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File metadata and controls

333 lines (211 loc) · 10.7 KB

Geddy's view layer provides a versatile set of templating languages and helpers to get you started quickly.


The view layer supports these four templating engines:

  • EJS
  • Jade
  • Mustache
  • Handlebars

To use them, just give your template the correct file extension. If you'd like to use a different templating engine when generating an app or scaffolds, use the corresponding command line option:

$ geddy app --mustache my_app
$ geddy scaffold --mustache user

$ geddy app --jade my_app
$ geddy scaffold --jade user

$ geddy app --handle my_app
$ geddy scaffold --handle user


Yield is a function that's only available on layout templates. It yields the template content, which is inserted in the place where the yield function is called.


partial(partialURL<String>, data<Object>)

Partial takes a partialURL which is the location to a partial template and a data object which is the data to render the partial with(params, etc), then it renders the partial and puts the contents in place where the partial function was called.


truncate(string<String>, options<Integer/Object>)

Truncates a given string after a specified length if string is longer than length. The last character will be replaced with an omission for a total length not exceeding length.

#####Options [Integer]:

  • If an options is an integer it will be assumed that is the desired length

#####Options [Object]:

  • length [Integer] Length the output string will be(Default: 30)
  • len [Integer] Alias for length
  • omission [String] Replace the last letters with an omission(Default: '...')
  • ellipsis [String] Alias for omission
  • seperator [String/RegExp] Break the truncated text at the nearest seperator


  • Please be aware that truncating HTML elements may result in malformed HTML returned. If you'd like safe HTML truncation look at truncateHTML


�runcate('Once upon a time in a world', {length: 10})
// => 'Once up...'

truncate('Once upon a time in a world', {length: 20, omission: '...(continued)'})
// => 'Once u...(continued)'

truncate('Once upon a time in a world', {length: 15, seperator: /\s/})
// => 'Once upon a...'
// Normal Output: => 'Once upon a ...'

truncate('Once upon a time in a world', {length: 15, seperator: ' '})
// => 'Once upon a...'
// Normal Output: => 'Once upon a ...'

truncate('<p>Once upon a time</p>', {length: 20})
// => '<p>Once upon a ti...'


truncateHTML(string<String>, options<Integer/Object>)

Truncates a given string after a specified length if string is longer than length. The lat character will be replace with an omission for a total length not exceeding length. If once is true, only the first string in the first HTML element will be truncated leaving others as they were.

#####Options [Object]:

  • once[Boolean] If true only the first string in the first HTML element will be truncated(Default: false)


  • All options available to truncate are available for truncateHTML
  • HTML elements are not included with the length of the truncation
  • HTML elements will not be truncated, so return value will always be safe for rendering


truncateHTML('<p>Once upon a time in a world</p>', {length: 10})
// => '<p>Once up...</p>'

truncateHTML('<p>Once upon a time <small>in a world</small></p>', {length: 10})
// => '<p>Once up...<small>in a wo...</small></p>'

truncateHTML('<p>Once upon a time <small>in a world</small></p>', {length: 10, once: true})
// => '<p>Once up...<small>in a world</small></p>'


imageLink(source<String>, link<String/Object>, imageOptions<Object>, linkOptions<Object>)

Returns an anchor element to a given link with the given linkOptions, with the content being a image element to the given source and includes its imageOptions


  • linkto is used on the backend so any linkOption will be used for linkTo
  • imageTag is used on the backend as well so any imageOptions will be used for imageTag


imageLink('images/google.png', '')
// => '<a href=""><img alt="images/google.png" src="images/google.png" /></a>'

imageLink('images/google.png', '', {alt: ''}
// => '<a href=""><img alt="" src="images/google.png" /></a>'

imageLink('images/google.png', '', {alt: '', size: '40x50'})
// => '<a href=""><img alt="" height="50" src="images/google.png" width="40" /></a>'


imageTag(source<String>, htmlOptions<Object>)

Returns an image tag with the src to a source and includes all the given htmlOptions

#####Custom HTML options:

  • size[String] Takes a string including the width and height "{width}x{height}"(e,g: '40x50') or it can take a single string included an integer "{size}"(e,g: '40') The first being results in "height='50' width='40'" the second results in the height and width being the same value. Note: If the format doesn't comply, it will be ignored


