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Using the administrator tools page

Emory Shaw edited this page Feb 24, 2024 · 7 revisions

The tools page is found at www.<atlascine url>/tools and can only be accessed by the database administrator or a user who has been assigned an administrator role.

User roles

Atlascine users can have varying degrees of control over content. These are referred to as roles (adapted from Nunaliit roles). Roles can be delegated by the database administrator (setup during atlas configuration). All content on Atlascine is associated to a particular layer, and particular user roles can grant modification rights to particular layers. Note the following:

❗ Individuals who create their own user accounts on your atlas will only have the nunaliit_agreement_<atlas name> role: a user who only has this role does not have the ability to create, upload, annotate, modify or delete any content, whatever the layer.

  • <atlas name>_layer_<username>: Users with this role can create cinemap and place documents, but file uploads will create an email notification to administrators and will require their approval (file uploads are usually necessary for creating media and subtitle documents). Users with this role can only annotate, modify and delete cinemap and place documents that they themselves have created. Note however that administrators can grant any user access to other user layers by simply adding these layers to their roles using the format <atlas name>_layer_<username>.
  • <atlas name>_layer_atlascine: Users with this role can modify content on the atlascine layer, which is reserved as a common layer for all users. Place documents that are created via batch upload are on the atlascine layer by default.
  • <atlas name>_administrator: Users with this role can modify content on any layer, but can also do batch place uploads and add users.
  • database administrator: There can only be one database (top-level) administrator account. Usually named admin by default, the username and password for this administrator is setup during the atlas configuration process. The database administrator can do everything a user with the administrator role can do, but can also modify user roles.

How to add a new user with limited content modification rights

You must be logged in as the top database administrator (account created during atlas configuration) or as a user with administrator rights (<atlas name>_administrator). You can create new users who will be able to create, modify and delete their own place and cinemap documents, but will not be able to upload any files (e.g. media) or modify other users' content (i.e. they will have the <atlas name>_layer_<username> user role).

  • Under the user dropdown menu (top-right of Atlascine), Click Tools.
  • Click the User Management tab.
  • Click ADD USER.
  • Enter their username (in lower case and without spaces) and password.
  • The user will then be able to log in using the username and password you assigned to them. They can choose to change their password once logged in.

How to modify user roles

You must be logged in as the top admin/database administrator (account created during atlas configuration). You can grant users specific user roles in by doing the following:

  • Under the user dropdown menu (top-right of Atlascine), Click Tools.
  • Click the User Management tab.
  • Enter the user you want to edit (or leave the searchbox empty to show all) and click QUERY USERS
  • Click on the desired user
  • Click ROLES (or alternatively, open TREE VIEW and then open roles): Here, you can assign various roles.

Batch importing place documents

Place documents can be imported in bulk but require some preparation.

If you would like to get started by importing the countries of the world [src], begin at step 3 below by copying this code into the Import tool.

  1. Prepare a CSV file in the following format:
id name zoomScale lat lon
1 Montreal 7 45.49 -73.59
2 New York City 11 40.75 -73.98
... ... ... ... ...

(In a text editor, the table would look like below)

2,New York City,12,40.75,-73.98

❗ Make sure to replace any apostrophes with single quotes ('). Place names originally written in styled text editors like Microsoft Word could leave special apostrophes which will be rejected by Atlascine upon upload.

  • To convert the CSV to GeoJSON, import the CSV into (Open > File / Drag & Drop)
  • copy the GeoJSON output (in the </>JSON tab)
  • Paste it in Tools > Import Tool of your atlas (found at ATLAS-URL/tools/import.html).
  • Click the Import Profile dropdown and select Atlascine Place (geojson)
  • Click Verify and then Proceed to create the place documents.

❗ If you get an error popup during import due to an incompatible text character, simply correct the text that caused the error in the input box, then hit Verify once more and then Proceed. Do this as many times as necessary to correct any character issues. A good way to avoid these issues is to make sure your place names are in ASCI encoding, a conversion which can be done in most text editors.

The place documents should now be available in your atlas and can be viewed on a map in the Editor module (found at ATLAS-URL/index.html?module=module.editor).

Note that for any subsequent batch place upload, you will need to continue from the previous maximum id value. For example, if you uploaded 46 places (numbered id 1-46), the next upload would need to start from id 47...