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Added host_header option
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chandrusf committed Jun 28, 2007
1 parent 6eb5f5e commit 326fddf
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Showing 5 changed files with 41 additions and 9 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions lib/ibrowse/README
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ Comments to :

28-06-2007 - Added host_header option to enable connection to secure sites
via stunnel

20-04-2007 - Geoff Cant sent a patch to remove URL encoding for digits in
ibrowse had a dependency on the inets application because the
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15 changes: 13 additions & 2 deletions lib/ibrowse/doc/ibrowse.html
Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,11 @@

<h1>Module ibrowse</h1>
The ibrowse application implements an HTTP 1.1 client.
<p>Copyright © 2005-2007 Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi</p>
<ul><li><a href="#description">Description</a></li><li><a href="#index">Function Index</a></li><li><a href="#functions">Function Details</a></li></ul>
<p><b>Version:</b> 1.2.7</p>
<p><b>Behaviours:</b> <a href="gen_server.html"><tt>gen_server</tt></a>.</p>
<p><b>Authors:</b> Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi (<a href="mailto:chandrashekhar dot mullaparthi at gmail dot com"><tt>chandrashekhar dot mullaparthi at gmail dot com</tt></a>).</p>

<h2><a name="description">Description</a></h2><p>The ibrowse application implements an HTTP 1.1 client. This
module implements the API of the HTTP client. There is one named
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,10 +139,18 @@ <h3><a name="send_req-4">send_req/4</a></h3>

<h3><a name="send_req-5">send_req/5</a></h3>
<p><tt>send_req(Url::string(), Headers::<a href="#type-headerList">headerList()</a>, Method::<a href="#type-method">method()</a>, Body::<a href="#type-body">body()</a>, Options::<a href="#type-optionList">optionList()</a>) -&gt; <a href="#type-response">response()</a></tt>
<ul><li><tt><a name="type-optionList">optionList()</a> = [<a href="#type-option">option()</a>]</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-option">option()</a> = {max_sessions, integer()} | {max_pipeline_size, integer()} | {trace, <a href="#type-boolean">boolean()</a>} | {is_ssl, <a href="#type-boolean">boolean()</a>} | {ssl_options, [SSLOpt]} | {pool_name, atom()} | {proxy_host, string()} | {proxy_port, integer()} | {proxy_user, string()} | {proxy_password, string()} | {use_absolute_uri, <a href="#type-boolean">boolean()</a>} | {basic_auth, {<a href="#type-username">username()</a>, <a href="#type-password">password()</a>}} | {cookie, string()} | {content_length, integer()} | {content_type, string()} | {save_response_to_file, <a href="#type-boolean">boolean()</a>} | {stream_to, <a href="#type-process">process()</a>} | {http_vsn, {MajorVsn, MinorVsn}} | {transfer_encoding, {chunked, ChunkSize}}</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-process">process()</a> = pid() | atom()</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-username">username()</a> = string()</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-password">password()</a> = string()</tt></li><li><tt>SSLOpt = term()</tt></li><li><tt>ChunkSize = integer()</tt></li></ul></p>
<ul><li><tt><a name="type-optionList">optionList()</a> = [<a href="#type-option">option()</a>]</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-option">option()</a> = {max_sessions, integer()} | {max_pipeline_size, integer()} | {trace, <a href="#type-boolean">boolean()</a>} | {is_ssl, <a href="#type-boolean">boolean()</a>} | {ssl_options, [SSLOpt]} | {pool_name, atom()} | {proxy_host, string()} | {proxy_port, integer()} | {proxy_user, string()} | {proxy_password, string()} | {use_absolute_uri, <a href="#type-boolean">boolean()</a>} | {basic_auth, {<a href="#type-username">username()</a>, <a href="#type-password">password()</a>}} | {cookie, string()} | {content_length, integer()} | {content_type, string()} | {save_response_to_file, <a href="#type-boolean">boolean()</a>} | {stream_to, <a href="#type-process">process()</a>} | {http_vsn, {MajorVsn, MinorVsn}} | {host_header, string()} | {transfer_encoding, {chunked, ChunkSize}}</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-process">process()</a> = pid() | atom()</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-username">username()</a> = string()</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-password">password()</a> = string()</tt></li><li><tt>SSLOpt = term()</tt></li><li><tt>ChunkSize = integer()</tt></li></ul></p>
<p>Same as send_req/4.
For a description of SSL Options, look in the ssl manpage. If the
HTTP Version to use is not specified, the default is 1.1</p>
HTTP Version to use is not specified, the default is 1.1.
<p>The <code>host_header</code> is useful in the case where ibrowse is
connecting to a component such as <a href="">stunnel</a> which then sets up a
secure connection to a webserver. In this case, the URL supplied to
ibrowse must have the stunnel host/port details, but that won't
make sense to the destination webserver. This option can then be
used to specify what should go in the <code>Host</code> header in
the request.</p></p>

