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[GEOS-8245] Add extensible SLD visitor for handling style groups / ex…
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tbarsballe committed Aug 24, 2017
1 parent 7cef864 commit 960f65c
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383 changes: 383 additions & 0 deletions src/main/src/main/java/org/geoserver/catalog/
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package org.geoserver.catalog;

import org.geoserver.catalog.impl.DataStoreInfoImpl;
import org.geoserver.catalog.impl.FeatureTypeInfoImpl;
import org.geoserver.platform.ServiceException;
import org.geotools.factory.Hints;
import org.geotools.feature.SchemaException;
import org.geotools.styling.*;
import org.opengis.feature.Feature;
import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature;
import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType;
import org.opengis.feature.type.FeatureType;
import org.opengis.feature.type.Name;
import org.opengis.filter.Filter;
import org.opengis.util.ProgressListener;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

* Visitor for standalone {@link org.geotools.styling.StyledLayerDescriptor}s
* Visits each {@link StyledLayer}s of an SLD.
* Resolves LayerGroups, Remote OWS references, and inline features into individual layers
* Visits each {@link Style} in each{@link StyledLayer}, alongside each of these resolved layers
* Intended to provide a definitive, extensible approach to parsing standalone
* {@link org.geotools.styling.StyledLayerDescriptor}s, including style groups and external SLDs.
public abstract class SLDVisitor {

protected static Logger LOGGER = org.geotools.util.logging.Logging.getLogger("org.geoserver.catalog");

protected final Catalog catalog;
protected final CoordinateReferenceSystem fallbackCrs;

public SLDVisitor(Catalog catalog, CoordinateReferenceSystem fallbackCrs) {
this.catalog = catalog;
this.fallbackCrs = fallbackCrs;

* Called on each named layer in the style
* Implementations should resolve and return the corresponding PublishedInfo
* @param namedLayer The named layer
* @return The resolved catalog layer
public abstract PublishedInfo visitNamedLayer(StyledLayer namedLayer);

* Called on each remote OWS user layer in the style
* @param userLayer The user layer
* @param layerInfos The layers representing the feature sources in the remote OWS
public abstract void visitUserLayerRemoteOWS(UserLayer userLayer, List<LayerInfo> layerInfos);

* Called on each inline feature user layer in the style
* @param userLayer The user layer
* @param info The layer representing the inline feature
public abstract void visitUserLayerInlineFeature(UserLayer userLayer, LayerInfo info);

* Called on each named style for each styled layer. In cases where the styled layer references multiple layers,
* such as a remote OWS user layer exposing multiple layers, this will be called for once of each of these layers,
* which will be passed in through the info argument.
* Implementations may resolve and return the corresponding Style
* @param layer The styled layer containing this style
* @param namedStyle The named style
* @param info Layer that the style is paired with
* @return The resolved catalog style
public abstract Style visitNamedStyle(StyledLayer layer, NamedStyle namedStyle, LayerInfo info);

* Called on each named style for each styled layer. In cases where the styled layer references multiple layers,
* such as a named layer referencing a layer group, or remote OWS user layer exposing multiple layers, this will
* be called for once of each of these layers, which will be passed in through the info argument.
* Note: currently, in the case of a named layer referencing a layer group, any styles defined in the SLD will be
* ignored, and the layer groups defined styles will be used instead, being handled as user layers.
* @param layer The styled layer containing this style
* @param userStyle The user style
* @param info Layer that the style is paired with
* @throws IOException
public abstract void visitUserStyle(StyledLayer layer, Style userStyle, LayerInfo info) throws IOException;

* Apply the visitor to a SLD
* Visit each layer.
* Construct temporary stores for inline features and remote OWS layers.
* After visiting a layer, visit each style in that layer. In cases where the styled layer references multiple
* layers, such as a named layer referencing a layer group, or remote OWS user layer exposing multiple layers, visit
* each style for each of these sublayers instead.
* @param sld The sld the visitor is applied to
* @throws ServiceException If the SLD document is invalid
public void apply(StyledLayerDescriptor sld) throws IOException {
final StyledLayer[] styledLayers = sld.getStyledLayers();
final int slCount = styledLayers.length;

if (slCount == 0) {
throw new ServiceException("SLD document contains no layers");

