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geckolinux edited this page Nov 13, 2015 · 62 revisions

Welcome to the GeckoLinux project wiki!

Version numbering

  • Here is an example version number: 42115.1112.1
    • The 42115 indicates the major openSUSE version on which this GeckoLinux spin is based, in this case version 42.1, plus the year this spin was released, 2015
    • The .1112 part indicates that it was created on 2015-11-12
    • The last digit will normally be .1, unless I have to publish multiple revisions on the same day.

GeckoLinux Live Media Usernames and Passwords

  • linux / linux
  • root / linux

How to Fix the Login Screen Resolution:

  • Ctrl+Alt+Backspace two times will fix it.

How to Install GeckoLinux:

  • Search for “install” in the start menu.
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