// => '<img alt="images/google.png" src="images/google.png" />'

imageTag('images/google.png', {alt: ''})
// => '<img alt="" src="images/google.png" />'

imageTag('images/google.png', {alt: '', size: '40x50'})
// => '<img alt="" height="50" src="images/google.png" width="40" />'

imageTag('images/google.png', {alt: '', size: 'a string'})
// => '<img alt="" src="images/google.png" />'


styleLink(source<String>, htmlOptions<Object>)

Generates a style element pointing to source and includes all the given htmlOptions


// => '<link href="/css/style.css" />'

styleLink('/css/styles.css', {type: 'text/javascript'})
// => '<link href="/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />'


scriptLink(source<String>, htmlOptions<Object>)

Generates a script element pointing to source and includes all the given htmlOptions


// => '<script src="/js/script.js"></script>'

scriptLink('/js/script.js', {type: 'text/javascript'})
// => '<script src="/js/script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'


linkTo(content<String>, options<String/Object>, htmlOptions<Object>)

Generates a link from the given options, then returns a anchor tag with the content and the htmlOptions provided


linkTo('some content', '')
// => '<a href="">some content</a>'

linkTo('some content', '', {data: {goTo: ''}})
// => '<a data-go-to="" href="">some content</a>'



Returns a URL based on the options provided

#####Options [String]:

  • 'back' [String] The 'back' string will return a URL that points to the last URL in history

#####Options [Object]:

  • relPath [Boolean] If true, the relative URL is returned(Default: false)
  • protocol [String] The protocol to use(Default: What your Geddy instance is using('http' default))
  • username [String] Includes a username in the path. Requires password or it'll be ignored
  • password [String] Includes a username in the path. Requires password or it'll be ignored
  • subdomain [String] Specifies the subdomain to prepend to domain
  • domain [String] Specifies the domain to point to. Required if relPath is false
  • host [String] Alias for host
  • port [Integer] Specify the port to connect to
  • controller [String] Specifies the controller to use for the path
  • action [String] Specifies the action to use for the path
  • id [String] Specifies an ID to use for displaying specific items
  • trailingSlash [Boolean] If true, adds a trailing slash to the end of the path/domain
  • fragment [String] Appends a fragment to the end of the path/domain
  • anchor [String] Alias for fragment


  • If options is a String it will just be returned, unless the String is equal to 'back'
  • Any other options added will be considered as a query to be appended to the URL


// => ''

urlFor({controller: 'tasks', action: 'new', host: ''})
// => ''

urlFor({controller: 'tasks', action: 'new', relPath: true})
// => '/tasks/new'

urlFor({controller: 'tasks', action: 'new', relPath: true, trailingSlash: true})
// => '/tasks/new/'

urlFor({host: '', protocol: 'https', username: 'username', password: 'password'})
// => ''

urlFor({controller: 'tasks', action: 'new', host: '', protocol: 'https'})
// => ''

urlFor({controller: 'tasks', action: 'edit', id: 'IwTEf55ivH', host: ''})
//  => ''

urlFor({controller: 'tasks', action: 'new', host: '', anchor: 'submit'})
// => ''

urlFor({controller: 'tasks', action: 'new', host: '', authToken: 'some_token'})
// => ''


contentTag(tag<String>, content<String>, htmlOptions<Object>)

Returns an HTML element from a given tag and includes the content and all htmlOptions

#####Custom HTML options:

  • data[Array] The data attribute takes an Array containing data attributes you want, when parsed they each get parsed as a full data attribute(e,g: data: {goTo: ''} will be data-go-to="").


contentTag('p', 'this is some content')
// => '<p>this is some content</p>'

contentTag('input', 'sample value')
// => '<input value="sample value" />'

contentTag('input', 'sample value', {value: 'override sample value'})
// => '<input autofocus="autofocus" type="text" value="sample value" />'

contentTag('input', 'sample value', {type: 'text', autofocus: true})
// => '<input autofocus="autofocus" type="text" value="sample value" />'

contentTag('a', '')
// => '<a href=""></a>'

contentTag('a', 'hey there', {href: ''})
// => '<a href="">hey there</a>'

contentTag('a', 'hey there', {href: '', data: { goTo: ''} })
// => '<a data-go-to="" href="">hey there</a>'

contentTag('a', 'hey there', {href: '', data_go_to: ''})
// => '<a data-go-to="" href="">hey there</a>'

contentTag('select', ['geddy', 'alex', 'neil'])
// => '<select><option value="geddy">geddy</option><option value="alex">alex</option><option value="neil">neil</option></select>'