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Interactive showcase of projects and products built using IPFS, the InterPlanetary File System.

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IPFS Ecosystem Directory

Interactive IPFS ecosystem directory and showcase

(in the future this readme may be split into multiple Github wiki files)

General Information


This repo is currently deployed to Fleek on the following URLs:

main branch: develop branch:

Pushes made to the main or develop branches of this repo will automatically be reflected in the URLs above. Please allow 2-5 minutes for the application to re-build before seeing changes in your browser.



These apply to local development.

development: 20000
stable: 20001
production: 20002

Mode: static

Environment Variables

NODE_ENV → development|production
SERVER_ENV → development|stable|production

Getting Started

A. Get Repo

In a terminal, run the commands below to get set up

# Navigate to directory within which to clone the git repo. A new directory is created within this one called ecosystem-directory
$ cd ~/Desktop

# Clone the repo
$ git clone

# Enter the repo directory
$ cd ecosystem-directory

# Add your user information
$ git config "Your Name"
$ git config ""

# Install npm dependencies
$ npm ci

B. Generating a self-signed SSL certificate

Used for development in a local environment (such as on your personal computer). You only need to do this once. If you've already done this for a different project, just copy your existing localhost_cert.pem and localhost_key.pem files from ~/.ssh into the root directory of this repo and skip the rest of this step.

  1. Install mkcert and generate certificate by running the commands below, in that order:
$ cd ~/.ssh
$ brew install mkcert
$ mkcert -install
$ mkcert -key-file localhost_key.pem -cert-file localhost_cert.pem localhost
$ cat localhost_cert.pem > localhost_fullchain.pem
$ cat "$(mkcert -CAROOT)/rootCA.pem" >> localhost_fullchain.pem
  1. Copy the new localhost_cert.pem and localhost_key.pem files to the root directory of this repo
  2. Start the server and navigate to https://localhost:<your_port>

C. Environment variables

Create a file called .env and put it into the root directory of this repo. Add the following environment variables:


D. Start the app

$ npm run dev

Project Model

Below is an outline of the project model. An empty JSON file can be found in @/content/projects/template.json. This template file can be duplicated, filled out and renamed to create a new project. It is not necessary to generate a project ID since the filename of each project will serve as a project slug.

Naming Convention

This means that file names must be named after project names, and use lowercase and kebab-case. For example, an appropriate project slug would be world-wide-web, and therefore the corresponding file would be world-wide-web.json. It's important to not deviate between the file name and the name of the project.


Keys should be retained when not in use. This ensures that if anyone wants to add to the project, they immediately see all keys available in other projects, rather than searching for the model or accidentally using a data structure that doesn't match the model perfectly. This means empty and type checking is done by the app in a strict fashion.

  • display: toggle whether or not to display or hide the project from the results

  • featured: toggle whether this appears in the featured slider

  • sortNumbers: these labels and numbers will be used in the sort-by filter

  • logo: all logos will be in SVG format and must be placed in the static directory

  • name: name of the product

  • org: a product can belong to multiple organizations

  • description: 2 descriptions are needed. A long description that will be visible on the Project Single page and a short description that is visible in the card format (such as the Featured slider). If none provided, a truncated version of the long description will be used.

  • primaryLink: this is the 1st link found directly under the project description

  • links: these links will always appear at the top of the Key Info section, however, these links could be extended to use elsewhere in the future

  • keyInfo: these key/value pairs will always appear below the links in the Key Info section

  • video: can be a URL to either a YouTube or Vimeo video, the video must be publicly accessible and embeddable

  • stats: general statistics with short descriptions, also known as "big numbers"

  • ctaCard: this card will always be displayed as the last block in the stats section. The button text can be changed in @/content/pages/project.json

  • taxonomies: the taxonomies contain a slug that will match a master taxonomy object (found in: @/content/pages/general.json); if none match, this taxonomy and its tags will not be displayed


The schema can be found in @/content/data/project-schema.js and must be updated if the schema ever changes. The $setProjectDefaults() global method (found in @/plugins/global-methods.js) uses project-schema.js in order to perform type checking.

  display: Boolean,
  featured: Boolean,
  sortNumbers: {
    label: Number
  logo: {
    icon: String,
    full: String
  name: String,
  org: [String],
  description: {
    short: String,
    long: String
  primaryCta: {
    url: String,
    text: String
  links: [{
    label: String,
    links: [{
      url: String,
      text: String
  keyInfo: [{
    label: String,
    value: String
  video: String,
  stats: [{
    label: String,
    value: String
  ctaCard: {
    title: String,
    description: String,
    buttonText: String,
    url: String
  taxonomies: [{
    slug: String,
    tags: [String]

Transforming Project Data

Each project that is to be included in the ecosystem must have a json file in content/projects, with the project name in kebab-case. For instance, content/projects/foo-bar.json.

Transferring a Project

The primary source of truth for the Ecosystem Directory is a CRM, which has a field that indicates whether a project is ready for inclusion. A script has been added there, which converts that ecosystem entry to json, per the project model described. This script runs each time a project is checked for inclusion in the Ecosystem Directory.

Inputting a Project

Alternatively, any of the existing projects in content/projects can be copied, and the new json file can be altered to create a new project.


When either transferring or inputting a project from a copied json, the following process should be observed:

  • Copy the generated JSON output
  • Create a new file in content/projects/.. with the project name in kebab-case as the file name, (with a .json extension)
  • Make sure the project's contents look correct, and ideally ensure that json formatting is preserved, including an empty line at the end of the file
    • Using a code editor's prettify function for json can correct this
  • Download the images (icon and full logo) from the CRM or from the project organization, and place them in static/images/projects/.
  • Ensure any of the stats (also known as "big numbers") have the correct values, as the CRM script is not good at recognizing where to split the big number
  • Pull request the new projec(s) into the repository and use the build preview to see how it looks—or check locally

This process could be further automated with a variety of tooling at a later date.


Interactive showcase of projects and products built using IPFS, the InterPlanetary File System.






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  • SCSS 10.6%
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