<h3><a name="send_req-6">send_req/6</a></h3>
<p><tt>send_req(Url, Headers::<a href="#type-headerList">headerList()</a>, Method::<a href="#type-method">method()</a>, Body::<a href="#type-body">body()</a>, Options::<a href="#type-optionList">optionList()</a>, Timeout) -&gt; <a href="#type-response">response()</a></tt>
Expand Down
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion lib/ibrowse/src/ibrowse.erl
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
%%% Created : 11 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
%% @author Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <chandrashekhar dot mullaparthi at gmail dot com>
%% @copyright 2005-2007 Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi
%% @version 1.2.7
%% @doc The ibrowse application implements an HTTP 1.1 client. This
%% module implements the API of the HTTP client. There is one named
%% process called 'ibrowse' which acts as a load balancer. There is
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,7 +181,16 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->

%% @doc Same as send_req/4.
%% For a description of SSL Options, look in the ssl manpage. If the
%% HTTP Version to use is not specified, the default is 1.1
%% HTTP Version to use is not specified, the default is 1.1.
%% <br/>
%% <p>The <code>host_header</code> is useful in the case where ibrowse is
%% connecting to a component such as <a
%% href="">stunnel</a> which then sets up a
%% secure connection to a webserver. In this case, the URL supplied to
%% ibrowse must have the stunnel host/port details, but that won't
%% make sense to the destination webserver. This option can then be
%% used to specify what should go in the <code>Host</code> header in
%% the request.</p>
%% @spec send_req(Url::string(), Headers::headerList(), Method::method(), Body::body(), Options::optionList()) -> response()
%% optionList() = [option()]
%% option() = {max_sessions, integer()} |
Expand All @@ -199,6 +211,7 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
%% {save_response_to_file, boolean()} |
%% {stream_to, process()} |
%% {http_vsn, {MajorVsn, MinorVsn}} |
%% {host_header, string()} |
%% {transfer_encoding, {chunked, ChunkSize}}
%% process() = pid() | atom()
Expand Down
15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions lib/ibrowse/src/ibrowse_http_client.erl
Expand Up @@ -459,12 +459,17 @@ send_req_1(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Sock, State) ->
port = Port,
path = RelPath} = Url_1 = parse_url(Url),
Headers_1 = add_auth_headers(Url_1, Options, Headers, State),
HostString = case Port of
80 -> Host;
_ -> [Host, ":", integer_to_list(Port)]
HostHeaderValue = case lists:keysearch(host_header, 1, Options) of
false ->
case Port of
80 -> Host;
_ -> [Host, ":", integer_to_list(Port)]
{value, {_, Host_h_val}} ->
Req = make_request(Method,
[{"Host", HostString} | Headers_1],
[{"Host", HostHeaderValue} | Headers_1],
AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options, State#state.use_proxy),
case get(my_trace_flag) of %%Avoid the binary operations if trace is not on...
true ->
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/ibrowse/
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

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