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Projects using Arch

genar edited this page Nov 23, 2023 · 4 revisions

Is Arch your choice for your next project? It could be good! Arch is already used successfully in some other projects, check it out and give it a try! If they are open source, you are also welcome to take a look at their implementation and their handling of Arch! Or you could even contribute to support the project! ;)

Space Station 14 is inspired by the cult classic Space Station 13 and tells the extraordinary story of everything that can go wrong on a shift at a space station. You take on a role and complete your tasks so that the space station doesn't go to the dogs... or do the exact opposite. Prepare yourself for chaos and the finest roleplay. Best of all, SS14 is open-source and anyone can play! SS14

An action-packed c# clone of the hit "vampire survivor" based on monogame and arch! Fight your way through hordes of different enemies, level up your character, collect permanent items and explore various maps! Ingame screenshot

Equilibrium Engine is a data-oriented C# game engine that takes advantage of ECS pattern followed by Hot-Reloading of your libraries which allows you to quickly iterate on different aspects of your projects.

Equilibrium Engine screenshot