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Merge pull request #327 from bobmyhill/hp_uncertainties
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added covariance matrices to HP_2011_ds62 and JH_2015
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tjhei committed Oct 15, 2018
2 parents e12056e + 3c62d19 commit 49a4e30
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Showing 3 changed files with 19,761 additions and 4,012 deletions.
252 changes: 155 additions & 97 deletions burnman/data/input_raw_endmember_datasets/
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,15 @@

import sys
import os.path
import pprint
from collections import OrderedDict
# hack to allow scripts to be placed in subdirectories next to burnman:
if not os.path.exists('burnman') and os.path.exists('../../../burnman'):
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.abspath('../../..'))

import burnman
from burnman.processchemistry import dictionarize_formula, formula_mass

if os.path.isfile('tc-ds62.txt') == False:
print('This code requires the data file tc-ds62.txt.')
Expand All @@ -29,30 +38,45 @@
class Endmember:

def __init__(self, name, atoms, formula, sites, comp, H, S, V, Cp, a, k, flag, od): = name # Name of end member
self.atoms = atoms # Number of atoms in the unit formula
self.formula = formula
self.sites = sites # Notional number of sites
self.comp = comp # Composition
self.H = H # Enthalpy
self.S = S # Entropy
self.V = V # Volume
self.Cp = Cp # Heat capacity (c0 + c1*T + c2*T**2 + c3*T**(-0.5))
self.a = a # Thermal expansion
self.k = k # Bulk Modulus (and first two derivatives wrt pressure)
self.flag = flag
self.od = od

def read_dataset(datafile):
f = open(datafile, 'r')
ds = []
for line in f:
return ds

ds = read_dataset('tc-ds62.txt')

if flag != -1 and flag != -2 and k[0] > 0:
formula = dictionarize_formula(formula)
self.params = OrderedDict([('name', name),
('formula', formula),
('equation_of_state', 'hp_tmt'),
('H_0', round(H * 1e3, 10)),
('S_0', round(S * 1e3, 10)),
('V_0', round(V * 1e-5, 15)),
('Cp', [round(Cp[0] * 1e3, 10),
round(Cp[1] * 1e3, 10),
round(Cp[2] * 1e3, 10),
round(Cp[3] * 1e3, 10)]),
('a_0', a),
('K_0', round(k[0] * 1e8, 10)),
('Kprime_0', k[1]),
('Kdprime_0', round(k[2] * 1e-8, 15)),
('n', sum(formula.values())),
('molar_mass', round(formula_mass(formula), 10))])
if flag == 1:
self.landau_hp = OrderedDict([('P_0', 1e5),
('T_0', 298.15),
('Tc_0', od[0]),
('S_D', round(od[1] * 1e3, 10)),
('V_D', round(od[2] * 1e-5, 10))])

if flag == 2:
self.bragg_williams = OrderedDict([('deltaH', round(od[0] * 1e3, 10)),
('deltaV', round(od[1] * 1e-5, 15)),
('Wh', round(od[2] * 1e3, 10)),
('Wv', round(od[3] * 1e-5, 15)),
('n', od[4]),
('factor', od[5])])

# Read dataset
with open('tc-ds62.txt', 'r') as f:
ds = [line.split() for line in f]

def getmbr(ds, mbr):
mbrarray = []
Expand All @@ -70,78 +94,112 @@ def getmbr(ds, mbr):
od = [0]
flag = int(ds[i * 4 + 6][4])
endmember = Endmember(mbr, atoms, formula, int(ds[i * 4 + 3][1]), list(map(float, ds[i * 4 + 3][2:(len(ds[i * 4 + 3]) - 1)])), float(ds[i * 4 + 4][0]), float(
ds[i * 4 + 4][1]), float(ds[i * 4 + 4][2]), map(float, ds[i * 4 + 5]), float(ds[i * 4 + 6][0]), list(map(float, ds[i * 4 + 6][1:4])), flag, list(map(float, ds[i * 4 + 6][5:])))
endmember = Endmember(mbr, atoms, formula, int(ds[i * 4 + 3][1]),
list(map(float, ds[i * 4 + 3][2:(len(ds[i * 4 + 3]) - 1)])),
float(ds[i * 4 + 4][0]), float(ds[i * 4 + 4][1]),
float(ds[i * 4 + 4][2]), map(float, ds[i * 4 + 5]),
float(ds[i * 4 + 6][0]), list(map(float, ds[i * 4 + 6][1:4])),
flag, list(map(float, ds[i * 4 + 6][5:])))
return endmember

print '# This file is part of BurnMan - a thermoelastic and thermodynamic toolkit for the Earth and Planetary Sciences'
print '# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2017 by the BurnMan team, released under the GNU GPL v2 or later.'
print ''
print ''
print '"""'
print 'HP_2011 (ds-62)'
print 'Minerals from Holland and Powell 2011 and references therein'
print 'Update to dataset version 6.2'
print 'The values in this document are all in S.I. units,'
print 'unlike those in the original tc-ds62.txt'
print 'File autogenerated using'
print '"""'
print ''
print 'from ..mineral import Mineral'
print 'from ..solidsolution import SolidSolution'
print 'from ..solutionmodel import *'
print 'from ..processchemistry import dictionarize_formula, formula_mass'
print ''

solutionfile = 'tc-ds62_solutions.txt'
with open(solutionfile, 'r') as fin:

