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  1. Musictest-web is a web application that automatically generates music from graphical inputs.
  2. Flask and Melodia are utilized to support Backend development, which enabled the uploading of the audio files and the conversion between graphical inputs and musical notes; they will later be fed into the codes from the original "musictest"-the core algorithm that harmonizes a single line of melody into a complete piece of song.
  3. Frontend development utilizes Vue to centralize all interactions with the canvas upon which users make their "drawings" that will be converted into music and played back as an audio file.


  1. Once implemented, the webpage will show a large canvas labeled by musical notes as its y-axis and current beat as its x axis.
  2. One can imagine the canvas functioning in the same way as popular music-making applications like Garage Band, where one can click on any empty spot to represent the input of a note an reclick to destroy the input.
  3. Musictest-web is nonetheless distinct in two ways from the existing music-making tools:
  4. Users without musical knowledge is the target user body. Users are encouraged to think of the canvas as an actual drawing board, and the input process can be cpompleted by simply swiping across the screen, leaving the rest of the music to be polished via the music theory algorithm.
  5. Meanwhile, the originality of the generated songs are kept as there is a one to one relationship between the input drawing and the ouput audio file; that is, the ouput will always change to reflect the user's drawing on the canvas.

Backend Implementation

  1., the main program that runs the application.
  2. Three distinct API are implemented using Flask: /, /humming, and /mix. All of them can be tested using http://localhost:5000/, http://localhost:5000/humming http://localhost:5000/mix respectively.
    1. The / interface translates the contents under templates/index.html to the browser, which shows the necessary components for all user interactions with the application.
    2. The /humming interface is intended for an alternative input method by translating unpolished audio recordings through humming into the microphone into recognizable pitches. However, the side project was halted due to unstable performance. The idea was to use soundfile to convert wave files into data flows, which will then be converted into frequency values and finally the musical notes that can serve an alternative type of input from the graphical one.
    3. The /mix interface feed the list of coordinates from the user input into the backend programs in the form of "Pitch|current-beat". It also handles the errors that might appear due to the lack of valid inputs by filling in at least one note for every measure (A lack of note is represented through the symbol 'None'). The added notes also reflected onto the canvas via the /mix interface, as well as the upload of musical files.
  3. utilizes Melodia to support the feature of converting audio-files into musical notes(currently terminated).
  4. assembles the core components of the audio output, including adding the instrumentations and converting musical symbols into audio files through Mingus. Threading is applied to allow the simultaneous playback of multiple audio tracks.
  5., the core music theory component, contains the function "determination", which converts a list of symbols representing the melody into a list of numbers representing the chord progression. The musical aspect will not be discussed in detail here, but the implementation is made possible by a scoring system which determines the best combination of chord progression out of all possible ones.
  6. contains the percussion track of the audio output, which, for simplicity purpose, is set to be constant regardless of the user input.
  7. All other python files are either being used for testing purposes during the program or made obsolete through updates.


  1. All necessary components of frontend are compiled and put under the static and templates directory. The latest version is modified based on, where the templates for the source codes can be found.
  2. src/components/MusicalNote/index.vue: the vital component that is responsible for drawing the canvas and detecting mouse movements.
    1. export default {props: defined the shapes including the dots that represent the notes and the curves connecting them.
    2. data() { return: defined the list that contains the coordinates of user inputs, which will later be fed as a parameter into the backend programs.
    3. methods: cotains method including drawCoordinateLine, drawDotList, drawCurve, and the listening of mouse clicks to construct the list of inputs.
  3. src/App.vue lays out index.html by utilizing the above codes and adding a few other gadgets to the interface, including the buttons responsible for deleting the input, switching between modes of input, and mixing and downloading the audio files.
    1. export default { Laying out the aforementioned ccomponents.
    2. methods: { contains the methods that achieve the aforementioned effects, including the transfer of data between backend and frontend.

More Info

Please refer to for more qualitative information about the project.


  1. Required python site-packages:
    1. numpy==1.6.1 (only for python 2.7)
    2. SoundFile
    3. resampy
    4. vamp
    5. MIDIUtil
    6. jams
    7. scipy
    8. pandas
    9. flask



  1. :6musictest-web是一个网页谱曲应用, 技术上采用前后端分离式开发, 合并部署方案.
  2. Backend采用flask和melodia技术, 实现了音频上传, 音符识别,调用musictest的原有代码完成混音.
  3. Frontend采用vue技术, 操作H5的canvas实现曲谱绘制与录音和播放


  1. 准备好musictest, 确保机器联网.
  2. Copy musictest-web工程内的代码到musictest.列表如下
  3. web工程的主程序.
  4. 利用melodia为app.py提供音符识别服务, 利用norepeatmusictheory.py为app.py提供混音服务.
  5. 只多了一行copy finalversion.wav到static目录的代码.
  6. static/** ui代码的放置目录, 目录里面是npm build之后的vue的html和js还有css.
  7. templates/index.html musictest-web唯一的ui页面入口, 引用static/**的代码展示界面.
  8. requirements-web.txt 罗列musictest-web依赖的python模组, 只有numpy明确版本1.6.x, 其余模组安装最新版即可.
  9. MTG-MELODIA* 音符识别关键技术melodia所依赖的vamp需要额外安装的lib文件, 下文会解释用法.
  10. 安装额外的C基础库
  11. 为了音符识别关键技术melodia正确运行, 除了安装一些python模组以外, 还需要安装一些C语言开发的工具.
  12. 首先确保osx已经安装了homebrew
  13. 用brew install命令分别安装fluidsynth, ffmpeg,sonic-visualiser.
  14. MTG-MELODIA 1.0 (OSX universal) 文件解压后, 内容copy到/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Vamp 这一步千万别忘了.
  15. 安装python的site-packages
  16. numpy==1.6.1 这个1.7以后的版本要求python3.5环境, 所以只能选择1.6.x安装.
  17. SoundFile
  18. resampy
  19. vamp
  20. MIDIUtil
  21. jams
  22. scipy
  23. pandas
  24. flask
  25. 尝试运行
  26. 首先用pycharm的代码检查功能, 确保第2步的所有代码编译均通过.
  27. 运行, 不论是用terminal运行./venv/bin/python 还是利用pycharm打开它鼠标右击选择run都可以.
  28. 确认console输出* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
  29. 如果抛出异常, 证明2到4步的步骤有遗漏, 请根据log查找需要安装的site-package或者c库, 补充完整即运行
  30. 使用chrome或者firefox访问localhost:5000, 可以看到ui界面, 然后就可以尝试录音和谱曲了.
  31. ui上一边操作, 一边可以看到pycharm的console输出日志.


