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HPL is a software package that solves a (random) dense linear system in double precision (64 bits) arithmetic on distributed-memory computers. It can thus be regarded as a portable as well as freely available implementation of the High Performance Computing Linpack Benchmark.

The algorithm used by HPL can be summarized by the following keywords: Two-dimensional block-cyclic data distribution – Right-looking variant of the LU factorization with row partial pivoting featuring multiple look-ahead depths – Recursive panel factorization with pivot search and column broadcast combined – Various virtual panel broadcast topologies – bandwidth reducing swap-broadcast algorithm – backward substitution with look-ahead of depth 1.

Official website for HPL :

Building HPL using Ampere Oracle BLIS Libraries.

Building HPL with Ampere-Oracle BLIS libraries is very easy and should not take a lot of time. It’s a 2-step process: Step 1: Where we build the Math libraries found on the Ampere branch of Oracle BLIS libraries and Step 2 where we build the HPL binaries.

A detailed guide is below:

Step 1: Prerequisites:

System Config :

OS : Ubuntu 20.04

GCC : 12.2.0

Kernel : 5.4.0-148-generic

Also, it's a good idea if running Ubuntu to do a sudo apt install build-essential and take care of some basic dependencies.

To ensure a seamless build process, both, the math libraries and the benchmark are built inside the /opt directory.

a. Downloading and installing Ampere Oracle BLIS Libraries:

pushd /opt
git clone MyBlisDir
pushd MyBlisDir
#Switch to the new ampere branch 
git checkout ampere
./ altramax
  • Ensure that the test bench contains Ampere Oracle BLIS exported to PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH appropriately.
source ./
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/MyBlisDir/lib/altramax

b. OpenMPI: Along with Ampere Oracle BLIS, we will also need openmpi. We have used openmpi 4.1.4. An installation guide for openmpi can be found inside the tarball:

If OpenMPI is installed in a non-default location. Add the directory location to PATH and the directory location to LD_LIBRARY_PATH using the following commands

  • Ensure successful installation of openmpi by executing the following commands.
mpirun --version  #(That should bring up the openmpi version. 4.1.4 in this case)
mpicc --version #(That should bring up the installed gcc version)
mpic++ --version #(That should bring up the installed g++ version)
mpifort --version #(That should bring up the installed gfortran version)
  • If any of the above 3 commands do not return the version for gcc/g++/gfortran, install the missing gcc/g++/gfortran for your distro using
“sudo apt/yum/dnf install <package_name>”

Step 2: Building HPL Benchmark

a. Downloading and Installing HPL 2.3

pushd /opt
tar -xzf hpl-2.3.tar.gz
  • Copy the Makefile attached with this document to /opt/hpl-2.3 folder.
cp Make.Altramax_oracleblis /opt/hpl-2.3
  • Compile the HPL binary
make arch=Altramax_oracleblis -j
  • Upon success, a bin folder will be created. This folder should contain 2 files: xhpl (which is the HPL #binary) and HPL.dat (which is the standard input file).
pushd /opt/hpl-2.3/bin/Altramax_oracleblis 

Step 3: Creating the HPL input file

Sample HPL.dat file attached.

Copy the attached HPL.dat file to “/opt/hpl-2.3/bin/Altramax_oracleblis “

Please note that this HPL.dat file is designed to run on 96 cores at 64 GB RAM. If you have access to more RAM please refer to Step 5 on how to maximise the values for Ns

Step 4: Run the benchmark

mpirun -np 96 --bind-to core --map-by core ./xhpl &> out.log

Step 5: Performance Expectations

If your system differs from our testbench, the HPL.dat file will need to be modified (line #6) to match your respective Altra Max config.

Table 1: Showcasing the line which needs to be modified in HPL.dat

Line Number Value Description
6 150000 Ns

The value of N when changed to 150K should take approximately 180 gigs of memory and would run on a machine having 256 GB memory. Table2 with differing values of Ns is shown below with our reference numbers.

Table 2: Varying sizes on Ns w.r.t available system memory.

Our observed Results for AltraMax 96 cores @ 2.8GHz:

Input Param Input Param
NB=256 P=8 Q=12
Problem Size (Ns) Memory Used Results (Gflops)
70K 46 gig 1151
100K 83 gig 1250
105K 91 gig 1253

Our observed Results for AltraMax 128 cores @ 3.0GHz:

Input Param Input Param
NB=256 P=8 Q=16
Problem Size (Ns) Memory Used Results (Gflops)
150K 177 gig 1528
200k 312 gig 1552
250k 480 gig 1597


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