String layerName;
Style[] layerStyles = null;

for (StyledLayer sl : styledLayers) {
layerName = sl.getName();
PublishedInfo info = null;

if (null == layerName) {
throw new ServiceException("A UserLayer or NamedLayer without layer name was passed");

if (sl instanceof NamedLayer) {
NamedLayer nl = (NamedLayer) sl;
info = visitNamedLayer(nl);
layerStyles = nl.getStyles();

} else if (sl instanceof UserLayer) {
UserLayer ul = (UserLayer) sl;
if (ul.getRemoteOWS() != null) {
List<LayerInfo> layers = getRemoteLayersFromUserLayer((UserLayer)sl);
visitUserLayerRemoteOWS(ul, layers);

//UserLayer - Remote OWS: Apply each style to each layer
for (LayerInfo layer : layers) {
for (Style s : layerStyles) {
if (s instanceof NamedStyle) {
visitNamedStyle(sl, (NamedStyle) s, layer);
} else {
visitUserStyle(sl, s, layer);
//We've already handled the styles, don't need to do anything more

} else if (ul.getInlineFeatureDatastore() != null) {
try {
info = getInlineFeatureLayer(ul, fallbackCrs);
} catch (SchemaException e) {
throw new ServiceException(e);
visitUserLayerInlineFeature(ul, (LayerInfo) info);
} else {
//TODO: By the SLD spec, we shouldn't be supporting UserLayers as NamedLayers, but we do anyways.
info = visitNamedLayer(ul);
layerStyles = ul.getUserStyles();
// handle no styles -- use default
if ((layerStyles == null) || (layerStyles.length == 0)) {
if (info != null && info instanceof LayerInfo) {
StyleInfo styleInfo = ((LayerInfo) info).getDefaultStyle();
if (styleInfo != null) {
layerStyles = new Style[]{styleInfo.getStyle()};
//NamedLayer - LayerGroup: ignore any defined styles and use the layer group instead
if (info != null && info instanceof LayerGroupInfo) {
LayerGroupInfo lg = (LayerGroupInfo) info;

LayerGroupHelper layerGroupHelper = new LayerGroupHelper(lg);
List<LayerInfo> layers = lg.layers();
List<StyleInfo> styles = lg.styles();

for (int i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++) {
StyleInfo style = styles.get(i);
if (style == null) {
visitUserStyle(sl, layers.get(i).getDefaultStyle().getStyle(), layers.get(i));
} else {
visitUserStyle(sl, styles.get(i).getStyle(), layers.get(i));
//Otherwise, just a single layer; apply each style
} else {
for (Style s : layerStyles) {
if (s instanceof NamedStyle) {
visitNamedStyle(sl, (NamedStyle) s, (LayerInfo) info);
} else {
visitUserStyle(sl, s, (LayerInfo) info);

* Constructs a {@link DataStore} from a remote OWS specified in a {@link UserLayer},
* and wraps each feature matching one of the supplied {@link FeatureTypeConstraint}s in a {@link LayerInfo}
* @param ul
* @return The list of layers wrapping the exposed features
* @throws ServiceException
protected List<LayerInfo> getRemoteLayersFromUserLayer(UserLayer ul) throws ServiceException {
try {
RemoteOWS service = ul.getRemoteOWS();
if (!service.getService().equalsIgnoreCase("WFS"))
throw new ServiceException("GeoServer only supports WFS as remoteOWS service");
if (service.getOnlineResource() == null)
throw new ServiceException("OnlineResource for remote WFS not specified in SLD");
final FeatureTypeConstraint[] featureConstraints = ul.getLayerFeatureConstraints();
if (featureConstraints == null || featureConstraints.length == 0)
throw new ServiceException(
"No FeatureTypeConstraint specified, no layer can be loaded for this UserStyle");

DataStore remoteWFS = null;
List remoteTypeNames = null;
try {
URL url = new URL(service.getOnlineResource());
remoteWFS = connectRemoteWFS(url);
remoteTypeNames = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(remoteWFS.getTypeNames()));

} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new ServiceException("Invalid online resource url: '"
+ service.getOnlineResource() + "'");

