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Releases: gederajeg/happyr

Accompanying R package for Rajeg's (2019) PhD thesis titled "Metaphorical profiles and near-synonyms: A corpus-based study of Indonesian words for HAPPINESS"

02 Dec 06:47
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This release changed the internal code for mdca(). The change concerns with creating new, vectorised internal function for running faster binomial test using dbinom(), especially when running binomial test for large distinctive collocates analysis in the thesis. The update also allows not to use tidyr's unnest() and nest() new behaviour previously required to run the binomial test.

Accompanying R package for Rajeg's (2019) PhD thesis titled "Metaphorical profiles and near-synonyms: A corpus-based study of Indonesian words for HAPPINESS"

10 Apr 03:34
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This release only contains minor updates.

  1. Updating the year of the thesis as it is passed and certified in April 2019. This includes updating the CITATION file.
  2. Updating the version of R used to build the package, which for this release is R version 3.5.3
  3. Specifying the source package in the function call for kappa_tidy() (cf. commit 00cf116)
  4. Updating README and website accordingly (now including the DOI for the figshare repository of this package).

No new function is added.

Accompanying R package for Rajeg's (2018) PhD thesis submitted for examination on 27 September 2018

27 Sep 08:31
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This initial release captures the state of the happyr package as the supplementary materials for the PhD thesis of the author. For more details, see the package website at

The thesis investigates metaphors for HAPPINESS in Indonesian by analysing the use of HAPPINESS near-synonyms in metaphorical, linguistic expressions, and looks at the nuance between the synonyms in terms of their distinctive metaphorical preferences. The thesis is submitted for examination on the 27 September 2018 at Monash University, Australia.