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gedisony edited this page Jan 23, 2022 · 22 revisions

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Starting version 2.7.6, you can authorize your copy of reddit_viewer to your reddit account. Basically you can setup your copy of the add-on to browse private subreddits that your reddit account has access to.

First, go here to allow the add-on. Note that this gives the addon read, subreddit and history permissions. And that these permissions are permanent(you do not need to do these steps every hour).,mysubreddits,history,save

click allow to let reddit_viewer use your account

If you agree to this request, click on 'Allow'

You will be redirected to a website on your computer that most likely doesn't exist. error

Copy the hilighted code into your kodi settings. Do not include the # or _ characters in the code copy the code into kodi

If you don't have a keyboard handy, An android app called Kore allows you to 'Send text to media center'. Email yourself a copy of the code and copy/paste this code into the 'Send text to media center' in Kore.

Click on 'OK' to save the setting first.

Open the settings again and click on [Click here to get Refresh Token with valid code]

The add-on will connect to reddit to get the actual codes needed to access your account.

If everything is successful, you will see the Refresh Token, Access Token, Scope and Expires field filled up.

Click on 'OK' again to save the setting.

The add-on can now access subreddits that your reddit account can. If you do not want the add-on to have this permission anymore, click on [Click here to revoke the Refresh Token]

for script.reddit.reader:,mysubreddits,history,save

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