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Web Sockets for PHP (phpWs)

This is a websocket extension for the php5 language. This extension extends the apache2handler to accept websocket connections.

This is an experimental implementation and supports protocol versions 7, 8, and 13 of the WebSocket protocol.


Php5 Apache2.x Apache2handler

How to install

$ phpize
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install


class WsFrame

This class is an abstractisation of a websocket frame


payload properties
public int currentLength = -3
	The current payload length.
		if = -3 the push() method will try to fill the frame header
		if = -2 the push() method will try to fill the payloadLength
		if = -1 the push() method will try to fill the frame mask
		if >= 0 the push() method will try to fill the payloadData

public int payloadLength = 0
	The desired payload length

public string payloadData = ""
	The current payload which is allways unmasked and allways will have $payloadLength length. The unused chars will be filled with '-'

frame header

public bool FIN = true
	The FINalisation flag
public bool RSV1 = false
	Plugin flag
public bool RSV2 = false
	Plugin flag
public bool RSV3 = false
	Plugin flag
public int opcode = 1
	The opcode 1 = text, 2 = binary, 3-7 = reserved for further non-control frames, 8 = close, 9 = ping, 10 = pong

masking data

public bool haveMask = false
	Tell if the payload should be masked or not
public string mask = "****"
	The masking string. It must have 4 characters. The server should never mask the payload when it send frames to the client.


$ public __construct()
	Create the object and set the default values

$ public string __toString()
	Return the payloadData and if a mask is present the data will be decoded

$ public long push(string)
	Push data in the WsFrame

		currentSize == -3 the FIN, RSV, opcode, payloadLength and haveMask will be filled
		currentSize == -2 the payloadData will be set if the extended length bytes are present
		currentSize == -1 the mask will be filled if masking bytes are present
		currentSize >= 0 the payload data will be filled until it's full

$ public string encode()
	Return the raw frame data	

$ public bool isReady()
	Return true if the frame the payload data is full (payloadLength == currentLength)

$ public void reset()
	Prepare the WsFrame to receive a new frame, empty payloadData and set all the properties to the default values.

class WsServer

This class handles the connection with the client.


public bool readInBlockingMode = false
	Tell to the WsServer how to read data from the client
		true = the program will be blocked until data is available to read
		false = the program will not be blocked

public int readInterval = 1000 (microseconds)
	The amount of microseconds that the WsServer will wait between reeading actions in non-blocking mode

public bool serving = false
	Tell the current status of the server

public WsFrame readFrame
	The WsFrame that is used to read data from the client

public string readBuffer = ""
	The read buffer
protected void function(WsFrame $frame) _onMessage
	callback when a frame was received
protected bool function() _beforeRead
	callback before the server start to read data from client.
	the callback must return a boolean. 
		if TRUE is returned the server will read data from the client
		if FALSE is returned the server will not read data from the client, but the buffer processing phase will not be ignored 

protected void function(string $data) _afterRead
	callback after the read was made. The first argument is the binary data read from the client

protected bool function() _beforeProcess
	callback before the server start to process the read buffer
	the callback must return a boolean. 
		if TRUE is returned the server will process the the read buffer
		if FALSE is returned the server will not process the read buffer
protected void function(WsFrame $frame)  _afterProcess
	callback after the processing was made. The first argument is the reading frame


$ public __construct()
	Create the object and set the default values
$ public string receive()
	Receive data from the client. 
	Return the raw received data	
$ public bool processRawData(string $data)
	Adds $data to the readingBuffer and push it to the readFrame

$ public void serve()
	Start to serving the client

$ private callback(string $method, $arg1, ...);
	Call the $method with the arguments

$ public void function(WsFrame $frame) onMessage
	Trigger the onMessage event
$ public bool function() beforeRead
	Trigger the beforeRead event
$ public void function(string $data) afterRead
	Trigger the afterRead event

$ public bool function() beforeProcess
	Trigger the beforeProcess event
$ public void function(WsFrame $frame)  afterProcess
	Trigger the afterProcess event

$ public void function(function $callback) setBeforeRead
	Set the beforeRead callback
$ public void function(function $callback) setAfterRead
	Set the afterRead callback

$ public void function(function $callback) setBeforeProcess
	Set the beforeProcess callback

$ public void function(function $callback) setAfterProcess
	Set the afterProcess callback

$ public void function(function $callback) setOnMessage
	Set the onMessage callback


$ bool is_ws(void);
	Check if the current conection is a websocket connection

$ void ws_handshake(void);
	Initiate the handshake with the client

$ void ws_send(string/WsFrame $message);
	if $message is string, sends a text message to the client
	if $message is a WsFrame, sends the encoded WsFrame 


This is an example of an echo server, that send back the first 10 messages


$server = new WsServer();
$server->readInBlockingMode = false;
$server->readInterval = 100000;

$msgCnt = 0;

$server->setOnMessage(function ($frame) {
	global $msgCnt, $server;


	if($msgCnt == 10) {
		$server->serving = false;



About the author

Szabo Bogdan


A websockets extension for php5







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