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Spider UI 🕷 🕸

CircleCI status (master) devDependencies

Build applications with modern interaction patterns in regular ol' HTML. Spider elements enable you to import a single JavaScript file, and use a custom element anywhere. No other JavaScript required.

All elements use upgraded-element as their base class (which is also the only dependency of the library).

Components planned:

  • Tooltip
  • Collapse
  • Tabs
  • Toggle
  • Progress Bar
  • Button Group
  • Breadcrumbs

Other components which could be useful in the future, but aren't explicitly planned for at the moment:

  • Modal
  • Popover
  • Toast / Notification
  • Badge
  • Card
  • Carousel
  • Navigation Bar
  • Pagination



Spider UI's primary goal is to provide a way to get modern UI patterns with regular HTML.

With shadow roots and custom elements on the scene, we can write our elements (or components) as encapsulated standalone plugins a la bootstrap.

In addition to the above, Spider UI's foremost goals also include:

  • Accessible by default
  • Configuration through attributes, aka the HTML standard
  • Everything is stylable with slots
  • Zero JavaScript required (except the bundles and any secondary dependencies)


Contributors, pull requests, and issues welcome. Don't be a stranger. :)


Clone and install dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd spider-ui
$ npm run bootstrap

Since the repo is managed using Lerna, you should also install that globally:

$ npm i -g lerna

Global Scripts

Build all packages for development:

$ npm run build

Build all packages for publishing (minify + terser):

$ npm run build:publish

Run all tests:

$ npm test

Lint sass and javascript using eslint and stylelint.

$ npm run lint

Package Scripts

All packages that build and/or test code use the same set of (up to) five scripts.

Run the package in watch mode:

$ npm run watch

Build the package for development:

$ npm run build

Build the package for publishing (also runs on prepublishOnly, this step updates integrity hashes in each element/* package):

$ npm run build:publish

Run the package's tests:

$ npm test

Run tests in watch mode:

$ npm run test:watch


It's recommended to use Spider UI web elements in a modern browser stack. Out of the box, IE 11 is not supported, although there could be a polyfill bundle in the future.

Features that would need to be polyfilled:

  • Symbols
  • Custom Elements
  • Shadow DOM

There's a robust polyfill available for web components. You can use core-js to polyfill Symbols and other generic JavaScript features.


Bare minimum interface elements for building web UIs. 🕷 🕸







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