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Table of Contents

  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Catalog Microservice
  4. Customer Microservice
  5. Order Microservice
  6. Healthcheck Service


About The Project

This is a simple proof of concept (POC) to introduce and verify some challenges redarging Microservices Architecture.

Macro Architecture Diagram

The main concept within this project is to implement an enviroment with some microservices in a context of an inventory system, however for this first release there are only 3 microservices, Catalog Microservice, Customer Microservice and Order Microservice, each one with its own database instance and the inter-communication between them happens only through asyncronous events.


Built With

This section should list any major frameworks/libraries used to bootstrap the project.

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Project Folder Structure

└── docker-compose.yml
└── MSPOC.Catalog.Service
|   └── MSPOC.Catalog.Service.sln
|   └── src
|   |   └── MSPOC.Catalog.Service.csproj (WebAPI net5.0)
|   |   └── Dockerfile
|   |   └── .dockerignore
|   |   └── nuget.config
|   └── test
|       └── MSPOC.Catalog.Service.UnitTest.csproj (xUnit)
└── MSPOC.CrossCutting
|   └── MSPOC.CrossCutting.Service.csproj (ClassLib net5.0)
└── MSPOC.Customer.Service
|   └── MSPOC.Customer.Service.sln
|   └── src
|   |   └── MSPOC.Customer.Service.csproj (WebAPI net5.0)
|   |   └── Dockerfile
|   |   └── .dockerignore
|   |   └── nuget.config
|   └── test
|       └── MSPOC.Customer.Service.UnitTest.csproj (xUnit)
└── MSPOC.Events
|   └── MSPOC.Events.Service.csproj (ClassLib net5.0)
└── MSPOC.Order.Service
|   └── MSPOC.Order.Service.sln
|   └── src
|   |   └── MSPOC.Order.Service.csproj (WebAPI net5.0)
|   |   └── Dockerfile
|   |   └── .dockerignore
|   |   └── nuget.config
|   └── test
|       └── MSPOC.Order.Service.UnitTest.csproj (xUnit)        

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Getting Started

We are using in this project a docker compose file in order to simplify the steps related with build and deploy all the microservices, as well as, the setup and exwcution of all the infrastructure resources such as the databases and rabbitmq.

All the docker images are available in DockerHub, including the 3 microservices images are available into my public personal repository.

  docker pull ggodoi1986/mspoc.catalog.service  
  docker pull ggodoi1986/mspoc.customer.service
  docker pull ggodoi1986/mspoc.order.service

To begin, after cloning the repository, in the base path there is a docker-compose.yml file, just execute the following docker command.

  docker compose up -d --remove-orphans

After executing we are gonna see that all the containers have been started, created and they are now available to be accessed.

docker compose up

docker ps

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Catalog Microservice

Service responsible for the catalog items context, including all the catalog items management, such as enrollment, update and deletion.

When running locally, this microservice's API is available at the following address http://localhost:5000.

Catalog Microservice

Catalog Events

This microservice uses the MassTransit lib in order to implement the pub/sub pattern for the releated events, accordingly the official documentation available in the following links :

Syntax Type Description
CatalogItemCreated Published When a new catalog item is created
CatalogItemUpdated Published When a catalog item is updated
CatalogItemDeleted Published When a catalog item is deleted
CatalogItemLowQuantity Published When a catalog item quantity reachs out the quantity of 10 units
OrderCreated Consumed When a new order is created, the catalog item quantity is subtracted
OrderUpdated Consumed When an order is update, the catalog item quantity is updated
OrderRemoved Consumed When an order is delete, the catalog item quantity is incremented

Catalog Events Diagram

Accordingly the RabbitMQ official documentation, a message is never sent directly to a queue, it is sent to an exchange instead, which is a routing object, thus there is the Primary Exchange.

In order to implement the pub/sub pattern MassTransit creates the Secondary Exchange, which is bind to a destination queue, and there are individual queues for each published event and subscribed consumer.

Catalog Events Diagram

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Customer Microservice

Service responsible for the customer context, including all the customers management, such as enrollment, update and deletion.

When running locally, this microservice's API is available at the following address http://localhost:5001.

Customer Microservice

Customer Events

This microservice uses the MassTransit lib in order to implement the pub/sub pattern for the releated events, accordingly the official documentation available in the following links :

Syntax Type Description
CustomerCreated Published When a new customer is created
CustomerUpdated Published When a customer is updated
CustomerDeleted Published When a customer is deleted
OrderCreated Consumed When a new order is created, the customer order history is created
OrderUpdated Consumed When an order is update, the customer order history is updated
OrderDeleted Consumed When an order is delete, the customer order history is deleted

Customer Events Diagram

Accordingly the RabbitMQ official documentation, a message is never sent directly to a queue, it is sent to an exchange instead, which is a routing object, thus there is the Primary Exchange.

In order to implement the pub/sub pattern MassTransit creates the Secondary Exchange, which is bind to a destination queue, and there are individual queues for each published event and subscribed consumer.

Customer Events Diagram

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Order Microservice

Service responsible for the order context, including all the orders management, such as enrollment, update and deletion.

When running locally, this microservice's API is available at the following address http://localhost:5002.

Order Microservice

Order Events

This microservice uses the MassTransit lib in order to implement the pub/sub pattern for the releated events, accordingly the official documentation available in the following links :

Syntax Type Description
OrderCreated Published When a new order is created
OrderUpdated Published When an order is updated
OrderDeleted Published When an order is deleted
CatalogItemCreated Consumed When a new catalog item is created, the local catalog registry is created
CatalogItemUpdated Consumed When a catalog item is updated, the local catalog registry is updated
CatalogItemDeleted Consumed When a catalog item is deleted, the local catalog registry is deleted
CustomerCreated Consumed When a new customer is created, the local customer registry is created
CustomerUpdated Consumed When a customer is updated, the local customer registry is updated
CustomerDeleted Consumed When a customer is deleted, the local customer registry is deleted

(*) Within this microservice we are using a database for catalog and customer, but the difference from the original ones, is that within the order context these entities are simplified, only storaging the minimal data consumed by order microservice.

Order Events Diagram

Accordingly the RabbitMQ official documentation, a message is never sent directly to a queue, it is sent to an exchange instead, which is a routing object, thus there is the Primary Exchange.

In order to implement the pub/sub pattern MassTransit creates the Secondary Exchange, which is bind to a destination queue, and there are individual queues for each published event and subscribed consumer.

Order Events Diagram

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Healthcheck Service

To monitor the microservices health, it is been used the Xabaril/HealthChecks lin. It provides tools to monitor the microservice as well as its dependencies, such as the database and the message broker, so we are monitoring the health of mongo and rabbitmq.

It also provides a friendly dashboard where is presented all the monitoring information in real-time, as featured in the image below. When running locally, this dashboard is available at the following address http://localhost:8080/healthchecks-ui.

Healthcheck Service

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