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In-memory MapReduce framework.

First and foremost: this is a personal project. It may be used according to the terms of the license, but it is not intended to be production-grade software or supported in any way outside of my own personal interests. An outdated package exists on the Python Package Index, however I am no longer interested in supporting this package.

tinymr seeks to be:

  1. Easy to use with minimal overhead.
  2. Fast.
  3. Tunable.
  4. Occasionally actually useful.

MapReduce is a programming model for accomplishing distributed computing tasks on very large datasets by essentially reading data in a distributed manner, and then determining out which pieces of the dataset must be sent to the same compute node for processing. The process looks like this:

  1. Read data.
  2. Apply a mapper function to each element of data. This function can produce zero, one, or many new data elements. Each is assigned a key. Each key may or may not be unique.
  3. All data elements are grouped together into partitions based on key.
  4. Data for each key is sorted.
  5. All data for each key is passed to a single reducer function to produce a final value for that key.
  6. Write data.

An iconic and unavoidable example for demonstrating how MapReduce works is counting words. A frequency distribution of the words in this paragraph, this entire document, an entire book, or all books ever written is useful. The license file for this repository (LICENSE.txt) is accessible and appropriate to test against.

Unfortunately, it is simpler if unicode is ignored and all text is assumed to be ASCII. In reality, counting words in some languages is very difficult, but the goal is only to demonstrate how MapReduce works, so this seems acceptable.

Another major problem is that text contains punctuation. The easiest way to handle this is to replace all punctuation with a single space.

A simple implementation might be:

>>> from collections import Counter
>>> counter = Counter()
>>> with open('LICENSE.txt', encoding='ascii') as f:
...     for line in f:
...         for word in line.split():
...             word = word.lower()
...             counter[word] += 1
>>> counter.most_common(3)
[('the', 13), ('of', 12), ('or', 11)]

This is a perfectly appropriate and concise implementation that will work on even a moderately sized text file, but this isn't as modularized and tunable as MapReduce would like.

MapReduce was inspired by the map() and reduce() functions available in most programming languages. The Pythonic Implementation rewritten to employ map() and reduce():

>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> from functools import reduce
>>> import itertools as it
>>> import operator as op
>>> partitioned = defaultdict(list)
>>> output = {}
>>> with open('LICENSE.txt', encoding='ascii') as f:
...     # Each element is all words in a single line.
...     words_by_line = map(op.methodcaller('split'), f)
...     # Flatten into a sequence of individual words.
...     words = it.chain.from_iterable(words_by_line)
...     # Mapping between words and a '1' for each instance of that word.
...     for word in words:
...         partitioned[word].append(1)
...     # Reduce one value per instance to a frequency count per word.
...     for word, instances in partitioned.items():
...         output[word] = reduce(op.add, instances)
>>> Counter(output).most_common(3)
[('OR', 8), ('OF', 8), ('the', 7)]

Using map() and reduce() directly leads to some awkward code, but introducing mapper() and reducer() functions cleans things up a bit:

>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> def mapper(line):
...     for word in line.split():
...         yield word, 1
>>> def reducer(word, occurrences):
...     return word, sum(occurrences)
>>> partitioned = defaultdict(list)
>>> output = {}
>>> with open('LICENSE.txt') as f:
...     for line in f:
...         for word, count in mapper(line):
...             partitioned[word].append(count)
>>> for word, frequency in partitioned.items():
...     output[word] = sum(frequency)
>>> Counter(output).most_common(3)
[('OR', 8), ('OF', 8), ('the', 7)]

tinymr offers a MapReduce() class that can be subclassed to implement a MapReduce task. The same example using mapper() and reducer() can be rewritten as:

>>> from tinymr import MapReduce
>>> class WordCount(MapReduce):
...     def mapper(self, line):
...         for word in line.split():
...             yield word, 1
...     def reducer(self, word, instances):
...         return word, sum(instances)
...     def output(self, mapping):
...         return Counter(mapping)
>>> wordcount = WordCount()
>>> with open('LICENSE.txt') as f:
...     counts = wordcount(f)
>>> counts.most_common(3)
[('OR', 8), ('OF', 8), ('the', 7)]

tinymr.MapReduce() hides all of the MapReduce stuff and only requires that subclasses implement a few methods:

  • mapper() - Receives one item from an input data stream and emits keys and values associated with that item. Use yield to emit many (key, value) tuples and return for a single pair. In this case, the input item is a line of text, and each (key, value) pair is a single word and a value of 1 indicating a single occurrence of that word.
  • reducer() - Receives one key from the mapper() and all of the associated values. One word and a 1 for each instance of that word. A new (key, value) pair is emitted by reducer() – or many if the implementation uses yield. In this case key is a single word and value is the total number of instances of that word.
  • output() - tinymr.MapReduce() provides a default implementation, but the example above overrides. This method is a mapping between

Note that tinymr.MapReduce() does not implement an __init__() method, meaning that subclasses are given complete control over instantiation. This is also a helpful place to store information that is needed in various method calls.

Getting more out of tinymr.MapReduce()!

Subclasses of tinymr.MapReduce() can implement the methods necessary to turn the class into a context manager. This can be useful if your task needs to load data during instantiation and cleared during teardown.

Sometimes it is helpful to lean on MapReduce's execution model while abusing how data is aggregated by key.

