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File metadata and controls

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How do I install geotrellis?

Sadly, you can't.
GeoTrellis is a developer toolkit/library/framework used to develop applications in scala against geospatial data large and small. So to use it, you need to rely on it in a scala application that you develop. Read through our tutorials to learn about the dependencies required to use GeoTrellis.

How can I convert a Tile's CellType?

Question: Let's say I have a tile with incorrect CellType information or that, for whatever reason, I need to change it. How can I convert a Tile's CellType? Which methods can I use?

Answer: There are two distinct flavors of 'conversion' which GeoTrellis supports for moving between CellTypes: convert and interpretAs. In what follows we will try to limit any confusion about just what differentiates these two methods and describe which should be used under what circumstances.

Elsewhere, we've said that the CellType is just a piece of metadata carried around alongside a Tile which helps GeoTrellis to keep track of how that Tile's array should be interacted with. The distinction between interpretAs and convert relates to how smart GeoTrellis should be while swapping out one CellType for another.

Broadly, convert assumes that your Tile's CellType is accurate and that you'd like the semantics of your Tile to remain invariant under the conversion in question. For example, imagine that we've got categorical data whose cardinality is equal to the cardinality of Byte (254 assuming we reserved a spot for NoData). Let's fiat, too, that the CellType we're using is ByteConstantNoData. What happens if we want to add a 255th category? Unless we abandon NoData (usually not the right move), it would seem we're out of options so long as we use ByteCells. Instead, we should call convert on that tile and tell it that we'd like to transpose all Byte values to Short values. All of the numbers will remain the same with the exception of any Byte.MinValue cells, which will be turned into Short.MinValue in accordance with the new CellType's chosen NoData value. This frees up quite a bit of extra room for categories and allows us to continue working with our data in nearly the same manner as before conversion.

interpretAs is a method that was written to resolve a different problem. If your Tile is associated with an incorrect CellType (as can often happen when reading GeoTIFFs that lack proper, accurate headers), interpretAs provides a means for attaching the correct metadata to your Tile without trusting the pre-interpretation metadata. The "conversion" carried out through interpretAs does not try to do anything intelligent. There can be no guarantee that meaning is preserved through reinterpretation - in fact, the primary use case for interpretAs is to attach the correct metadata to a Tile which is improperly labelled for whatever reason.

An interesting consequence is that you can certainly move between data types (not just policies for handling NoData) by way of interpretAs but that, because the original metadata is not accurate, the default, naive conversion (_.toInt, _.toFloat, etc.) must be depended upon.

/** getRaw is a method that allows us to see the values regardless of
if, semantically, they are properly treated as non-data. We use it here
simply to expose the mechanics of the transformation 'under the hood' */

val myData = Array(42, 2, 3, 4)
val tileBefore = IntArrayTile(myData, 2, 2, IntUserDefinedNoDataValue(42))

/** While the value in (0, 0) is NoData, it is now 1 instead of 42
  *  (which matches our new CellType's expectations)
val converted = tileBefore.convert(IntUserDefinedNoData(1))
assert(converted.getRaw.get(0, 0) != converted.get(0, 0))

/** Here, the first value is still 42. But because the NoData value is
  *  now 1, the first value is no longer treated as NoData
  *  (which matches our new CellType's expectations) */
val interpreted = tileBefore.interpretAs(IntUserDefinedNoData(1))
assert(interpreted.getRaw.get(0, 0) == interpreted.get(0, 0))

TL;DR: If your CellType is just wrong, reinterpret the meaning of your underlying cells with a call to interpretAs. If you trust your CellType and wish for its semantics to be preserved through transformation, use convert.

How do I import GeoTrellis methods?

Question: In some of the GeoTrellis sample code and certainly in example projects, it looks like some GeoTrellis types have more methods than they really do. If I create an IntArrayTile, it doesn't have most of the methods that it should - I can't reproject, resample, or carry out map algebra operations - why is that and how can I fix it?

Answer: Scala is a weird language. It is both object oriented (there's an inheritance tree which binds together the various types of Tile) and functional (harder to define, exactly, but there's plenty of sugar for dealing with functions). The phenomenon of apparently missing methods is an upshot of the fact that many of the behaviors bestowed upon GeoTrellis types come from the more functional structure of typeclasses rather than the stricter, more brittle, and more familiar standard inheritance structure.

Roughly, if OO structures of inheritance define what can be done in virtue of what a thing is, typeclasses allow us to define an object's behavior in virtue of what it can do. Within Scala's type system, this differing expectation can be found between a function which takes a T where T <: Duck (the T that is expected must be a duck or one of its subtypes) and a function which takes T where T: Quacks (the T that is expected must be able to quack, regardless of what it is).

If this sounds a lot like duck-typing, that's because it is. But, whereas method extension through duck-typing in other languages is a somewhat risky affair (runtime errors abound), Scala's type system allows us to be every bit as certain of the behavior in our typeclasses as we would be were the methods defined within the body of some class, itself.

Unlike the rather straightforward means for defining typeclasses which exist in some languages (e.g. Haskell), Scala's typeclasses depend upon implicitly applying pieces of code which happen to be in scope. The details can get confusing and are unnecessary for most work with GeoTrellis. If you're interested in understanding the problem at a deeper level, check out this excellent article.

Because the entire typeclass infrastructure depends upon implicits, all you need to worry about is importing the proper set of classes which define the behavior in question. Let's look to a concrete example. Note the difference in import statements:

This does not compile.

import geotrellis.vector._

val feature = Feature[Point, Int](Point(1, 2), 42)
feature.toGeoJson  // not allowed, method extension not in scope

This does.

import geotrellis.vector._

val feature = Feature[Point, Int](Point(1, 2), 42)
feature.toGeoJson  // returns geojson, as expected

TL;DR: Make sure you're importing the appropriate implicits. They define methods that extend GeoTrellis types.