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jQuery plugin

Demonstration jQuery plugin showing how to structure a plugin with public functions for unit testing.

The plugin is a simple dialog plugin that will hide/show predefined dialog HTML using CSS and JavaScript. The plugin may also be destroyed, removing all trace of the plugin from the DOM.

Dialog plugin is only designed as a demonstration not for production.

Getting started

The plugin has been scaffolded using the Yeoman jQuery generator.


The plugin scaffold uses Grunt and Bower, Node is required for the build environment.

With Node installed, on the command line, at the project root, run Node install to get the required Node modules for the Grunt tasks.

$ node install

With Bower installed, on the command line, at the project root, run Bower install to get the jQuery and QUnit Bower components.

$ bower install

With Grunt installed there are three possible grunt tasks for this project accessible through the command line.

$ grunt

The default grunt task will run the unit tests on a local server, and if the tests are passed it will generate the distribution code.

$ grunt serve

Grunt serve will created a local server, the demo can be found at, although a local server is not necessary to run this demo.

$ grunt test

Grunt test will run the unit tests.


This jQuery plugin demonstrates a jQuery plugin pattern with public functions, supporting structured unit testing. The plugin has been scaffolded using the Yeoman jQuery generator.

The plugin has three sections, the dialog class, the class prototypes, and the jQuery constructor.

Dialog class

Definition of the dialog class, with class properties.

var Dialog = function (element, options) {
 this.element = $(element);
 this.options = options;
 this.isShown = null;

Dialog methods

Hide, show, amd destroy methods have been created using prototype. These method are public and can be called through the jQuery constructor.

Dialog.prototype.destroy = function () {

Public methods are testable by unit testing frameworks.

jQuery constructor

The jQuery constructor binds the new dialog class instance as data to the element, and allows us to set the element and option properties.

If the same class instance already exists then we use that instance and test for available methods or options.

$.fn.dialog = function (method) {
  return this.each(function () {
    var data = $(this).data('dialog'),
      options = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.dialog.defaults, $(this).data('dialog'), typeof method === 'object' && method);
    if (!data) {
      $(this).data('dialog', (data = new Dialog(this, options)));
    if (typeof method === 'string' && data[method]) {
    } else if ( {;

Defaults options are available to become properties of the class instance.

$.fn.dialog.defaults = {
  auto: true

Unit tests

Unit tests for the jQuery plugin are created in QUnit, the full API reference can be found at the included handy little reference can be found below:

Test methods:
  module(name, {[setup][ ,teardown]})
  test(name, callback)
Test assertions:
  ok(value, [message])
  equal(actual, expected, [message])
  notEqual(actual, expected, [message])
  deepEqual(actual, expected, [message])
  notDeepEqual(actual, expected, [message])
  strictEqual(actual, expected, [message])
  notStrictEqual(actual, expected, [message])
  throws(block, [expected], [message])

We define a simple dialog module for all the unit tests, further modules could be created if we need to target specific features of the code. Within the module we define a beforeEach callback, before each test we set this.elems to the example id.

module('dialog', {
  beforeEach: function() {
    this.elems = $('#example');

The quint-fixture div contains the HTML we will be using in the tests.

<div id="qunit-fixture">
	<div class="dialog" id="example" role="dialog" tabindex="-1">
		<div class="dialog-container">
    	<div class="dialog-main">
				<h3>Dialog test markup</h3>
				<p>Phasellus gravida <a href="#">hendrerit</a> viverra.</p>
				<button class="hide">Hide dialog</button>

The first test asserts whether or not the plugin is chainable.

test('is chainable', function() {
  strictEqual(this.elems.dialog(), this.elems, 'should be chainable');

With the second test we have several assertions, the first tests whether the object returns a jQuery collection. The second and third test whether the collection contains the element and whether the collection contains the plugin data.

test('should return jquery collection', function () {
  var $dialog = this.elems.dialog();
  ok($dialog instanceof $, 'returns jquery collection');
  strictEqual($dialog[0], this.elems[0], 'collection contains element');
  ok($'dialog'), 'collection contains data');

The following assertions test each of the public methods within the plugin.

We test whether the show method is called, knowing that when the dshow method is called the dialog element should be visible we can test whether the dialog element is visible.

test('should call show method', function () {
  var $dialog = this.elems.dialog();
  ok($dialog.dialog('show'), 'show method called');
  ok($':visible'), 'dialog is visible');	

We test whether the hide method is called, first we use the show method we know is working to make the dialog visible, then we call the hide method. Knowing that when the hide method is called the dialog element should not be visible we can test whether the dialog element is visible.

test('should call hide method', function () {
	var $dialog = this.elems.dialog();
	ok($dialog.dialog('show'), 'show method called');
	ok($dialog.dialog('hide'), 'hide method called');
	ok($':hidden'), 'dialog is hidden');		

We test whether the destroy method is called, knowing that when the destroy method is called all trace of the dialog on the element should be removed we can tests whether the dialog data on the element is undefined.

test('should call destroy method', function () {
  var $dialog = this.elems.dialog();
  ok($dialog.dialog('destroy'), 'destroy method called');
  strictEqual(undefined, $'dialog'), 'data on element destroyed');

Further information on unit testing with QUnit can be found at

Release History

v1.0.0 - Article release.