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Script Installation Ubuntu

Allan Mørk Christensen edited this page Jun 10, 2014 · 4 revisions

This is a quick start guide to install GenieACS and all its dependencies in Ubuntu.

Guide was tested with Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr, but might work on other versions too.


Download and execute the following shell script:

WARNING! The script adds new apt repositories and installs the latest stable versions of MongoDB, Redis, Node.js, Ruby and several other dependencies - no questions asked! Should not be run on a system that has other essential services running, since it might break stuff.

The script can be run using the following commands, in the homedir of the user you want to install GenieACS in:

chmod +x

If installation was successful, the scripts final message should should be:

GenieACS has been sucessfully installed. Start/stop it using the following commands:


Simply run:


This will launch a tmux session in the background, running the 4 parts of the GenieACS server: genieacs-cwmp, genieacs-nbi, genieacs-fs and rails.


To attach to the tmux session, and monitor the 4 processes, use:

tmux attach -t genieacs

GenieACS running in tmux session

To switch between panes use Ctrl + B - ArrowKey.

To deattach from the tmux session, press Ctrl + B - D


To stop the GenieACS server (and the tmux session), use:
