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This is not a chatbot framework, but rather a simple event dispatcher that enhances the functionality of slack-go/slack.


To handle Events API:

import (

	eventrouter ""

func ExampleRouter() {
	signingSecret := os.Getenv("SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET")
	r, _ := eventrouter.New(eventrouter.WithSigningSecret(signingSecret)) // omitted error handling

	// Call handleDeploy whenever the router receives `message` events and the text of the message matches to /deploy/.
	r.OnMessage(message.HandlerFunc(handleDeploy), message.TextRegexp(regexp.MustCompile(`deploy`)))

	// Call handleIssue whenever the router receives `reaction_added` events with reaction `:issue:` and the event happens in the channel ABCXYZ.
	r.OnReactionAdded(reaction.AddedHandlerFunc(handleIssue), reaction.Name("issue"), reaction.Channel("ABCXYZ"))

	http.Handle("/slack/events", r)

	// ...

func handleDeploy(ctx context.Context, e *slackevents.MessageEvent) error {
	// Do whatever you want...
	return nil

func handleIssue(ctx context.Context, e *slackevents.ReactionAddedEvent) error {
	// Do whatever you want...
	return nil

To handle user interaction:

import (


func ExampleRouter() {
	signingSecret := os.Getenv("SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET")
	r, _ := interactionrouter.New(interactionrouter.WithSigningSecret(signingSecret)) // omitted error handling

	// Call handlePostNiceGif whenever the router receives `block_actions` event with a block `post_nice_gif` with an action `gif_keyword`.
	r.On(slack.InteractionTypeBlockActions, interactionrouter.HandlerFunc(handlePostNiceGif),
		interactionrouter.BlockAction("post_nice_gif", "gif_keyword"))

	http.Handle("/slack/actions", r)

	// ...

func handlePostNiceGif(ctx context.Context, callback *slack.InteractionCallback) error {
	// Do whatever you want...
	return nil


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