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Releases: gelndjj/_WORK_Active_Directory_Automate

Active Directory Automate 1.3.1.c

02 Mar 09:48
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New Features: Add Users to Groups Improved & Find Next SAM & Console

The latest update enhances the application's functionality by introducing the ability to add users to groups seamlessly and the new "Find Next SAM" feature, which simplifies the process of allocating unique SAM account names. Additionally, administrators can now edit the PowerShell script used for finding the next SAM directly within the application.

Integrated Console for Real-Time Troubleshooting: The application now includes an integrated console that can be accessed at any time during operation. This console provides real-time outputs and logs, enabling users to monitor the application’s processes closely and troubleshoot effectively when needed.

Key Highlights:

Bulk Group Assignment: Administrators can now select multiple users and assign them to various groups in one action. This feature streamlines the process of managing user permissions and access, allowing for more efficient administration and management of user roles.
CSV Group Import: Facilitates group membership management by importing group names via CSV files. This automation feature ensures accurate and effortless updates to group memberships.
Find Next SAM Feature: This new functionality automates the process of identifying the next available SAM account name based on a predefined pattern, ensuring unique and consistent naming conventions are maintained.
Script Editing Capability: A new interface allows administrators to directly edit the PowerShell script responsible for the "Find Next SAM" feature, providing flexibility and immediate updates to the script logic as required.
How to Use the New Features:

Adding Users to Groups:
Navigate to the "User Management" section.
Select the user(s) you wish to modify.
Use the "Import Groups" option to load the CSV file with the group names.
Apply the changes to add the selected users to the specified groups.

Finding the Next SAM:
Access the "Tools" or "Settings" menu and select the "Find Next SAM" option.
The application will automatically fetch the next available SAM account name and display it for your review or automatic application to a user account.

Editing the Find Next SAM Script:
Within the same section, utilize the "Edit Find Next SAM Script" option to modify the PowerShell script.
Make necessary changes and save directly within the app, ensuring that the SAM finding logic is up-to-date and tailored to your environment.
Release Version: 1.3.0

Format: RAR (Portable Version)

Active Directory Automate 1.3.0

25 Feb 21:16
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New Feature: Add Users to Groups
Can now seamlessly add selected users to multiple groups directly from the application, streamlining the process of managing user permissions and access within their organization. This feature supports the dynamic allocation of resources and access control, allowing for more efficient administration and management of user roles.

Key Highlights:

Bulk Group Assignment: Administrators can now select multiple groups and assign a user to all selected groups in one action, saving time and reducing the potential for manual errors.

CSV Group Import: The application allows for the import of group names via CSV files, enabling administrators to manage group memberships based on predefined lists, further automating the user management process.

How to Use the New Feature:

Navigate to the "User Management" section of the application.
Select the user(s) you wish to modify from the user list.
Use the "Import Groups" option to select the CSV file containing the group names.
Confirm the group assignments and apply the changes with a single click.

RAR = Portable Version

Active Directory Automate 1.2.0

06 Feb 08:03
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Release 1.2.0 of Active Directory Automate introduces a refreshed and user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI), designed to enhance the overall user experience. The new GUI provides a more intuitive and streamlined way to manage Active Directory tasks, maintaining all the robust features you rely on while presenting them in a clearer, more accessible format.

Key highlights of this update include:

A reorganized layout with distinct sections for each task, making it easier to navigate and find the necessary tools to perform user management, organization unit handling, and SAM account operations.
Improved form fields and buttons, offering a cleaner aesthetic that contributes to a more engaging user environment.
Enhanced record viewing and management, ensuring that all pertinent user information is displayed in a well-structured manner, allowing for quick edits and updates.
The release focuses on delivering a portable version, ensuring maximum flexibility for administrators on the move. Carry Active Directory Automate on any portable storage device, and manage your directory from anywhere without the need for installation.

ZIP = Portable Version

Active Directory Automate v1.1.0

21 Dec 21:53
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New Installer (setup.exe): Say goodbye to manual setup hassles. With the introduction of the setup.exe installer, the installation process is now effortless. Simply follow the prompts, and you'll have Active Directory Automate up and running in no time.

Bug Fix: Database Tree Update: I've resolved a critical issue where the Tree did not update after creating a new database. This bug fix ensures that the Tree accurately reflects the state of your databases, making database management more intuitive and efficient.

Window Centering: To enhance the user experience, I've added functionality to center the application window upon opening. This ensures that the application appears in the center of your screen for improved accessibility and convenience.

Portable Version (7zip): I understand the importance of flexibility. For users who prefer a portable version, I continue to provide the RAR version. Carry Active Directory Automate with you on a USB drive or any portable storage medium and use it on-the-go.

Active Directory Automate - Initial Release v1.0.0

13 Nov 20:54
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Welcome to the first release of Active Directory Automate! This tool is designed to streamline and automate various tasks within Active Directory environments, making it easier for administrators to manage users, groups, and other directory objects.

Key Features:

Automated User Management: Easily create, update, and delete user accounts.
Organizational Unit (OU) Operations: Provides functionality to manage and interact with OUs efficiently.
CSV Integration: Import user details from CSV files for bulk operations.
Customizable PowerShell Scripts: Leverage the power of PowerShell with pre-written scripts tailored for common AD tasks.
User-Friendly Interface: A simple and intuitive interface for managing complex Active Directory tasks.
Improvements in this Release:

Initial setup and configuration of the Active Directory Automate environment.
Integration of core functionalities with a focus on usability and efficiency.
Testing and optimization for common Active Directory scenarios.
Getting Started:

To get started with Active Directory Automate, please refer to our documentation. This includes a detailed guide on installation, setup, and usage of the tool.

Feedback and Contributions:

We welcome your feedback and contributions! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

Thank you for trying out Active Directory Automate. We hope it significantly enhances your Active Directory management experience!