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A Tool for Time Series Classification Using Shapelets

tsclassification provides a solution for quickly and accurately classifying time series data. It leverages shapelet-based learning techniques to identify the most informative subsequences within time series data. The algorithm was originally built for human activity recognition, but can generalize to many applications in time series pattern matching and classification.

Key Features:

Shapelet Extraction:

Utilizes various methods to extract class-specific shapelets that best represent the patterns in the class' time series data. Shapelet learning is hardware accelerated.


Scores incoming time series against class shapelets, passes the results through a multilayer perceptron, and provides a multiclass classification label.

Research and Foundations

The methodology in tsclassification is detailed in the paper "Real-Time Human Activity Classification Using Gait Cycle Averaging and Biometric Heuristics" by Grant Ellison, M.P. Markovic, and Delaram Yazdansepas, presented at the 22nd International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA).

  title={Real-Time Human Activity Classification Using Gait Cycle Averaging and Biometric Heuristics},
  author={Grant Ellison and M.P. Markovic and Delaram Yazdansepas},
  journal={22nd International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA)},
  DOI = {10.1109/ICMLA58977.2023.00056}

Install From pip

$ pip install tsclassification


# ShapeletClassifier

clf = ShapeletClassifier(metric = 'dtw', # 'dtw' or 'euclidean'
                         classification_window = 300, # the discrete time steps to classify
                         w = 0.5 # warping constraint for the dtw measure
Fits the model to the provided dataset by extracting shapelets, compiling the data for training, 
and then training a neural network classifier based on the extracted shapelets and compiled data.


        - X (array-like): A 1D time series dataset.

        - y (array-like): The target values (class labels) for the samples in X.

        - shapelet_method (str): The method used to extract shapelets from the dataset. 

                                - 'barycenter' : Performs peak-analysis to extract subsequences.
                                        Averages subsequences to a barycenter shapelet.

                                - 'random' : Chooses a random qty of subsequences. Chooses the one
                                        with the minimum cumulative distance to each other subsequence.

                                - 'exhaustive : Chooses subsequences using a stepped, sliding
                                        window. Chooses the one with the minimum cumulative distance to
                                        each other subsequence.

        - compiler_method (str): The method used to compile the dataset for training the neural network after 
                                        shapelet extraction. 

                                - 'bootstrapped' : slides a stepped window,  randomly placed, for
                                        set number of samples. Repeats until the total qty of samples have been extracted. 

                                - 'slide' : A simple, stepped, sliding window.

                                - 'random' : Randomly positioned, fixed windows are extracted until 
                                        the total qty of samples have been extracted.

        - **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the shapelet extraction method and 
                neural network training procedure.

        The choice of `shapelet_method` and `compiler_method`, along with specific parameters passed 
        through `**kwargs`, significantly affects the model's performance and training time. 
        It's essential to choose these parameters carefully based on the dataset characteristics and the
        analysis goals.
''', # 1d time series array
        y, # 1d list of classes
        shapelet_method = 'barycenter',
        sampling_method = 'bootstrapped',

        qty = 100, # number of samples to extract for training the MLP
        window = 100, # window size of 'slide' method
        step = 30, # the step size for the sliding window technique
        min_dist = 70, # the minimum peak distance for barycenter shapelet method
        max_dist = 120, # the maximum peak distance for barycenter shapelet method
        verbose = False, 
        max_iter = 2000, # **kwargs pass through to SKLearn's MLP class
        hidden_layer_sizes = (10,)
# takes in a list of time series arrays and returns a list of predicted classes

# Saving and loading the model'path/to/file') # pickles the model

with open('path/to/file', 'rb') as f:
        clf = pickle.load(f)
