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Ristretto is a very light-weight git server written in nodejs. After a night of sleep deprivation and over caffination the initial version is released. Current release has two components

  1. Git server that manages requests over ssh
  2. Simple api that currently support authentication and creating new user repo.


I have hosted a version of code over here. Remember that the server is only for test and i don't take any backups on the same.


Most of the parts about installation is pretty straight as you see in a node project.

git clone
cd ristretto
npm install

Now both servers are written in separate files. Git server comes under app.js and the api under api.js. You can run the both using

pm2 start app.js
pm2 start api.js

If you are developing the app, you can use

npm run devDaemon
npm run devApi

Which is configured with nodemon to autoreload the server on file change.

Environment variables

There are some environment variables that you do need to define

privateKey = { Location of your private key file, needed by ssh server}
             { EX : /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa}
GitBase    = { Where exactly do you want to store the repository}
             { EX : /home/user/git}
DbHost     = { mongodb host}
DbName     = { Name of database you want to use}
SaltRound  = { Used for password hashing, just set that to 10 ;) }
Secret     = { This is needed to generate token... Its a secret}
             { In linux you can generate using `xxd -l 20 -p /dev/urandom`}
HttpPort   = { The port where your api should run at}
GitPort    = { The port where your ssh server should run at}


Although you can generate documentation on you own using

npm run genDocs

But again i have uploaded a version of the same over here

User interface

Using api you can always create one, if you do create a very nice one, share the repo link and i will merge that with codebase. I hate writing HTMl so this probably takes the back of my seat.

Docker support

It's in the pipeline once i get the codebase stable.

Why not to use this ?

As i wrote above, most of the codebase is hack and currently lacks some very important features.

Why to use this ?

If you are a programer, which i pretty much believe you are because you are looking at this site, you can fork the code and make PR to further this project.

My condition

I took me around 10 hours to get though this code-base and now i look more like

Random dude with coffee mug

Feel free to make PR ;) happy hacking !!


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