  1. 核心代码说明
  2. 它利用flask的decorator语法@app.route('url'), 发布了/ /humming /mix 三个web接口, 他们分别可以使用浏览器http://localhost:5000/, http://localhost:5000/humming http://localhost:5000/mix来测试.
  3. /接口没有逻辑, 它只是把templates/index.html的内容传递给浏览器, index.html里面的vue代码会命令浏览器展示曲谱界面和交互按钮.
  4. /humming接口, 它从浏览器传递回来的audioData参数中获取到音频文件, 并保存在./static/humming.wav(可以试着录音之后播放看看), 然后调用audio_to_midi_melodia.py下的audio_to_midi_notes抽取关键音符列表.
    1. soundfile组件能将波形文件转化成数据流.
    2. vamp.collect采样流中的各个HZ值.
    3. hz2midi Hz值按照h = 12 log2(fm / C0).公式转成音名和音高, 比如440 = A-4
    4. 收集好所有的音符之后, 按照 [节拍, 时长, 音符名-音高]的格式储存在列表里.
    5. 调用然后调用audio_to_midi_melodia的notes_to_ui函数, 把格式转化成 [音符名-音高|ui节拍横坐标],列表转json格式传递回浏览器.
    6. 整体上, humming接口配合ui界面上的"麦克风"按键, 完成了录音->识别音符->展示音符的功能.
  5. /mix接口, 它接受浏览器传递过来的[音符名-音高|ui节拍横坐标]列表,把它转化成norepeatmusictheory.determinelefthand的入参.
    1. 首先,从浏览器的曲谱面板中, 获得notes参数, 这时还是['C-4|16','G-4|32']这样的格式.
    2. 补充节拍,调用fill_ui_beats如果0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32的节拍, 如果为空则补充['None|节拍''].
    3. 格式转化, 调用ui_beats_to_notes把每个音符节拍改成[节拍, 时长, 音符名-音高].
    4. 补充节拍2, 根据时长, 把所有空缺的时间填充上None,避免righthand混音截断.
    5. 利用os.system调用实现准备好的shell, 以shell方式调用norepeatmusictheory.determinelefthand.
    6. os.system("rm -rf ./musicpiece*")清理musicpiece* 临时目录(避免服务器硬盘装满).
    7. 调用notes_to_ui把处理好的[节拍, 时长, 音符名-音高]重新转化成[音符名-音高|ui节拍横坐标],返回给浏览器.
  6. 一些技巧和陷阱
  7. 为什么用shell调用norepeatmusictheory.determinelefthand而不是直接python调用?
    1. 因为python直接调用2次以上, determinelefthand会假死.
    2. 怀疑fluidsynth的底层代码应该有释放资源的功能, 而而determinelefthand没有处理好造成资源锁死没有处理好造成资源锁死.
    3. shell在运行结束后强行释放资源, 所以借用shell快速解决了这个问题.
  8. humming接口和mix接口很"吃网速".
    1. humming会上传接近4m的wav文件, mix则会命令浏览器下载接近6m左右的wav文件.
    2. 如果网速不畅, 浏览器的录音和mix都会执行失败.


  1. 前端代码开发, 部署概述
  2. musictest-web的static和templates目录下是经过编译和压缩的代码, 不推荐直接修改.
  3. 编译和压缩前的源代码, 在提供下载.
  4. musictest-ui是vue技术实现的, 它使用typescript语法, 需要使用npm工具管理代码.
  5. npm可以用homebrew install node来安装, osx默认也有, 但版本比较旧无法完成开发, 推荐升级到12.10版本.
  6. 下载源代码后, 在musictest-ui目录下运行一次npm install(只需刚下载时运行一次), 然后运行npm run build, 会出现dist子目录, 内部是copy到musictest-web的static目录和Templates目录编译后代码.
  7. 核心代码说明
  8. src/components/MusicalNote/index.vue 曲谱绘板, 最重要的ui组件, 绘制纵35,横128的坐标面板, 识别鼠标点击绘制音符.
    1. export default {props: { 部分,定义绘板内的表格, 音符点, 曲线的颜色和宽度.
    2. data() { return { 部分, 定义了dotList, 记录所有音符.
    3. methods: {部分, 堆放js事件处理代码, 根据drawCoordinateLine, 读取dotList绘制面板, 包括drawDotList鼠标点击添加, 鼠标双机删除, drawCurve绘制点之间的贝塞尔曲线.
  9. src/App.vue index.html的布局代码, 调用上述MusicalNote绘制面板, 并在下方提供录音, 混音, 清除, about几个按钮.
    1. export default { 部分主要是布局MusicalNote组件.
    2. methods: { 部分主要是各种js效果, handlerPlay在展示播放进度条,deleteData调用MusicalNote清空面板, startRecord响应麦克风按钮, 完成录音和上传(调用src/js/record.js), mixHas接受混音按钮把dotList发给后台完成混音.




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