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privacy politics

Jose A. Osorio edited this page Aug 22, 2023 · 1 revision

Privacy Politics of the AvangMine Application

  1. Collection of Personal Information:

    a. The AvangMine mobile application collects personal information when users choose to voluntarily provide it, such as during registration or when submitting feedback through the contact form.

    b. The collected personal information may include, among others, name, email address, phone number, and Redmine account details.

  2. Use of Collected Information:

    a. The collected personal information is used to provide and improve the services of the AvangMine mobile application, including project and task management, user communication, and personalized user experience.

    b. Personal information may also be used to send notifications, updates, and communications related to the use of the mobile application.

  3. Sharing Information with Third Parties:

    a. The AvangMine mobile application will not share, sell, or rent users' personal information to third parties, except when necessary to provide requested services or comply with legal requirements.

    b. In some cases, external service providers may be used to assist in the operation of the mobile application. These service providers have limited access to personal information and are obligated to protect and use it only for agreed-upon purposes.

  4. Information Security:

    a. Appropriate technical and organizational security measures are implemented to protect the collected personal information against unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration.

    b. However, it should be noted that no transmission of data over the Internet or electronic storage can guarantee absolute security.

  5. Information Retention:

    a. Personal information will be retained for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.

  6. User Rights:

    a. Users have the right to access, correct, update, and delete their personal information to the extent permitted by applicable law.

    b. Users also have the right to withdraw their consent to the processing of their personal information and to object to the use of their information for direct marketing purposes.

  7. Changes to the Privacy Policy:

    a. This privacy policy may be periodically updated to reflect changes in the practices of collecting and using personal information. An updated version of the privacy policy will be posted within the mobile application.

  8. Contact:

    a. For any inquiries or concerns regarding this privacy policy, users can contact us through the provided contact details within the mobile application.

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