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A simple, crude utility to scan a hard disk surface and find/salvage JPEG files off of it


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Howdy. Jaypack is a very small and non-polished tool, made over the course of a few hours, that helps salvage JPEG files from a very corrupted filesystem, for example. The main idea is to bypass the filesystem altogether and read raw bytes from the HDD surface, picking up JPEG SOI (start-of-image) and EOI (end-of-image) markers, in hope that we will be able to capture most of the JPEG files present on the system. (We base our assumption on the fact that filesystems would not split these files, which is generally true.)

What it does

Jaypack scans your hard disk surface and tries to find JPEGs there. JFIF/JPEG, Exif and SPIFF images are supported, however you can switch some off or add new ones fairly easily.

It also has a small serializer (the client) and deserializer (the server), which, when piped correctly through a network, will scrape the images from one computer and save them on another, on the network. This is very useful e.g. when you boot from a live GNU/Linux installation and have nowhere to put the recovered files. This is a very common scenario as you would want to use a tool like this on computer whose hard disk/filesystem is busted, and if you're lazy like me, you'd prefer booting kubuntu from a USB and elegantly transferring the salvaged files over the network to connecting the HDD to another computer, which would generally require physical labor and would involve several minutes of standing up.

This is not a robust tool. This is not a safe tool. It worked for me and I successfully recovered some photos from my HDD back when I originally wrote it, but I can't guarantee it'll work for you and not torment your pet hamster.


You need just GCC and Make. It's braindead simple. Clone this repository (via git clone ...), cd into that directory and just run

$ make

If you need the versions suitable for debugging (jaypack-dbg, etc.) just run

$ make debug


Basic usage

In its simplest form, pipe some data to the jaypack utility with arguments - - and it will apply the default settings and output some data about found JPEGs to stdout:

$ sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 bs=8192 | ./jaypack - -

The first parameter to jaypack is the maximum size of the file jaypack will consider, in bytes (by default 10MB), and the second one is the number of bytes to skip at the beginning (by default 0, i.e. don't skip anything). I strongly recommend using a number such as ~16000, it has worked quite well for me in practice. A minus sign instead of the parameter means 'leave the default'.

The data output will then be a sequence of lines obeying the following format:

<jpgtype> <offset> <size>

Where jpgtype is one of jfif, exif or spiff (hint: you can pipe the output to a grep exif to get only Exif images, for instance), offset is the offset in bytes from the beginning of the stream where Jaypack encountered the JPEG, and size is the size in bytes of the encountered JPEG.

Client and server

You can use these offsets and sizes to extract the real files from the disk however you prefer. Or, you can ask the jaypack client and server to do it for you. jaypack-client will take the output of jaypack from stdin, extract data at those offsets and then output this in an idiotical binary format to stdout. jaypack-server will be able to take that binary format from stdin and then save .jpg files in a folder of your choosing.

A command line could look like this:

$ sudo dd if=<device> skip=<offset> bs=<bs> | 
  ./jaypack - 16384 |
  sudo ./jaypack-client <device> <offset * bs> <extrasize> |
  ./jaypack-server <output-dir>/

Where device is the blockdevice you're using, bs is the blocksize dd will be using, offset is an offset from the start of the device, measured in bs chunks, and offset * bs is the offset in bytes obtained by first grade arithmetics. output-dir is the directory where you want to output the .jpgs; note the trailing slash in the invocation of jaypack-server, it is very important as you are supplying a raw string prefix to filenames.

Over the network

As mentioned earlier, this strange split between reading .jpgs from the disk and writing them as files is so that you can start the client on a computer where a live CD is booted, for instance, and pipe the recovered .jpgs over the network to another computer where you can safely stash them. This can be, especially in the case of laptops, an easier solution than getting to the hard disk itself and connecting it somewhere else.

You can use GNU netcat to do this fairly painlessly:

First, on the server (where you want to store the recovered .jpgs):

$ nc -l -p <port> | ./jaypack-server recovered-jpegs/

Where port is the port you want to use for the connection. Doesn't really matter as long as it's not used. You'll also want to note the LAN IP of the server computer.

On the client (where the data resides):

$ sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 skip=131072 bs=8192 |
  ./jaypack - 16384 |
  sudo ./jaypack-client /dev/sda1 1073741824 64 |
  nc <ip> <port>

Where ip is the LAN IP of the server computer, and port is the port you used earlier. If everything goes right, you'll see your server terminal fill up with status outputs from jaypack-server.

If the connection dies or something ugly happens, there is a very small chance that this will hapen while the server is reading the offset and size bytes, which would make it start freaking out. Don't worry, nothing horrible will happen, you just have to remain calm and keep shooting. Kill the server, fix the connection, and rerun the client with an appropriate offset to skip over the .jpgs you've already processed.

Quick note on security

Don't use this on some data that an adversary may have generated. There may be memory leaks or buffer overflows triggered by various stuff; it's especially stupid to publicly expose a port where jaypack-server is listening. Just do it in your local LAN, without Internet access or something like that. Up above, I also suggest running some of these commands with sudo. This is also stupid and done just so it has read access to a raw blockdevice.

This is a 300 LOC project whose README probably took more time to write than the program itself, so please take care.

How it works

Nothing complicated, really. We scan over the bytes in a blockdevice representing a hard disk (such as /dev/sda) or a partition (such as /dev/sda1) in hope of collecting JPEG file SOI (start-of-image) and EOI (end-of-image) markers, and try to save the data in between. At each point, we check for the characteristical SOI signature: FF D8 FF, followed by a byte determining the type of the image (we search only for JPEG/JFIF, SPIFF and Exif images) and then we keep track of these, as well as EOI signatures (FF D9). The algorithm sucks; it is of linear complexity and uses constant memory but it consumes everything as a stream and acts like a braindead simple state machine; I may fix it in the future to use some clever dynamic programming solutions or even actually parse the JPEG header, but this is not necessary as in most cases the files on the HDD won't be malformed, and even if they are, it will be able to recover fairly successfully.

It has a limit on the maximum size of a file (by default set to 10MB, but configurable) and a number of skip bytes, during which EOI byte sequences won't be honored. This is to be sure we have skipped the header and gotten to image data; because image data is guaranteed not to contain excess EOI sequences, we are safe from cutting the image prematurely due to a bogus EOI. While skipping bytes, if the image is small, it can happen that we entirely skip the full JPEG, maybe even crash into another one. However, if we ever hit a new SOI during this skip zone, we will just end the image abruptly there, output what we've got, and start a new image from there.

The solution is not foolproof at all; in particular, it sacrifices small images in order to catch bigger ones. The assumption is that you'd probably care a lot more about bigger images, such as photos, than smaller ones, such as random thumbnails buried in SQLite databases on the disk and such.


I know it doesn't matter, but I like optimizing, so I tweaked a few parameters to get optimal throughput on my configuration, that's around 65MB/s. I'm not sure how good my benchmarks are; for reference, grepping through the same data to search for the string 'JFIF' takes around the same time. All in all, it's probably fast enough for you.


MIT, see the file LICENSE.


A simple, crude utility to scan a hard disk surface and find/salvage JPEG files off of it







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