For example, the mapper() implemented in the Word Count with tinymr example operates on a single line of text. It treats each word as a key, and assigns a value of 1 to each word. Each line of text could contain multiple instances of a single word, and treating each instance independently increases the memory requirement to complete the MapReduce task. This problem is worse if mapper() operated on the contents of a single page of a book, or even an entire book!

One solution would be to implement a mapper() like:

>>> def mapper(self, line):
...     counts = {}
...     for word in line.split():
...         if word not in counts:
...             counts[word] = 1
...         else:
...             counts[word] += 1

but another solution would be to leverage Python's collections.Counter(). Two instances of a Counter() can be added together:

>>> c1 = Counter(key=1)
>>> c2 = Counter(key=3)
>>> c1 + c2
Counter({'key': 4})

One option is to do this:

>>> def mapper(self, line):
...     counts = Counter(line.split())
...     return counts.items()

but another option is:

>>> def mapper(self, line):
...     return None, Counter(line.split())

Using None as a key means that all of the Counter() instances are routed to a single reducer() call. This makes more sense in the context of a full tinymr.MapReduce() task:

>>> from collections import Counter
>>> from functools import reduce
>>> import operator as op
>>> from tinymr import MapReduce
>>> class WordCount(MapReduce):
...     def mapper(self, line):
...         return None, Counter(line.split())
...     def reducer(self, key, values):
...         return None, reduce(op.add, values)
...     def output(self, mapping):
...         return mapping[None]
>>> wordcount = WordCount()
>>> with open('LICENSE.txt') as f:
...     counts = wordcount(f)
>>> counts.most_common(3)
[('OR', 8), ('OF', 8), ('the', 7)]

Note that in MapReduce.output() the input mapping is a dictionary containing all keys, but in this case it contains a single None key with a single Counter(). Returning this Counter() instance does make this implementation of output() behave similarly to the parent method, but output() can in fact do anything. It does not need to produce an object that looks like a dictionary.

The output of mapper() and reducer() can both optionally be sorted. Both emit one or many tuples matching either (key, value) or (key, sort, value). The former is not sorted and the latter is sorted based on the sort key. However, the former can be sorted by setting MapReduce.sort_map_with_value, which causes the value key to be considered when sorting. When the tuple also includes a sort element both the sort and value elements are considered when sorting. Descending sorting can be enabled with MapReduce.sort_map_reverse.

The table below demonstrates the interplay between different tuples and properties. The same logic applies for the reducer variants.

Keys sort_map_with_value Sort Key
(key, value) True value
(key, value) False Sorting disabled
(key, sort, value) True (sort, value)
(key, sort, value) False sort

MapReduce is designed for distributed compute environments, so it is only natural that tinymr.MapReduce() also offer some mechanisms for parallel execution. Typically a MapReduce application is deployed onto a compute cluster and has lots of settings for configuring aspects of the process like the number of nodes supporting each phase. Properly configuring a task is important because it can impact how much data is moved between nodes, but tinymr operates in-memory and thus has a different set of considerations. Supporting parallel execution inside of tinymr would also limit execution to whichever distributed compute frameworks are directly implemented, or require some kind of plugin architecture. Neither are much fun for what is supposed to be a light, fast, and fun project.

tinymr takes a different approach. Callers may pass a function with a signature and behavior similar to Python's builtin map() function that may run however and wherever it wants. The example below uses two different thread pools for the map and reduce phases to perform a (inefficient) word count across multiple files. Ideally this example would demonstrate using processes as well, but this project uses doctest to ensure documentation is correct, and it does not play nicely with with objects that must be pickled. The pattern is the same.

>>> from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
>>> from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
>>> import os
>>> from tinymr import MapReduce
>>> class WordCount(MapReduce):
...     def mapper(self, path):
...         with open(path) as f:
...             for line in f:
...                 for word in line.split():
...                     yield word, 1
...     def reducer(self, key, values):
...         return key, sum(values)
...     def output(self, mapping):
...         return Counter(mapping)
>>> infiles = ['LICENSE.txt'] * os.cpu_count()
>>> threadpool1 = ThreadPool(os.cpu_count())
>>> threadpool2 = ThreadPoolExecutor(os.cpu_count())
>>> wordcount = WordCount()
>>> with threadpool1 as threadpool1, threadpool2 as threadpool2:
...     count = wordcount(
...         infiles,
...     )
>>> count.most_common(3)
[('OR', 64), ('OF', 64), ('the', 56)]

In this case each reducer() is receiving a single word, so exeecuting each reducer() in a separate process/thread is very inefficient. Instead it may be better to leverage how partitioning works by emitting a limited number of keys in mapper(). This example produces keys in a manner that ensures reduce() is called 4 times, can be replaced with the number of CPUS and pairs well with passing multiprocessing.Pool() to reducer_map. Its output is a mapping between the four keys and the number of values passed to each reducer() call.

>>> from collections import OrderedDict
>>> import itertools as it
>>> from tinymr import MapReduce
>>> class KeyCount(MapReduce):
...     def mapper(self, line):
...         cycle = it.cycle(range(4))
...         for key, word in zip(cycle, line.split()):
...             yield key, word
...     def reducer(self, key, values):
...         return key, len(set(values))
>>> keycount = KeyCount()
>>> with open('LICENSE.txt') as f:
...     count = keycount(f)
>>> for key in sorted(count):  # Stability for doctest
...     print(key, count[key])
0 52
1 48
2 49
3 38