List<LayerInfo> layers = new ArrayList<>();
Style[] layerStyles = ul.getUserStyles();

for (int i = 0; i < featureConstraints.length; i++) {
// make sure the layer is there
String name = featureConstraints[i].getFeatureTypeName();
if (Collections.binarySearch(remoteTypeNames, name) < 0) {
throw new ServiceException("Could not find layer feature type '" + name
+ "' on remote WFS '" + service.getOnlineResource());
return layers;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ServiceException("Error accessing remote layers", e, "RemoteAccessFailed");

* Constructs a {@link WFSDataStore} from an OWS URL.
* @param remoteOwsUrl
* @return
* @throws ServiceException
protected static DataStore connectRemoteWFS(URL remoteOwsUrl) throws ServiceException {
try {
WFSDataStoreFactory storeFactory = new WFSDataStoreFactory();
Map params = new HashMap(storeFactory.getImplementationHints());
params.put(WFSDataStoreFactory.URL.key, remoteOwsUrl
+ "&request=GetCapabilities&service=WFS");
params.put(WFSDataStoreFactory.TRY_GZIP.key, Boolean.TRUE);
DataStore dataStore = storeFactory.createDataStore(params);

return dataStore;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ServiceException("Could not connect to remote OWS", e, "RemoteOWSFailure");

* Constructs a {@link MemoryDataStore} from an inline feature specifies in a {@link UserLayer},
* and wraps it in a {@link LayerInfo}
* @param ul
* @param fallbackCrs {@link CoordinateReferenceSystem} to fall back to in case one is not specified in the inline
* feature definition.
* @return The layer
* @throws SchemaException
* @throws IOException
protected LayerInfo getInlineFeatureLayer(UserLayer ul, CoordinateReferenceSystem fallbackCrs) throws SchemaException, IOException {

SimpleFeatureSource featureSource;

//TODO: Move back to WFS
// what if they didn't put an "srsName" on their geometry in their
// inlinefeature?
// I guess we should assume they mean their geometry to exist in the
// output SRS of the
// request they're making.
if (ul.getInlineFeatureType().getCoordinateReferenceSystem() == null) {
LOGGER.warning("No CRS set on inline features default geometry. Assuming the requestor has their inlinefeatures in the boundingbox CRS.");

SimpleFeatureType currFt = ul.getInlineFeatureType();
Query q = new Query(currFt.getTypeName(), Filter.INCLUDE);
FeatureReader<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> ilReader;
DataStore inlineFeatureDatastore = ul.getInlineFeatureDatastore();
ilReader = inlineFeatureDatastore.getFeatureReader(q, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT);
CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = (fallbackCrs == null) ? DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84 : fallbackCrs;
String typeName = inlineFeatureDatastore.getTypeNames()[0];
MemoryDataStore reTypedDS = new MemoryDataStore(new ForceCoordinateSystemFeatureReader(
ilReader, crs));

featureSource = reTypedDS.getFeatureSource(typeName);
} else {
DataStore inlineFeatureDatastore = ul.getInlineFeatureDatastore();
String typeName = inlineFeatureDatastore.getTypeNames()[0];
featureSource = inlineFeatureDatastore.getFeatureSource(typeName);
return getLayerFromFeatureSource(featureSource);

* Wraps a {@link FeatureSource} in a {@link LayerInfo} containing a {@link FeatureTypeInfo}.
* @param featureSource the feature source to be wrapped
* @return The wrapping layer
protected LayerInfo getLayerFromFeatureSource(final FeatureSource featureSource) {
//TODO: Wrap info from GeoTools {@link FeatureSource#getInfo()} for GetFeatureInfo, etc.
FeatureTypeInfoImpl featureTypeInfo = new FeatureTypeInfoImpl(catalog) {
* Override to avoid going down to the catalog and geoserver resource loader etc
public FeatureSource getFeatureSource(ProgressListener listener, Hints hints) {
return featureSource;
public Name getQualifiedName() {
return featureSource.getName();
public String prefixedName() {
return featureSource.getName().getNamespaceURI() + ":" + getName();
public boolean enabled() {
return true;
public DataStoreInfo getStore() {
return new DataStoreInfoImpl() {
public DataAccess<? extends FeatureType, ? extends Feature> getDataStore(
ProgressListener listener) throws IOException {
return featureSource.getDataStore();
LayerInfo layerInfo = catalog.getFactory().createLayer();
if (featureSource.getDataStore() instanceof WFSDataStore) {
} else {

return layerInfo;

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