracts => The NFT smart contract (TwoTablesNFT), which will mint tokens & allow for the baseURI to be set that points to the Tableland network. TwoTablesNFT is the "recommended" way to do things where two Tableland tables (main and attributes) are used and composed with SQL.
  • hardhat.config.js => Some useful deployment configs, including gateways to the proper Alchemy node provider on Polygon Mumbai testnets -- and also loading the private key from .env for live testnet deployment.
  • scripts:
    • metadataProcessing.js => Look for images in images, upload images to IPFS, parse the metadata files, write these CIDs to the corresponding JSON/object, and also, return the built object for metadata preparation.
    • prepareSql.js => Take the output from uploadMetadataToIpfs.js and build SQL statements.
    • deployTwoTables.js => Deploy the TwoTablesNFT contracts, using the output from prepareSql.js -- and set the baseURI & tokenURI to the Tableland gateway (
    • verifyTwoTables.js => Although optional, an additional script that can be used to verify a contract on Polygonscan.
  • test => Includes some simple chai tests with ethers as well, including testing out the tokenURI is correct.
  • .env => Private variables to store locally, so do not expose these publicly; examples are provided in .env.example


  1. Clone this repo to use the images and metadata files (and to view the final code).
  2. Export your private key and save it in a .env file as PRIVATE_KEY. Steps 3-5 will do something similar.
  3. Create an account (here), an API key (here), and save it locally as NFT_STORAGE_API_KEY.
  4. Sign up for an Alchemy account (here) and save it as ALCHEMY_POLYGON_MUMBAI_API_KEY.
  5. Optionally, sign up for a Polygonscan account and save an API key as POLYGONSCAN_API_KEY.
  6. Run any of the scripts defined below, such as deploying to Polygon: npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network polygon-mumbai

Example Output

The following details some of the deployed information from this tutorial using Polygon Mumbai:

Available Scripts

Compile the NFT smart contract

npx hardhat compile

Run hardhat tests, including validating the tokenURI works as expected

npx hardhat test

Deploy the smart contract locally, running the following in different shells. The deploy.js script uploads local files to IPFS and sets the CID to the NFT contract's baseURI.

Deploy to live testnets like Polygon Mumbai

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network polygon-mumbai

And Optionally, instead of verifying the contract in deployTwoTables.js, you can do:

npx hardhat run scripts/verifyTwoTables.js --network polygon-mumbai


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