print '"""'
print '"""'
print ''
formula = '0'
for i in range(int(ds[0][0])):
mbr = ds[i * 4 + 3][0]
M = getmbr(ds, mbr)
if mbr == 'and': # change silly abbreviation
mbr = 'andalusite'
if M.flag != -1 and M.flag != -2 and M.k[0] > 0:
print 'class', mbr, '(Mineral):'
print ' def __init__(self):'
print ''.join([' formula=\'', M.formula, '\''])
print ' formula = dictionarize_formula(formula)'
print ' self.params = {'
print ''.join([' \'name\': \'',, '\','])
print ' \'formula\': formula,'
print ' \'equation_of_state\': \'hp_tmt\','
print ' \'H_0\':', M.H * 1e3, ','
print ' \'S_0\':', M.S * 1e3, ','
print ' \'V_0\':', M.V * 1e-5, ','
print ' \'Cp\':', [round(M.Cp[0] * 1e3, 10), round(M.Cp[1] * 1e3, 10), round(M.Cp[2] * 1e3, 10), round(M.Cp[3] * 1e3, 10)], ','
print ' \'a_0\':', M.a, ','
print ' \'K_0\':', M.k[0] * 1e8, ','
print ' \'Kprime_0\':', M.k[1], ','
print ' \'Kdprime_0\':', M.k[2] * 1e-8, ','
print ' \'n\': sum(formula.values()),'
print ' \'molar_mass\': formula_mass(formula)}'
if M.flag != 0:
print ' self.property_modifiers = [['
if M.flag == 1:
print ' \'landau_hp\', {\'P_0\':', 1.e5, ','
print ' \'T_0\':', 298.15, ','
print ' \'Tc_0\':', M.od[0], ','
print ' \'S_D\':', M.od[1] * 1e3, ','
print ' \'V_D\':', M.od[2] * 1e-5, '}]]'
if M.flag == 2:
print ' \'bragg_williams\', {\'deltaH\':', M.od[0] * 1e3, ','
print ' \'deltaV\':', M.od[1] * 1e-5, ','
print ' \'Wh\':', M.od[2] * 1e3, ','
print ' \'Wv\':', M.od[3] * 1e-5, ','
print ' \'n\':', M.od[4], ','
print ' \'factor\':', M.od[5], '}]]'
print ' Mineral.__init__(self)'
print ''
print ''
with open('', 'wb') as outfile:
outfile.write('# This file is part of BurnMan - a thermoelastic and '
'thermodynamic toolkit for the Earth and Planetary Sciences\n'
'# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2018 by the BurnMan team, '
'released under the GNU \n# GPL v2 or later.\n\n\n'
'HP_2011 (ds-62)\n'
'Endmember minerals from Holland and Powell 2011 and references therein\n'
'Update to dataset version 6.2\n'
'The values in this document are all in S.I. units,\n'
'unlike those in the original tc-ds62.txt\n'
'File autogenerated using\n'
'from ..mineral import Mineral\n'
'from ..processchemistry import dictionarize_formula, formula_mass\n\n')


def pprint_ordered_dict(d, leading_string, extra_whitespace=0):
whitespace = ' ' * (len(leading_string)+2+extra_whitespace)
s = pprint.pformat(d)
s = s.replace('), ', ',\n{0}\''.format(whitespace))
s = s.replace('\', ', '\': ').replace(' \'(\'', '\'')
s = s.replace('OrderedDict([(', leading_string+'{').replace(')])', '}')
return s

formula = '0'
for i in range(int(ds[0][0])):
mbr = ds[i * 4 + 3][0]
M = getmbr(ds, mbr)
if mbr == 'and': # change silly abbreviation
mbr = 'andalusite'

# Print parameters
if hasattr(M, 'params'):
outfile.write('class {0} (Mineral):\n'.format(mbr)+
' def __init__(self):\n')

s = pprint_ordered_dict(M.params, leading_string = ' self.params = ')
s = s.replace('000000.0', 'e6')

# Print property modifiers (if they exist)
if hasattr(M, 'landau_hp') or hasattr(M, 'bragg_williams'):
outfile.write(' self.property_modifiers = [[')
if hasattr(M, 'landau_hp'):
s = pprint_ordered_dict(M.landau_hp, leading_string = '\'landau_hp\', ', extra_whitespace = 36)

if hasattr(M, 'bragg_williams'):
s = pprint_ordered_dict(M.bragg_williams, leading_string = '\'bragg_williams\', ', extra_whitespace = 36)


outfile.write(' Mineral.__init__(self)\n\n')

# Process uncertainties
import numpy as np
n_mbrs = int(ds[0][0])

names = []
for i in range(n_mbrs):

cov = []
for i in range(n_mbrs*4+4, len(ds)-2):
cov.extend(map(float, ds[i]))

i_utr = np.triu_indices(n_mbrs)
i_ltr = np.tril_indices(n_mbrs)
M = np.zeros((n_mbrs, n_mbrs))

M[i_utr] = cov[1:]
M[i_ltr] = M.T[i_ltr]

M = M*1.e6 # (kJ/mol)^2 -> (J/mol)^2

d = {'endmember_names':names,


import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=0, width=160, depth=3, stream=outfile)

'cov is a dictionary containing:\n'
' - names: a list of endmember names\n'
' - covariance_matrix: a 2D variance-covariance array for the endmember enthalpies of formation\n'
'from numpy import array\n'
'cov = ')


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