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stineb committed May 22, 2023
1 parent 3fc0364 commit b263444
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Showing 2 changed files with 201 additions and 0 deletions.
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions add_material/full_workflow_no_caret.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
# This script is used to demonstrate the implementation of a full worflow "by hand".
# Used in Care Session 2.


# Read and wrangle data ---------------------
# (no pre-processing!). Here, no wrangling done (cleaning, variable selection, etc.)
# df <- read.csv(paste0(here::here(), "/data/df_daily_exercise_supervisedmlii.csv"))

# alternative
df <- read_csv(paste0(here::here(), "/data/FLX_CH-Dav_FLUXNET2015_FULLSET_DD_1997-2014_1-3.csv")) |>

# select only the variables we are interested in
GPP_NT_VUT_REF, # the target
ends_with("_QC"), # quality control info
ends_with("_F"), # includes all all meteorological covariates
-contains("JSB") # weird useless variable
) |>

# convert to a nice date object
dplyr::mutate(TIMESTAMP = lubridate::ymd(TIMESTAMP)) |>

# set all -9999 to NA
dplyr::na_if(-9999) |> # NOTE: Newer tidyverse version no longer support this statement
# instead, use `mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~na_if(., -9999))) |> `

# retain only data based on >=80% good-quality measurements
# overwrite bad data with NA (not dropping rows)
dplyr::mutate(GPP_NT_VUT_REF = ifelse(NEE_VUT_REF_QC < 0.8, NA, GPP_NT_VUT_REF),
TA_F = ifelse(TA_F_QC < 0.8, NA, TA_F),
SW_IN_F = ifelse(SW_IN_F_QC < 0.8, NA, SW_IN_F),
LW_IN_F = ifelse(LW_IN_F_QC < 0.8, NA, LW_IN_F),
VPD_F = ifelse(VPD_F_QC < 0.8, NA, VPD_F),
PA_F = ifelse(PA_F_QC < 0.8, NA, PA_F),
P_F = ifelse(P_F_QC < 0.8, NA, P_F),
WS_F = ifelse(WS_F_QC < 0.8, NA, WS_F)) |>

# drop QC variables (no longer needed)
dplyr::select(-ends_with("_QC")) |>

# Split data into train and test ---------------------

# Specify formula and pre-processing recipe ---------------------
# (allocate “roles” to variables)
nam_target <- "GPP_NT_VUT_REF"
nams_predictors <- c("TA_F", "SW_IN_F", "VPD_F")

# Hyperparameter loop ---------------------
vec_k <- c(2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 60, 100, 200, 300)

# specify number of cross-validation folds
n_folds <- 5

# initialise loss across resamples, to be kept for each hyperparameter choice
loss_avg <- c()

for (i_k in seq(length(vec_k))){

# re-shuffle rows in data frame (not required)
df <- df[sample(nrow(df)),]

# create folds:
# determine row indices to be allocated to each fold
# each fold takes in 1/n_folds of the total number of rows
nrows_per_fold <- ceiling(nrow(df) / n_folds)
idx <- rep(seq(1:n_folds), each = nrows_per_fold)
resample_folds <- split(1:nrow(df), idx[1:nrow(df)]) # yields a list of vectors containing the row indices

## resample loop ---------------------
# initialise vector of loss per resample
loss_vec <- c()

for (i_resample in seq(n_folds)){

## Split into validation and (remaining) train set ---------------------
# validation set
df_valid <- df[resample_folds[[i_resample]], c(nam_target, nams_predictors)]

## remaining training set
df_train <- df[-resample_folds[[i_resample]], c(nam_target, nams_predictors)]

## Apply pre-processing ---------------------
# center and scale based on training data parameters
mean_byvar <- c()
sd_byvar <- c()
df_train_cs <- df_train * NA
df_valid_cs <- df_valid * NA

# center and scale each predictor
for (ivar in nams_predictors){

# determine mean and sd for centering and scaling
mymean <- mean(df_train[[ivar]], na.rm = TRUE)
mysd <- sd(df_train[[ivar]], na.rm = TRUE)

# center and scale training data
df_train_cs[,ivar] <- df_train[[ivar]] - mymean
df_train_cs[,ivar] <- df_train_cs[[ivar]] / mysd

# center and scale validation data
# important: use parameters (mean and sd) determined on training data
df_valid_cs[,ivar] <- df_valid[[ivar]] - mymean
df_valid_cs[,ivar] <- df_valid_cs[[ivar]] / mysd

# add unmodified target variable
df_valid_cs[,nam_target] <- df_valid[[nam_target]]
df_train_cs[,nam_target] <- df_train[[nam_target]]

## Fit model on train set ---------------------
# train using the scaled training data
mod <- caret::knnreg(df_train_cs[,nams_predictors],
k = vec_k[i_k]

## Predict on validation set ---------------------
# on the scaled validation set!
df_valid_cs$pred <- predict(mod, newdata = df_valid_cs[,nams_predictors])

## Get loss from prediction on validation set ---------------------
# Here, calculate mean absolute error on validation data
loss_vec[i_resample] <- mean(abs(df_valid_cs$pred - df_valid_cs[,nam_target]), na.rm = TRUE)


# Average loss across resamples ---------------------
loss_avg[i_k] <- mean(loss_vec, na.rm = TRUE)


# Pick best hyperparameter based on average loss across resamples ---------------------
best_k <- vec_k[which.min(loss_avg)]

# print result
print(paste("The best choice of hyperparameter k is:", best_k))

# visualise
df_plot <- tibble(
k = vec_k,
loss = loss_avg

ggplot(aes(k, loss), data = df_plot) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
theme_classic() +
labs(title = "Validation loss", subtitle = "Mean absolute error, mean across folds")
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions add_material/mypseudo_solutions_stepwise-regression.Rmd
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@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
This was written in class for demonstration. No guarantee that this is correct ;-).

# specify the target
# initialise vector of selected variables
all_vars_selected <- c()
for (pred in preds_all){
# initialise candidate models
linmod_candidate <- list()
for (pred_candidate in remaining_candidates){
# specify model formula
# fit model
# extract R-squared
# determine highest R-squared and corresponding variable name -> var_selected, linmod_current
# update vector of selected variables
all_vars_selected <- c(all_vars_selected, var_selected)
# drop selected variable (var_selected) from candidate predictors (remaining_candidates)
remaining_candidates <- remaining_candidates[-which(remaining_candidates==var_selected)]
# determine whether AIC improved
AIC_current <- AIC(linmod_current)
# if it hasn't improved, quit
if (AIC_current > AIC_last) break()

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