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Social Network Location Disambiguation The purpose of this project is to propose, implement and evaluate a novel approach to au- tomatically disambiguate and infer the location of social network users. Given a user u who discloses no location or an ambiguous toponym, the idea is to infer/disambiguate her true location by using:

• Theactivitiesofu,suchasthetextthatshewritesandthephotosthatshepublishes • Theactivitiesofthefriendsofuand/orthelocationdisclosedbythem.

The content generated by u can give some clues as to her true location; for instance, she may frequently mention named entities (e.g., politician names) that relate to a particular country. Also, the textual content (and the photos, for that matters) may be accompanied by geotags. Depending on the network, the determination of the friends of u may be difficult. In some networks, such as Facebook, a link between two users often represents a friendship relation- ship because both have to agree on the establishment of the link. In other networks, such as Twitter, a link between two users can be established even without the explicit consent of one of them. In these networks, a friendship relationship must be determined by looking, for instance, at bidirectional links, or implicit links (the ones representing the interactions between users).