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Production Readme

Technologies Used: React-Redux, Action-cables and subscriptions, Websockets

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Live Site: Slick

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Slick is a imitation of the popular messaging webapp, Slack.


After cloning, make sure to run the following commands.

  • bundle install
  • npm install
  • bundle exec rails db:setup


Slick makes use of a Ruby on Rails backend, and a React-Redux frontend. The main feature of chatting is done through action-cables in Rails.

The main features that were implemented were chatting and the creation of channels.


Initially, when first making messages, the only information passed in was the message body. This meant that it was just a chatroom of text. However, in order to imitate Slack, the username and the user's profile picture also needed to be shown. In order to resolve this, the user id was passed in with the message body. This user id was then parsed into user information through the state passed down to props in our chatroom component.

switch (data.type) {
    case "message": {
            messages: this.state.messages.concat(data.message[0]),
            users: this.state.users.concat(data.message[1])
    case "messages": {
        this.setState({messages: data.messages[0], users: data.messages[1]});
 <li key={index} className="message">
    <div className="message-left">
        <img src={this.props.users[this.state.users[index]] ? this.props.users[this.state.users[index]].user_image_url : ""} className="profile-pic"></img>
    <div className="message-right">
        <b className="chat-user">{this.props.users[this.state.users[index]] ? this.props.users[this.state.users[index]].username : ""}</b>    
        <p className="message-body">{message}</p>

Before creating channels, the app functioned as one giant workspace. Message loading was done everytime someone subscribed to the channel. This would render all the previous messages for the channel as soon as someone joined. One issue with this was that a user that was currently on the site would not be able to see a new user's credentials if they signed up while the first user was still signed in.

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This was resolved by checking the current state and fetching the last message's owner-credentials if that user could not be found.

if (!(this.props.users[this.state.users[this.state.users.length - 1]])) {
    if (this.state.users.length > 0) {
        this.props.fetchUser(this.state.users[this.state.users.length - 1])


Upon creating, channels, the backend channel needed to be changed such that each individual user channel would load seperate messages. This was achieved by adding the identifier of the channel id to our channels. Without this check, all messages would still be applied to the same channel.

  def subscribed    
    channel = Channel.find_by(id: params[:id])
    stream_for channel

Initially, creating a channel would not show up in the Sidebar and would need a refresh. In order to cause the sidebar to re-render, the form component was nested under the sidebar and had a function passed down to the child. This function would change the state of the sidebar and cause a re-render upon creation of the channel.

<!--Inside sidebar.jsx-->
<NewChannelContainer hidden={this.state.hidden} hideChannel={this.hideChannel}/>
//Inside new_channel_form.jsx
handleSubmit(e) {
    this.props.createChannel(this.state).then(() => {
        name: "",
        description: ""

Todo List

  • Users who are not logged in will be redirected to sign up page when attempting to access messages
  • Creating a new DM will first check to see if an existing DM with the same users exists, and redirect if it does
  • Add notifications for when a message is sent to a channel you are subscribed to
  • Incorporate AWS and allow users to upload their own profile pictures
  • Editting and deleting messages and channels


Clone of popular web messaging app, Slack






No releases published
