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Lulu - A ruby gem for merging map markers by agglomerative clustering.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'lulu'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install lulu


require 'lulu'

# Make an empty marker list
list =

# Add some markers.  It's list.add(x, y, size). The size is actually area.
10000.times{ |n| list.add(Random.rand(1000), Random.rand(1000), Random.rand(100)) }

# Get the list length.
p list.length  # Produces 10000

# Optionally set merge parameters. Marker calculations can assume circular or
# square markers, and a scale factor may be set. The scale factor is applied
# to marker radii so that the marker size exists in a different coordinate
# space from the inter-marker distances.  This makes sense, for example, if
# the marker coordinates are pixels on a map. A pixel on the map represents
# distance, a pixel in a marker something else.  Returns self.
list.set_info(:circle, 1)

# Merge the markers.  Pairs that are merged are deleted and replaced by a
# fresh marker added to the list. If the original list has N, this can
# result in 2N-1 markers in the result.  Subsequent merges will remove
# all deleted markers from previous merges. This is called compression.
# See below.  Returns list.length.

# Get the list length again.  If markers were merged, the list grew.
p list.length  # Produces 10415

# Squeeze out deleted markers, i.e. ones that have been merged to form
# new ones. All remaining nodes are marked :single (see method parts below)
# Returns list.length

# Merge after compress is idempotent.
list.merge  # doesn't change list

# Get the marker at index 1000.  This is a list [x, y, size].
# If the index is out of range, nil is returned.
p list.marker(1000)  # Produces [748.0, 187.0, 80.0]

# Get whether the marker at index 100 was deleted during a merge.
p list.deleted(100) # returns true

# Print the list of all undeleted markers
p list.markers # Produces [[601.0, 715.0, 38.0]...[647.3314285714285, 179.19619047619048, 1050.0]]

# Clear the list, returning it to the empty state.  Returns self.

# For a given marker index, get the two indices of the markers (its _parts_)
# that were merged to create it, if any.
# For the marker with index 5324, returns
# [:root, i, j] if it is the undeleted result of a merge of markers i and j
# [:merge, i, j] if it is the subsequently deleted result of a merge of markers i and j
# [:single] if it is an undeleted original node
# [:leaf] if ti is a deleted original node
# nil if 5324 is out of range

The method parts is sufficient to walk the tree of all nodes formed by merging. In this manner, a parallel array of attribute information can be merged to match so that merged attributes are available for each :root.


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Lulu gem for merging map markers.







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